Best 13 quotes in «close minded quotes» category

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    Today's zealots are mostly those pretending to be anti-religious.

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    I understand that it's good tactics to categorize me as a close-minded, unobjective extremist, but nobody that respects me has those views.

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    I’ve met guys all the time that I’m like, Damn, that’s a good-looking guy, you know?

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    Most good police officers are very open-minded. The bad ones are the ones who are close-minded.

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    Being bigheaded can be as irritating and as dangerous as being small-minded.

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    To me, anything that is a church is really just far too close minded.

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    The farther the experiment is from theory, the closer it is to the Nobel Prize.

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    Being open-minded dramatically reduces one’s chances of getting a permanent tattoo.

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    Christian missions to India imply that India is a land of heathens, and, therefore, stands on the same level with the Andaman or the Fiji Islands. That a country which has been recognised in all ages the world over as the mother of all religions and the cradle of civilisation should be considered as pagan, shows how much ignorance prevails in Christendom. Since the Parliament of Religions, I have been studying Christian institutions, and I have also studied the way in which the Christian ministers and the missionaries are manufactured in this country, and have learned to pity them. We must not blame them too severely, because their education is too narrow to make them broad-minded. I grant that they are good-hearted, that they are good husbands and often fathers of large families, but generally they are very ignorant, especially of the history of civilisation and of the philosophy of religion of India. Most of them do not even know the history of ancient India. We know that in this age of competition, centralisation, and monopoly, very many people are forced out of business. The English say, 'The fool of the family goes into the Church'; so that when a youth is unable to make a living, he takes to missionary work, goes to India, and helps to introduce among the Hindus the doctrines of his church, which have long since been exploded by science.

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    Social conditioning, accompanied by moral and mental constraints, now serve to render the mediocre mind nearly incapable of unbiased assessment.

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    I believe people often understand far more about their opponents' ideas than they appear to, and know that what appear to be a few easy steps along a pleasant road of mild revision can end in a political and moral journey of thousands of miles. This is why they never take the first step, and why they fend off articulate criticism with anger, ostracism and abuse rather than with reason. This is why I abandoned the idea of writing a book entitled 'How to Change your Mind". It became clear to me that most people hate the very idea of changing their minds, while claiming to be open-minded. In the same way, most people hate freedom of speech, except for those who completely agree with them. But they pretend otherwise.

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    The ego is what drives a self-serving individual who hates to admit they are wrong.

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    The walls we build around us to keep the noise out only reverberate the same ideas, notions and beliefs we enforce, leaving no room for debate. When we opt out of an argument we are choosing to ignore opposing views thereby failing to understand the other.