Best 127 quotes in «steampunk quotes» category

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    And now we both blushed, because things like changing one’s garments should not be discussed among a Queen and one of her subjects.

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    Steampunk is nothing more than what happens when Goths discover brown.

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    Steampunk is what happens when goths discover brown

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    All right boys, let’s sail away! Show those bastards how airship pirates fly a ship!

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    And who exactly are you supposed to be, the Queen of England?

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    And what do you know of monsters?!" "There are none, save the evil monsters that masquerade as men or women.

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    A collection of chairs seems to show someone that is used to resting while others get the work done. I have no use for finely crafted furniture.

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    A priest, who came from a land far away and wed priestess Seshat, used powerful magic for Pharaoh Tutimaeus. With his invention of a horseless chariot and magic men who blew steam, the Egyptians defeated the Hyksos warriors.” He felt his mouth quirk and a deep chuckle rolled from his belly. “Well, an Egyptian priest is a quite a step up from assistant to the conservator of the Louvre.” - As Timeless As Stone

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    Aquí no nos dejamos regir por el honor, ni por reyes corruptos o dioses falsos. Aquí solo hay cobre, humo, engranajes, y mentes innovadoras que saben cómo hacerlo funcionar todo

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    Are you sure you haven’t changed your mind?” Theo called as she reached the door. “This all would be a lot easier if you’d just hand me the parts, and I could get down to business. You know we’re not heading out for a picnic at the gardens. Don’t want to get those lilywhite hands dirty.

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    As if the president gives a crap about demons and what they go through just because her father’s got horns?” Morganith returned. “She never opens her coward mouth about the quiet oppression the demons -- your people -- face every single day --!” “Our people,” Hari calmly corrected. “No,” said Morganith at once. “Halflings have never been anyone’s people.

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    As they walked, it seemed almost every building had some similar contrivance as decoration, adorning the street in a cacophony of clangs, bangs and whirs. The street’s surroundings danced with steam and smoke, the scent of oil and grease its perfume.

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    A steampunk nation Baby pollution rises up then the loving comes arraigning 'cause Our art's official and only partially artificial And our heart's in the middle of sharp hardened shards of metal but There's not where it settles Because it's beating to the steaming of God's hottest pot or kettle And now we face it, this creation we made to To save our craving for a synthetic rebelnation it's Our safeway they make into a pathetic revelation In our steampunk nation Our steampunk nation

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    Be happy. Be free. You have a universe inside you.

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    Darkness is your cloak. Fear is your ally. Wickedness is your manna.

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    Darling, you know how I like the sight of a stiff one.

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    Death is as light as a feather, duty heavier than a spire.

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    Ci scrutammo in silenzio per un lungo minuto, abituandoci di nuovo alla presenza dell’altro, all’essere ancora entrambi vivi, in salvo, al sicuro nella civilizzata Londra. La pioggia che batteva sui vetri e il cla-clam-cla-clam dei pistoni della Pneumopolitana divennero solo un rumore bianco in sottofondo.

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    Cursed the crown that brought such grief to me

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    Everything was a broken line for me in those days. I was slipped into the empty spaces between words.

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    Did Jonathan not realize that sometimes a girl didn’t want to be honorable? That sometimes young women had the same desires and needs as young men?

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    Do not stare directly into his eyes!” she warned, in an accent I couldn’t place. “Why not?” I said, but she was already too late. I was staring directly into his eyes too. “Because they are dreamy, and endless, and magical. And then when you learn what a terrible boy he is, your heart will turn into a black husk of doom.” I blinked off the spell of the boy’s eyes. “Wait, what?” —Nimet Simit and Willa Snap, conversing on the power of Ravenlock Sward's eyes.

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    D’un tratto gli androidi prodotti dalla Hoffman & Sons parevano più umani degli umani stessi, si mescolavano nel grigio di Londra, tra le carrozze a scoppio e il vapore denso, lasciando in mostra protesi meccaniche come le persone esibivano tratti animali. E non era finita lì, molta gente stava ancora mutando, spariva dalla circolazione per qualche tempo e poi saltava fuori con un aspetto sorprendente. Cominciai a chiedermi quando sarebbe venuto il mio turno, quale aspetto avrei preso e quanto avrebbe condizionato le nostre vite.

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    Distruggere qualcosa è il modo migliore d'imparare.

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    Dust is not a constant. There’s not a fixed quantity that has always been the same. Conscious beings make Dust—they renew it all the time, by thinking and feeling and reflecting, by gaining wisdom and passing it on. And if you help everyone else in your worlds to do that, by helping them to learn and understand about themselves and each other and the way everything works, and by showing them how to be kind instead of cruel, and patient instead of hasty, and cheerful instead of surly, and above all how to keep their minds open and free and curious…Then they will renew enough to replace what is lost through one window. So there could be one left open.

