Best 202 quotes in «couples quotes» category

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    Primul lucru pe care îl înveți într-o relație este să mergi alături de celălalt fără să-l încetinești și fără să-i grăbești ritmul mai mult decât se poate. Nu este ușor; fiecare om [...] poate micșora propriul ritm sau și-l poate accelera tocmai pentru a realiza acel unison. Ajustarea aceasta nu dăunează cu nimic ritmului propriu, doar ne arată cât de mult putem să ne schimbăm. Apoi, când mersul alături de celălalt a devenit perfect, e timpul dansului. Dansul înseamnă armonie, echilibru, ritm, încredere, înțelegere. De aici totul devine mai complicat. Trebuie să armonizezi ritmul lumii cu ritmul tău, ritmul lui, ritmul vostru. [...] Cei mai mulți vor urma ritmuri deja cunoscute, mai lente sau mai alerte, vor exista însă oameni care vor crea, vor da naștere la ritmuri noi, ritmuri neîncercate până atunci. [...] Dacă ai învățat și dansul, cu siguranță te întrebi ce mai urmează. Iubirea voastră a ajuns la un asemenea nivel încât ați putea să vă desfaceți aripile și să încercați zborul - zbor împreună, fiecare cu o singură aripă. [...] Se spune că zborul nu ar fi ceva conștient, nu poți să-l înveți, nu ai manual de instrucțiuni. [...] Pur și simplu se întâmplă, nu este legat de voință. Şi spuneai că dansul este greu?

    • couples quotes
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    Sad smo samo dva srca izmedju mnogih drugih srca.

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    Salimos, cenamos, nos reímos un rato y al dejarla en su casa me dijo «Creo que me gustás mucho. Es algo de ese misterio que tenés, o algo de lo extraño y raro que sos, lo que me tiene constantemente pensando en vos». No sabía qué decir, nunca supe cómo reaccionar a las emociones de otras personas. Me reí y le di una palmadita en la cabeza. Hasta ahora me pregunto qué fue lo que pensé para hacer eso; no era mi mascota, no era un perro ni nada por el estilo pero no se me ocurría otra forma de demostrarle una especie de afecto.

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    Sex doesn't satisfy for a lifetime, the more you have it, the more you want it. And the more you have it, the more you die out.

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    She leaned over him to pull the waistband of his flannel pants down. His erection popped out, startling her. "Oh!" She fell across his thighs. "Oh my. Good heavens." He groaned and dragged his hands down his face. "Ye needna stare at it in horror. It willna harm you." "Its . . . really big." He snorted. "It comes in peace.

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    She liked his unique smell, and it turned on all five of her senses, wanting to see him naked, touch him while naked, hear him as he moaned while he made love, taste his skin, and feel his naked body as she seduced him with the trailing of hungry fingers.

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    She was tired these days because she was having job trouble too; her trouble meant she did not know how she could be useful in her life. Dad's job trouble was he had too much to do with his life. Sometimes I just wanted them to even it out but I couldn't think of how.

    • couples quotes
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    Somethin’ about the lad draws her to ‘im, just like somethin’ about her draws ‘im to ‘er. You understand?” “No, not at all.” Ryder exhaled. “You say the word ‘him’ and ‘her’ so messed up, do you know that? The letter H is just completely disregarded.

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    So, if there are any couples here this evening having a secret extramarital affair, I encourage you to breed.

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    Some men will take you to the movies. Some will take you to the mountaintop.

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    since we’d both been through so many of the same things, she and I, and we were an awful lot alike—too much. And because we’d both been hurt so badly, so early on, in violent and irremediable ways that most people didn’t, and couldn’t, understand, wasn’t it a bit… precarious? A matter of self-preservation? Two rickety and death-driven persons who would need to lean on each other quite so much? not to say she wasn’t doing well at the moment, because she was, but all that could change in a flash with either of us, couldn’t it? the reversal, the sharp downward slide, and wasn’t that the danger? since our flaws and weaknesses were so much the same, and one of us could bring the other down way too quick?

    • couples quotes
  • By Anonym even if spring continues to disappoint we can say at least the lettuce loved the rain.

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    Some couples are married because they fell in love. Some are married because the woman fell pregnant.

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    Sometimes I find myself arguing with her hips because her walk is so mean.

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    Sometimes home is not a place, it is someone's heart.

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    Take me to your darkest corners and watch your demons surrender to mine..

