Best 22 quotes in «parallel universe quotes» category

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    What if, instead of a parallel universe, there's a perpendicular universe? Discuss.

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    Maybe it's due to my west coast liberal upbringing, but, the idea of parallel universes doesn't strike me as being too far out there.

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    In that case, I had another question: what would former commoners be doing living next door to the head of the clan? And why would they be given the coat of arms in the first place?

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    Emotions - Happiness, anger, jealousy... is the mind experiencing "presence" in our holographic existence.

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    I had thought that my being would collapse when I gifted my soul', said Neville. 'Why is it then that I still breathe, and feel, and move?' 'Because,' said Mary, 'when you gift something wholly and completely and unhesitatingly it returns to you doublefold.

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    Imagination is the parallel universe of a writer. If he is not responding to you in this world, he is probably responding to someone in the imaginary world.

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    If natural selection can create creationists it can manage a caterpillar with a face on its arse.

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    If you don't realize a deja vu, you have to realize you're creating a deja vu

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    I sank back, deeper into the parallel universe I had found.

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    Is there another copy of you reading this post, deciding to put it aside without finishing this sentence while you're reading on? Think about 10^10^29 meters away from here!

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    I was bitter. He was sweet. And in a parallel universe, we were bittersweet.

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    Life could be horrible in the wrong trouser of time.

    • parallel universe quotes
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    One of the few things that August didn't know about her was that sometimes when she looked at her collection of pictures she tried to imagine and place herself in that other, shadow life. You walk into a room and flip a switch and the room fills with light. You leave your garbage in bags on the curb, and a truck comes and transports it to some invisible place. When you're in danger, you call for the police. Hot water pours from faucets. Lift a receiver or press a button on a telephone, and you can speak to anyone. All of the information in the world is on the Internet, and the Internet is all around you, drifting through the air like pollen on a summer breeze. There is money, slips of paper that can be traded for anything: houses, boats, perfect teeth. There are dentists. She tried to imagine this life playing out somewhere at the present moment. Some parallel Kirsten in an air-conditioned room, waking from an unsettling dream of walking through an empty landscape.

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    On the Larch Scape humans had never managed to extend a sizeable population across entire continents, so much of the megafauna considered to be a distant Pleistocene memory on other Scapes had lingered. The mammoths, giant sloths and woolly rhinoceroses were extinct, but there were hyenas, fanged cats and amphicyonids hunting bison, omnivorous deer, glyptodons, great boars, and wild horses too large for men to ride south of the Laurentian Sea, in what was called Illinois on Malone’s Scape. The island of Manhattan was not an island due to the lower sea level, and it was uninhabited by men, an impenetrable mass of old growth larch trees ruled by creatures thought to be related to the raccoon. The Larch ‘raccoon’ was frequently said to be too intelligent to domesticate; in groups they would destroy shelters and eat the faces of sleeping humans. The atrox cat had been genetically sequenced in cooperation with Austral scientists years ago and determined to be more closely related to the lion than the cougar, and it had enjoyed a range extending north of the Laurentian Sea up to the glaciers until very recently. It was a dark creature with a thick mane in both genders; besides the elements, their prides were the deadliest things to encounter in the far north.

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    In a parallel universe you and I are for each other forever!

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    Somewhere in a parallel world, you'd want me as much as I want you here and I'll care not about your existence. For now, I breathe you.

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    Now, though, there was a second part, an artifact of his recent illness, as if his melancholy had, in a universe adjacent to this one, claimed his life. As if he was his own ghost, standing slightly behind himself, observing.

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    Things aren't like this," he kept repeating. "It shouldn't be this way." As if he had access to some other plane of existence, some parallel, "right" universe, and had sensed that our time had somehow been put out of joint. Such was his vehemence that I found myself believing him, believing, for example, in the possibility of that other life in which Vina had never left and we were making our lives together, all three of us, ascending together to the stars. Then he shook his head, and the spell broke. He opened his eyes, grinning ruefully. As if he knew his thoughts had infected mine. As if he knew his power. "Better get on with it," he said. "Make do with what there is.

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    Who better to confess to than a dying woman?

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    There are many, many, many worlds branching out at each moment you become aware of your environment and then make a choice.

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    This must be what a parallel universe is like', I thoght. Everything looked the same, but I suddenly felt like it wasn't. Like everything had been taken apart, brick by brick, flower bed by flower bed, and put back together in the wrong order. Just like me.

    • parallel universe quotes
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    we are in fact living with a parallel virtual universe that can take all of the time that we have

    • parallel universe quotes