Best 40 quotes in «humble yourself quotes» category
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Humility is a virtue that one can find, in which God in heaven rejoices ,and in His love he enfolds you, close to his heart He does bind.
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Don’t become so impatient that you end up moving before your time & miss open doors & new opportunities. Let God direct your steps.
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God is my provider I brag different.
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Humble yourself, and you will find that Love is spreading a carpet of flowers beneath your feet.
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Don't think you are irreplaceable, or the world will end when you are gone
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Humility is the courage to be honest with yourself and those around you.
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Humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you high. People who are gentle, humble and able always have a great ending no matter how small and where obscured they have started!
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I'd rather teach you how to make BREAD than give you a SLICE from my BREAD.
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It's amazing how the greater you become in your spirituality, faith and walk in your purpose, the more others display their "lesser" selves. They try so hard to dim your shine, but ultimately burn themselves out.
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if you think you know all that somebody knows, you shall least know all that somebody knows. If you think you least know all that somebody knows, you shall really know all that somebody knows.
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One's vanity makes one vain.
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I want to be the reason you look at your phone when you wake up in the morning and smile
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Live life with great humility.
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Live a humble and gentle life.
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People who enroll themselves in the schools of pride, eventually graduate with and high degree of fall. Failure employs “prides” scholars. Get rusticated now!
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Pain is inevitable, yet suffering is optional. It is our heart connections that make all the difference. When we experience mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual pain – love is the one medicine that transcends any synthetic or organic drug we use to suppress pain.
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The certificate that promotes a divine idea is humility. Period. Get yourself upgraded with the good news of humility every day! Sometimes, it's hard to prove your humility in the face of people, but never forget that it is the only option for your divine promotion!
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Respond to critics with humility. Most people are experts in finding problems with whatever others do. That should not be a surprise to you.
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Stars shine so they can see the world, not so the world can see them.
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Surely we must be able to discern our own lack of righteousness to take upon the sure righteousness of Christ.
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Self importance is pride of a soul.
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Stay humble and keep profitable.
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The greatness in life is not about ruling over people but caring for people.
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The hard truth is, the life thing moments happen. They are the details, the surprises, the every now and again “dang it” moments that are necessary for you to be able to appreciate good times and accomplish greater things.
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When you flaunt your success, you're setting yourself up for ridicule. Things can always go wrong. Your career stalls, fancy cars get repossessed, you lose your home. Unfortunate events magnified by your shameless boasting. Nothing in life is foolproof. The only thing bragging will accomplish is prove you're the fool.
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To be humble is to be teachable. Meek, not weak. The most humble people are the most aggressive leaders. Aggressive because to be truly taught, is to sincerely do. To lead. To start. To achieve. Willingly and urgently doing the work to make change.
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Walk humbly with the Creator on earth.
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The moment you think you know something inside out, is the moment you stop listening. That's when you go backwards faster than you progressed
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When it's personal and painful, humble yourself.
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You've to close down your umbrella when you are under a canopy. Drop your pride; give praise to God!
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You may reach the tree top,and seem to touch the sky , but know that the tree your resting on, is grounded and rooted in the soil ,deep in the earth.
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A watchful eye must never judge what it does not understand
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Are you able to remain humble and kind when things do not go the way you want or expect? Be kind when you are in pain; be kind even when your life seems to be falling apart around you. Be humble not only when you succeed but also when you fail. Kindness in word and action, and humble in thought and belief. It is important to not only say and do the ‘right’ thing, it is important to also think and believe it - which is being genuine in nature of peace embodiment.
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A humble woman gets her strength from God and gives Him all the glory when something good happens
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Am I going to be known by the car I travel in or by the path I pave and walk on?
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Be completely humble, gentle, patient and bearing with one another in love.
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Be humble: have the courage to speak the truth.
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Be humble and set the balls of your dreams rolling till God himself decides what next! As for "pride", allow it to go as a lone ranger!
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Before someone will get the guts to monitor your life, he must get the keyboard of humility. To be a humble person, is a priority in leadership!
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Be humble, be gentle, be kind.