Best 38 quotes in «noah quotes» category

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    After counting all the sheep in the world I enumerate the wildebeests, snails, camels, skylarks, etc., then I add up all the zoos and aquariums, country by country. By early light I am asleep in a nightmare about drowning in the Flood,

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    Adam is definitely said to be vegetarian and not only that but even after the fall, Adam is seen as one who did not even covet flesh! Mankind eating flesh did not even enter the picture according to Genesis until Noah after the deluge. [...] The domestic cat would be at a loss to understand this herbivores' delight as being a paradise designed for it. This is because to the cat descended from African wild cats circa 8000 BCE in the Middle East would find it nearly impossible to believe it as true.

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    And there, tucked in his soul, was the love he felt for Sabella since the moment he had seen her.

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    He knows,"I said. "I tell him everything" "Does that go both ways?" he asked. "Does what go both ways?" "You said you tell him everything," he replied. "You didn't say we tell each other everything

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    Beth’s voice broke. “I can’t lose you guys.” And there it was. She sat here bleeding because she loved me and Isaiah. For the millionth time, I wished the system was a person. One person I could name, know and hold responsible for screwing every single one of us. Right now, Beth’s mom’s new boyfriend would have to do.

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    Friends help each other when they know...going up international hit men and stuff.

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    Anytime I see a rainbow, what comes into my mind is how skillful and talented someone was to create an ark that didn't leak through a prolong period of flood. We must work our talents out and work them out skillfully and then our rainbow of excellence will show.

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    God's will can go fuck itself. And so can you.

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    I have to smile. He's such a dork. But I'm starting to realize the one good thing that's happened: he's my dork.

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    İdealistlerin çok belirli bir özellikleri vardır.Neyin doğru neyin yalnış olduğuna kendileri karar verirler.İçlerinden gelen sesi dinlerler ve kendi değer yargıları doğrultusunda davranırlar.İdealizm törpülenmedikçe,kendisindn başka hiç bir otoriteye boyun eğmez.İdealistler her zaman serseri mayınlardır.

    • noah quotes
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    Luke used to give me butterflies. Noah spawned mutant pterodactyls.

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    Isaiah opens the door to the bathroom, and steam pours out. He sports a pair of jeans and no shirt. “Wear some clothes around my girl.” Isaiah digs through his duffel bag. “Why? She already knows I’m the better-looking one. Echo chose you because you’ve got that smooth mouth.”

    • noah quotes
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    I wanna know Maddy Walker. The real one. The one who stole my heart.

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    I think about those two guys in the sky causing shipwrecks, causing things to burst into flame...

    • noah quotes
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    Mungu hutumia watu 'wajinga' na 'wapumbavu' kufanya mambo makubwa katika maisha yao na ya watu wengine. Katika Biblia, Musa aliitwa mjinga alipokiuka amri ya Farao ya kuendelea kuwafanya watumwa wana wa Israeli nchini Misri; Nuhu aliitwa mpumbavu alipohubiri kwa miaka mia kuhusu gharika, katika kipindi ambacho watu hawakujua mvua ni nini; Daudi aliitwa mjinga alipojitolea kupambana na Goliati bonge la mtu, shujaa wa Gathi; Yusufu aliitwa mjinga alipokataa kulala na mke wa bosi wake, baada ya kuwa ameuzwa na nduguze kama mtumwa nchini Misri; Abrahamu aliitwa mjinga alipoamua kuhama nchi aliyoipenda na kwenda katika nchi ya ahadi, eti kwa sababu Mungu alimwambia kufanya hivyo; Yesu aliitwa mjinga mpaka akasulubiwa aliposema yeye ni Mfalme na Mwana wa Mungu. LAKINI, Musa alitenganisha Bahari ya Shamu na kuwapeleka Waisraeli katika nchi ya ahadi, ambako aliwakomboa kutoka utumwani. Nuhu aliokoa dunia. Daudi alimshinda Goliati. Yusufu aliokoa familia yake kutokana na njaa. Abrahamu alikuwa baba wa imani. Yesu aliyashinda mauti. Wakati mwingine tunatakiwa kufanya mambo makubwa kulingana na jinsi Roho Mtakatifu anavyotutuma, bila kujali watu au dunia itasemaje.

