Best 29 quotes in «elephant quotes» category

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    An elephant is almost a unicorn!

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    An elephant does not need to pick a fight to let the whole jungle know of its strength.

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    An elephant fell off a cliff, a copper cliff, which practically broke my heart. Elephants and gravity, not a great mix. But you know what? The other elephants immediately stopped and went down and found what was left of it and stood around it in a ring. I couldn't see what they did, but when they were done - it took a day - the one that fell was all back together and up and running again. They resurrected him, I've never seen anything like it. Elephants, they know some shit. I don't know why we rule them, they should rule us.

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    An elephant will never go chasing after a fly.

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    Cat would be god for elephant, if it ate mouse in front. (Chat serait dieu de l'éléphant, - S'il mangeait la souris devant.)

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    Divide your elephant into small pieces

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    His ego was as big as an elephant

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    I couldn't have been more shocked if he pulled a pink elephant out of his ass!

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    How is an elephant like a schizophrenic?” “I – what?” “An elephant never forgets.” He said nothing. “That’s an AI joke,” she said after a while.

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    It is the ant, not the lion, which the elephant fears.

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    My circus train pulls through the night Full of lions and trapeze artists I'm done with elephants and clowns I want to run away and join the office

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    I saw him for the first time in Rangoon In the zoo. In a colorful, grilled iron cage. A lonely white elephant in an iron cage. His eyes were black, as were his nails, But he himself snow-white. He looked at you in such a way As if to speak. One can rarely find a white elephant, One can rarely find an elephant in captivity. He left the forest a year ago, And can't stand his heartache in the cage. And very often He raises his trunk and roars, Shedding crocodile tears, And calling on his free brothers To help him. They say that elephants live long lives. White elephant, white elephant! Do you need a long life Imprisoned in a cage for a hundred years? White elephant, white elephant!

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    One thing that man HAS learned from history, is how to kill (animals) more efficiently.

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    Regarding the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project atop Mauna Kea, the elephant in the room is High Altitude Observatory Disease (HAOD).

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    Stick that bumbershoot in elephant's foot brolly stand behind the big door. Mind your manners at High tea.

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    That's odd. It looks almost as if Nick is picking a fight with that elephant." "Well, the elephant started it." "That's irrelevant. Fighting with civilians is against the rules. Go break it up." -Admiral Breya Andreyasn & Sergeant Schlock

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    The moment I see her, there’s a rumbling in my chest, and my mouth is as dry as a desert.

    • elephant quotes
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    The pink elephant barged into the room and trumpeted so loud she thought the ceiling might collapse. Memories erupted from its trunk. She snatched them up helplessly, holding them up to the light, studying their colors and pixels of pain.

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    There is a legend that elephant dispose of their dead in secret burial grounds and that none of these has ever been discovered. In support of this, there is only the fact that the body of an elephant, unless he had been trapped or shot in his tracks, has rarely been found. What happens to the old and diseased? Not only natives, but many white settlers, have supported for years the legend (if it is a legend) that elephant will carry their wounded and their sick hundreds of miles, if necessary, to keep them out of the hands of their enemies. And it is said that elephant never forget" (206).

    • elephant quotes
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    The very desire to preserve animals was a subjective sentiment of fail in the animal's intrinsic worth. It was a feeling possessed by most of the scientists there, who regarded the wildebeeste migration with the same awe that others feel for the Mona Lisa, but they would not admit this sentiment into their arguments because it could not be backed up by facts; the right and worng of aesthetics being imponderables not open to scientific analysis. At the end of the meeting there was a consensus of opinion on only one fact, that there was an urgent need for research before taking any hasty action.

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    Thy impudence has a monstrous beauty, like the hindquarters of an elephant.

    • elephant quotes
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    To me, the word wisdom means ancient knowledge. It’s the kind of knowledge you not only see but feel when you look into the eyes of an elephant or stop for a moment to marvel at the deep wrinkles on its skin, both of which I believe contain the truths learned from each intentional step their feet and those of their ancestors have placed upon the earth.

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    We must protect them (animals) and this land. If the animals die, this land dies. If this land dies, we die.

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    Megan looked at me and blushed. A blush looked really good on her. Of course, so would soup, mud, or elephant earwax. Megan on a bad day outshined anyone else I’d ever known.

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    When surrounded by lambs, choose to be a lion. When surrounded by lions, choose to be an elephant. When surrounded by elephants, choose to be an owl.

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    When the bullseye becomes as big as an elephant in your mind, you won’t be able to miss it.

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    Wonderful is the wit and subtiltie that dumb creatures have & how they shift for themselves and annoy their enemies: which is the only difficultie that they have to arise and grow to so great an height and excessive bignesse. The dragon therefore espying the Elephant when he goeth to releese, assaileth him from an high tree and launceth himselfe upon him; but the Elephant knowing well enough well enough he is not able to withstand his windings and knittings about him, seeketh to come close to some trees or hard rockes, and so forth to crush and squise the dragon between him and them: the dragons ware hereof, entangle and snarle his feet and legges first with their taile: the Elephants on the other side, undoe those knots with their trunke as with a hand: but to prevent that againe, the dragons put in their heads into their snout, and so stop their breath, and withall, fret and gnaw the tenderest parts that they find there. (Translated by Philomel Holland, 1601. "The Book of Naturalists: An Anthology of the Best Natural History", 1944. p. 20)

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    You need to think about the month, you need to plan the day, you need to take your elephant and divide into pieces and eat a slice a day