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    Sometimes there would be couples, arm in arm—laughing, happy, amorous. Victims of an enormous fraud, and at the same time its perpetrators, or so I felt.

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    Sweetheart, this is not a race to the finish line. It’s you and me, spending time together and getting to know each other better. Just that simple.

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    The best couples share the load, divide the grief, and add to the peace, thereby multiplying joy.

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    That woman," Grimm said quietly, "drives me quite insane." Kettle grunted. "Why'd you marry her, then?

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    The actuality that the heart does not want to feel, doesn't negate the certitude that it once felt and will still feel.

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    The late-afternoon light was thick and orange and she passed four different couples taking photos of themselves on the same cobblestoned block, all their loves endlessly recorded and reviewed, ever and ever, a little archive of two.

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    The conversation, as usual, switched back to sex. “It’s difficult with you sometimes though, babe,” Dominic said to Bronagh. “I’m constantly torn between wanting to fucking destroy you, but I also want to bring you flowers and chocolates and treat you like a princess.” Bro, TMI! Bronagh didn’t bat an eyelid. “Why not do both?” Sis, TMI! “That right there,” Dominic snapped his fingers, “that’s why I love you

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    The first step towards love is to listen to your love.

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    The happiest, healthiest, and longest lasting relationships happen when each partner is secure and whole within themselves.

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    The one thing you should never do to a woman, whether you make love to her or fuck her, is apologise straight after.

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    The structure of straight coupledom still represents an appropriation of the physical and psychic energy of women to benefit men. And insofar as gay people re-create the straight couple, this structure of violence, domination, and emotional paucity is what they are re-creating. Whatever Beyoncé says about not making a big deal out of the little things, marriage is no more the logical full extension of sexual desire than prison is the utmost expression of sheltering from a rainstorm

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    There was the odd suburban thunderbolt, but they were mostly those people who'd found each other; they were golden and bright-lit and funny. Often they seemed in cahoots somehow, like jailbirds who wouldn't leave; they loved us, they liked us, and that was a pretty good trick.

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    The relationship was perfect, but I hated everything about the person I became.

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    There’s a thing they’ve figured out about love. Scientifically. They’ve done studies to find out what keeps couples together. Do you know what it is? It isn’t getting along. Isn’t having money, or children, or a similar outlook on life. It’s just checking in with each other. Doing little kindnesses for each other. At breakfast, you pass the jam. Or, on a trip to New York City, you hold hands for a second in a smelly subway elevator. You ask “How was your day?” and pretend to care. Stuff like that really works.

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    There's something I have to say," I said seriously, looking her in the eye. She smiled. "Oookay." She was mocking me-mocking my tone-but I didn't care. "Okay. Here it is. I love you," I said. "And I never, ever wanted to hurt you. It's like, the number one thing I never want to do, but somehow, I keep doing it. And I'm sorry, I just...that's all I wanted to say all this time. All I was trying to do...with that thing with your dad, not telling you...was not to hurt you. And I'm sorry that I did. Alley stared at me. "And I'm sorry that I did it again. With the Chloe thing. Which was stupid. Like, really, really, stupid. And I-" "Can you just stop, for a second?" Ally said, holding up a hand. "What?" I said. "Can you say the first part again?" she asked, rolling her fingers around for a rewind. I racked my brain. "Um...I love you?" I said. "That's the part, Cuz I love you, too.

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    There will always be that one person we dream of, even if we do not sleep.

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    The sun tried to shine through the clouds but its light was dimmed even in us; high noon approached. I looked outside through the tinted windows at the people promenading down Madison. Couples held hands, bankers squeezed through crowds of window shoppers late for their daily thieving but all of them, even the poor, seemed content with existence, some even seemed happy. Nearly everyone’s outer shell was delicate and gracious that at the end of it all, on the border of nonexistence, each and everyone was happy to be alive. Everyone carried their heads with a radiance past the space they occupied and glided through time like flamenco dancers in a studio as big as the planet. Everyone wore masks that hid their sorrow (either that or they were sincerely happy) or wore armor that lightened the burden on their shoulders. Worst of all, I could not detect ever a flicker of thought; brains mired behind viral images and videos of people making even greater fools of themselves than they already were. And as the greatest fool of them all, I walked among them, never having learned to don the mask of happiness.

