Best 37 quotes in «yoga inspiration quotes» category

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    Acharya Balkrishna on Yog "Who will not be delighted to behold the exotic scenery and flora of the barren lands of Himalayas. Similar is the power of Yog which beautifies the deserted life and fructifies hope in the shattered hearts. By taking refuge in Yog, the fallow mind will blossom into flowers indeed.

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    Authenticity is not possible without embracing the “and” within us. Our minds like to categorize things into neatly labeled boxes. Am I right, or is she right? Let’s stretch our minds to I can be right and so can she. Embracing the “and” is like yoga for the brain. When we train ourselves to hold paradoxes by stretching ourselves out of the boxes our minds create, we stretch into new possibilities and adapt more quickly in a fast-changing world.

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    Be Generous with your Kindness, Compassion & Forgiveness.

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    Be present and aware of the privilege of living.

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    Be Grateful- Your Life is a Miracle.

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    Coffee, my delight of the morning; yoga, my delight of the noon. Then before nightfall, I run along the pleasant paths of the Jardin du Luxembourg. For when air cycles through the lungs, and the body is busy at noble tasks, creativity flows like water in a stream: the artist creates, the writer writes.

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    If we become aware that someone is sending thoughts of ill will in our direction, we do not argue with the apparent reality of malice. To do so would give it more substance. We remove the personal sense of ourself and the other person.

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    Define the perimeter of your life. Set it beyond the realm of possibility. Then from there begin to paint in between the lines. Use many colors and get into every possible nook and cranny. Don't erase a single thing.

    • yoga inspiration quotes
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    I see a real yogi as a someone who is committed to growth and to being the best version of themselves, and, at the same time, is courageous enough to be fully present and authentic in each moment. Someone who is not afraid to get real about the whole mess of who they are - the good, the bad, and the ugly

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    It could be said that we become so much a stranger that we disappear and find ourselves reborn in the midst of humanity which is quite a paradox.

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    Peace is the foundation of yoga. Karma yoga is the effort for bringing peace and happiness in the world.

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    Meditation is experiencing the life not just from the surface but from the source.

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    Paths are many, Truth is ONE!

  • By Anonym's most important to accept that your yoga poses may not look like everyone else's. That's okay. Just adapt the poses to your current state of being.

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    Of course we want to perform the poses with a focus on intelligent mechanics of body movement ... and push ourselves to the point of discomfort in order to create new results. But, at the same time, we want to be detached from insatiably perfecting that form and instead seek and create a depth of experience.

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    Spirituality is not a religion or a trend—it is a lifestyle. It is a lifestyle of awareness that combines the understanding of faith, body, mind, and soul, allowing us to live modern-day enlightened lives in small and big ways.

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    Samadhi, which translates to 'neutral vision.' Sama means 'even' or 'neutral', and dhi means 'vision' or 'seeing.' Neutral vision means to see without judging. No appreciating nor condemning; simply looking.

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    Sanskrit is a beautiful contextual language. It is called “Dev Bhasha” the language of the soul. Here, meanings of the words must come from the heart, from direct experience – dictionary meanings or static meanings have not much value. Meanings of the words vary depending on mind-set, time, location and culture. The words are made to expand the possibilities of the mind.

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    The heart of a yogi should always bear good-will and thoughts that benefit others.

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    The hardest part of any yoga practice is rolling out your mat.

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    The path is paved with consistent, conscious mental and spiritual alertness and the gradual growth of goodness in our heart and clarity in our mind. We are awake. If we keep trying to understand, we will understand. If we keep telling ourselves that we are loved by Life and if we keep looking for evidence of that love, we will find it.

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    The less I'm in a hurry, the quicker the results seem to happen. With patience, the quality of my experience has a depth that can't be measured bon the clock, but by the timelessness of my experience.

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    There is no such thing as an ideal state of meditation. Awareness allows us to relate to our mental processes and to see the fundamental expression of mind as it is, including our thoughts. The mediator may find that many thoughts recur during the meditative state. These thoughts could be seen as waves on the ocean.

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    The real difference between yoga and religion is this: Religion says believe, do not doubt, often citing the word of God and promises of an eternal afterlife, reciting dogma (unsubstantiated pre-modern myths), while yoga only points the way and urges its students to practice and experience for themselves. In this way yoga is very scientific in its approach to self-knowledge, transcendence and enlightenment. Its message is: Try the practice for yourself and only then can you truly believe.

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    Yoga is bringing fitness in body, calmness in mind, kindness in heart and awareness in life.

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    When I learned about santosha, yoga's version of contentment, it seemed right up there with enlightenment in terms of what I could accomplish in this lifetime. Cultivate a sense of being all right with who I was and what I had? Impossible. To me, contentment was fleeting and based on whether I'd gotten what I wanted, usually from some outside source. But santosha proposed a contentment that could be intentionally cultivated, independent of the external sources of happiness and value we usually count on and measure ourselves by. Santosha is being okay with what we have and who we are, right now.

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    Yoga is the ultimate fusion of science and spirituality.

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    Yoga means connection – connection with the cosmos that transcends the limited self.

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    Yoga is a perfectly imperfect practice, and the very next day we may hit a plateau that can slow us down or even stall us indefinitely. You know you have flow in your practice when you reach such a plateau and don't automatically react with frustration and anger.

    • yoga inspiration quotes
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    The yogic scriptures paint a picture of perfection, and perfection can be your aim, but I can tell you sad stories about myself and others who have entered into a state of premature holiness with unpleasant consequences.

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    Usually, when people hear the term Yoga, many of them associate it with various physical exercises where they need to twist, turn and stretch their body in complex ways that are known as Asanas, but this is only one type of Yoga, called “Hatha-Yoga”. In reality, Yoga is an umbrella term for various physical and mental exercises that lead to the overall well-being of a person. By origin, Yoga has mainly five forms: 1. Raja Yoga - The realization of divinity through intense meditation 2. Karma Yoga – The realization of divine bliss through your own daily activities and duties 3. Hatha Yoga – The realization of divine well-being through various physical exercises 4. Jyana Yoga – The realization of inexplicable bliss in the pursuit of knowledge 5. Bhakti Yoga – The realization of ecstasy through love and devotion for your Personal God The purpose of all Yogas is to set your consciousness lose into the vast domain of the unknown, where your brain circuits simulate various fascinating mental states that are usually unimaginable and unattainable in your everyday consciousness. But the whole yoga thing has nothing to do with God or something of that sort. It is all about various states of the human mind.

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    What we see in the world around us is just a reflection of what is inside of us.

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    Whenever I feel ‘less of myself’, or as if I am not as productive as I can be, or abundance is not flowing into my life, or I am not laughing and smiling as much, or my relationships seem stuck and difficult, it is an indication that I am losing that connection. It is like being in a ‘bad service area’ where calls drop out.

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    Yoga does not start or end on your mat, but is present in every breath you take.

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    Yoga exercises are the best connecting tools for unity, human dignity, health, equality, global peace and compassion.

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    Yoga subsumes all; God, religion, and philosophy.

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    You may think you don’t have the space to do yoga at work or the time to stretch in the morning. Yet yoga is so versatile and adaptable, you will be amazed at how easily you can fit the following yoga stretches into your busy schedule.