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    Families that remain perfectly intact are so rare, I've found. Loss touches us all in one way or another.

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    Follow those rats! They may lead us back to Muggins!

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    Freedom is a state of mind.

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    Geoff’s arm emanated with a solid warmth I longed for after our days aboard S.S. British-Craphole.

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    Hail a cab, please, Floote. I am going out." "Are you certain that is wise, Miss? " "To be wise, one might never leave one's room at all

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    hand. I was charged with organizing the messages: descriptions of the creatures, descriptions of their space vessels, descriptions of their conveyances, of their weapons, of their movements. Positions of our soldiers, of our allies’ soldiers. Troop movements. New arrivals of space vessels. Reports of casualties. Dear God, the casualties. And their descriptions. Charred piles of ash; bloodless carcases; crumpled, broken bodies; crushed jelly; roasted, dead meat. All…in these hands.

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    «Hai presente come ci chiamano… invertiti. Come se indossassimo la giacca con la fodera all’esterno, o come se tutti gli altri nuotassero da una parte e noi fossimo sulla riva sbagliata del fiume. Per tutta la vita mi sono sentito a quel modo: sottosopra. Così pensai che per una volta avrei potuto lasciarmi trascinare dalla corrente» concluse, poi tacque per lungo tempo.

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    He believes one should read a lot wider than deportment manuals if one plans to get an exceptional education. Don't you agree"" The Kraken weighed the magazine in her hand. "No," she said. "I don't. Besides, this sort of bunkum is not approved of by the academy. It has no educational value." "It teaches piracy and air combat.

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    He could sit in the dust and dark of the carriage house and rot for the rest of his life. Clearly that's what he wished to do. It was not my place to get in the way of so profound a destiny.

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    He had an image in his mind of a gaggle of long-necked geese, all done up in petticoats and crinolines, sitting around a stuffy parlor and talking about him.

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    Here lies the body of Colonel Cornell’s. The rest of the fellow, I fancy, in hell is.

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    Here with her, he wasn’t the son of Kylock Sr., he wasn’t an arrogant prat and he most definitely wasn’t a gentleman.

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    History is always older. —Black Fez axiom

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    Ho amato nella mia vita solo una volta, ho amato Rose da quando ho incontrato il suo sguardo battagliero e triste, e sapevo che non sarei stato il principe delle fiabe, eppure ho varcato il limite imposto dalle regole della nostra dimensione. Sono diventato io il suo cavaliere, un cavaliere povero, ma che avrebbe sacrificato se stesso come il Re aveva già fatto…

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    If she could just get Papa to put Jack Door's book on lock-picking on the syllabus, she felt sure her new education would soon be complete.

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    I do the same with my books...Nothing like a good argument in the margins with someone who's already said all they have to say on the subject.

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    I love both her and them. I have come to understand that she is what they are. A woman accepts a man, expecting that he will change. A man takes a woman, expecting that she will never change. They are both disappointed. Yet within this very disappointment is the primal source of all new men and all new women

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    If you’re going to write punk fiction, you have to be brave enough to look through the lens of a different era’s telescope.

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    I like stories about supervillains. They teach children that you can accomplish great things even when the whole world is against you.

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    I had rescued myself entirely.

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    I have to believe it’s right to be a warm voice, a companion if I can be, as soon as ever I find a friend.

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    Il Destino però è un essere capriccioso e beffardo, e un anno dopo avvenne quella che sui libri di storia venne in seguito riportata come la Grande Mutazione. A oggi gli scienziati non sono in grado di spiegarla, si pensa sia dovuta a una sostanza sconosciuta, presente nell’acqua o nell’atmosfera terrestre; ancora non è stato possibile chiarire gli estremi di tale avvenimento. Di fatto – come il lettore ha già ben presente – in tutto il mondo alcune persone, all’apparenza geneticamente predisposte, cominciarono a mutare. Solo pochi fortunati, una persona su cinque, si salvarono. Io fui tra questi, Holmes no.

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    I lifted a brow. “You’re not going to try to blow up our ship, are you?

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    Imagine if you will, creatures as unlike us as it is possible to be; creatures whose technology dwarfed ours as we dwarf the ants. Creatures whose sole purpose was to wipe out all existing life on Earth and replace it with their own. Beings who did not know the meaning of mercy, who were uninterested in dialogue, with whom one could not even plead. That is what we were up against, Henry.

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    I'm always homesick for the journey,” I had once written in ink speckled script, adding almost as an afterthought, “ matter what it may hold.