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    The world population is nearing seven billion. John Travolta and Farrah Fawcett didn’t procreate and produce all seven thousand million of us. Audrey Hepburn and Burt Lancaster didn’t personally populate the world. Almost every child that was ever born is the byproduct of two everyday people who found each other attractive enough to go jump in the sack together. Almost every child that was ever born came about because two everyday people thought the other was attractive enough to warrant a second glance. If you want proof that attraction belongs to the individual, go sit on a bench at the mall and look at all the different couples walking by. You will believe that there literally is someone for everyone.

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    They both closed their eyes and fell asleep in each other’s arms. For one night, it was as if their lives were normal and for a few hours they could forget about the rest of the world.

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    time made me stronger, you're no longer on my mind

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    This got him to the door. There, ridiculously, he turned. It was only at the door, he decided in retrospect, that her conduct was quite in excusable: not only did she stand unncessarily close, but, by shifting the weight of her body to one leg and leaning her head sidewise, she lowered her height several inches, placing him in a dominating position exactly suited to the broad, passive shadows she must have known were on her face." (“Snowing in Greenwich Village")

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    This is what we had become, after the first symbiotic year of our living together: a couple who needed another couple to be around.

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    Thought I couldn't live without you It's gonna hurt when it heals too Even though I really love you I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to Quickly I'm learning to love again All I know is I'mma be ok

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    This is going to hurt, but you will have to watch other couples be happier, richer and louder than you. Wait. No obstacle can withstand patience. Wait. You may not think so now, but there will come a time when you will be tempted to run away. Would that be right? Would that be fair? As every matriarch discovers, entire seasons will pass without reward. As your mate's peculiarities add up, what do you do? Wait! pg 45

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    To lovers out there.... Pregnancy is the main reason why most couples are married today. Yet every day they ask themselves why they are not happily married, forgetting love was not the main reason for their marriage.

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    To me, the simplest gift that a husband or a wife can do for their partner is to remind them of their precious visions, goals and dreams. What a gift that is to have a voice of reason right in your corner when you sometimes need a little nudge to get back on track. To have a team player to cheer you on and to support your efforts is indeed a massive present from the universe. Whomever has such a gift should surely treasure and protect it for all its worth. It's worth is invaluable to the world.

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    Treat your heart like a turnstile. Open it to only those who got valid tickets.

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    Trick.” I say a little louder. “Shhh, sleep baby.” He mumbles. I laugh and smack his arm. “Wake up. I can feel your morning wood.” This gets his attention and he sits up, taking me with him. The arms wrapped around my middle graze my breasts as he shifts up and a tingle shoots straight between my legs. “God, Caroline, I’m so...” He stops, probably realizing that he doesn't have morning wood, “I don't have...” He’s actually pretty cute all sleepy. He laughs. “I know but I couldn't figure out how else to get your attention.” I shrug.

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    Traveling is the best thing any couple can do. That’s how we had the idea of the honeymoon. Newly wed couples going to a new place on their own so that all they could have is each other.

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    Underground, mí corazón spoke to everyone danced with me/alone/

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    Turbulence during a relationship does not mean its core, foundation and essence changes. Couples will run into obstacles. The challenge may knock the wind out of them, but it does not have to cripple their resolve. Both people must trust that on the other side of crisis still exist the qualities you appreciate.

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    We dance. Sweet, downcast, through-the-lashes-glances bely every beating she got at thirteen, every lash of the tongue from her dad at fourteen, every heroin high that let her out for awhile, every hour and day she had to be tough. She is so natural and soft. Her shoulders are down, hips loose and swinging as we close together. I swear I'm growing chest hair just looking at her. I've been a boy in public before, but I've never seen her like this. That's it exactly; I haven't seen her at all, except in glimpses, in half-confessional role-play sex. And here she is - pressed tight against my chest, hips grinding against my crotch to the bass bump of the music. Her thigh along mine is electric heaven. Two drag queens cannot decide whether we are breeders or in drag. I stroke my mascara-made mustache at them - but none of it matters with hands in suede and the way she smiles.

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    Wait," I said as Noah slipped a book from a shelf and headed toward the door. "Where are you going?" "To read?" But I don't want you to. "But I need to go home," I said, my eyes meeting his. "My parents are going to kill me." "Taken care of. You're at Sophie's house." I loved Sophie. "So I'm...staying here?" "Daniel's covering for you." I loved Daniel. "Where's Katie?" I asked, trying to sound casual. "Eliza's house." I loved Eliza. "And your parents?" I asked. "Some charity thing." I loved charity. "So why are you going to read when I'm right here?

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    Watching them was like watching the sunset and the sunrise, equally beautiful in different ways.