Best 7 quotes in «seven deadly sins quotes» category

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    Listen my hatchling, for now you shall hear Of the only seven slayers a dragon must fear. First beware Pride, lest belief in one’s might Has you discount the foeman who is braving your sight. Never Envy other dragons their wealth, power, or home For dark plots and plans will bring death to your own. Your Wrath shouldn’t win, when spears strike your scale Anger kills cunning, which you will need to prevail. A dragon must rest, but Sloth you should dread Else long years of napping let assassins to your bed. ‘Greed is good,’ or so foolish dragons will say Until piles of treasure bring killing thieves where they lay. Hungry is your body, and at times you must feed But Gluttony makes fat dragons, who can’t fly at their need. A hot Lust for glory, gems, gold, or mates Leads reckless young drakes to the blackest of fates. So take heed of this wisdom, precious hatchling of mine, And the long years of dragonhood are sure to be thine.

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    I’m sorry if...I get too personal, if I make you uncomfortable, but writing is like one of the seven deadly sins, like Sharing on Mr. Rogers, and once you get the bug you’re trapped in The Neighborhood of Make-Believe forever.

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    The mind is left bereft when it is nothing more than a tool of regurgitation.

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    His transcendent sense of worth had risen and caught up to him. He did not like the world he lived in, and the people in it. He was just as much a victim as he was a culprit of the seven deadly sins.

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    Mammon ni mungu wa pesa wa kuzimu anayesimamia mambo yote ya kifedha ulimwenguni. Ni miongoni mwa mashetani saba waliotupwa na Mwenyezi Mungu hapa duniani kutokea mbinguni akiwemo Ibilisi, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Amon na Belphegor. Ibilisi ni mungu wa kiburi, Beelzebub ni mungu wa uroho, Asmodeus ni mungu wa zinaa, Leviathan ni mungu wa wivu, Amon ni mungu wa hasira na Belphegor ni mungu wa uvivu. Jukumu la mashetani hawa ni kusimamia kwa uaminifu mkubwa kutokea kuzimu dhambi kubwa saba duniani ambazo ni kiburi, uroho, zinaa, wivu, hasira, uvivu na uchoyo. Dawa ya dhambi hizo ni busara, kiasi, ujasiri, imani, haki, tumaini na upendo.

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    Some men are terrified by the dark nature of the Moon, but not the Devil. The Devil is afraid of nothing he can fuck. And there’s very little the Devil won’t stick his dick in. He’ll bugger the Priest, orgy with Art, and rape the shit out of Justice. The whole of the Universe is the only hole he won’t try to fill.

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    Seven deadly sins, seven ways to win, seven holy paths to hell, and your trip begins Seven downward slopes seven bloodied hopes seven are your burning fires, seven your desires...