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    Mom’s Israeli. Dad’s Brazilian. What can I say? I am Embassy Row personified. You really lucked out in the best friend department

    • noah quotes
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    Not yet,” Noah repeated. “Please.

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    Olivia married sexy Ghandi. No wonder she loves her husband.

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    Nuhu anasemekana kuwa mtu aliyedharaulika sana huko Babeli. Maisha yake yalijaa utata. Lakini ukweli ni kwamba, bila Nuhu mimi na wewe tusingekuwapo. Unayemdharau sana mwogope sana.

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    Ronan's bedroom door burst open. Hanging on the door frame, Ronan leaned out to peer past Gansey. He was doing that thing where he looked like both the dangerous Ronan he was now and the cheerier Ronan he had been when Gansey first met him. "Hold on," Gansey told Adam. Then, to Ronan: "Why would he be?" "No reason. Just no reason." Ronan slammed his door. Gansey asked Adam, "Sorry. You still have that suit for the party?" Adam's response was buried in the sound of the second-story door falling open. Noah slouched in. In a wounded tone, he said, "He threw me out the window!" Ronan's voice sang out from behind his closed door: "You're already dead!

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    Portrait: The Boy with All the Keys in the World with All the Locks

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    SELF PORTRAIT: Throwing Armfuls of Air into the Air

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    The first hands he heard banging at the outside walls felt like nails pushing into his temples. Then there were more hands. Pounding. Punching. Scratching. Then kicks and shrieking that even drowned out the sound of the rain. The worst was when Ham could make out individual voices. He could hear their neighbor Zebeleh and her little daughter Ariel

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    She's not the enemy. She's just a dirty fighter.

    • noah quotes
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    Sounds like this ability stuff went okay with Shane after all. I had no idea that he would react like that,” Noah said. “Yeah, well, it helps when he wants to rip Nessa’s clothes off,” I said grinning. “Hey, I might just let him. He is pretty hot,” Nessa joked. -Noah, Cora and Nessa

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    The bathroom. An ingenious idea. When we reached it, I turned to Noah. “I’m going to be in here for a while. You probably don’t want to wait.” I only briefly caught the horrified expression on his face before I pushed open the door with overwhelming force. Win.

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    Si había cuestionado mi humanidad antes, ya no lo hacía. La forma en que me sentía por Noah era muy humana.

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    This is how he came out: he floated into the air high above the sleeping forest, his green hat spinning a few feet above his head. In his hand was the open suitcase and out of it spilled a whole sky of stars.

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    Then God establishes his Covenant with Noah, and with his sons, "and with every living creature." Many recall the Covenant with Noah, but forget the Covenant with all other living Beings. However, God does not forget it. He repeats the terms "all flesh" and "every living creature" a number of times, to make sure we get the point. No one can make a Covenant with a stone: for a Covenant to exist, there must. be a minimum of two live and responsible parties to it. Therefore the Animals are not senseless matter, not mere chunks of meat. No; they have souls, or God could not have made a Covenant with them. The human Words of God affirm this: "But ask now the beasts," says Job 12, "and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee ... and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.

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    This is the best reason to learn history: not in order to predict the future, but to free yourself of the past and imagine alternative destinies. Of course this is not total freedom - we cannot avoid being shaped by the past. But some freedom is better than none.

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    The story of Eve and the serpent, and of Noah and his ark, drops to a level with the Arabian Tales, without the merit of being entertaining, and the account of men living to eight and nine hundred years becomes as fabulous as the immortality of the giants of the Mythology.

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    This outfit makes me want to get my nose pierced and spend some time at the tattoo parlor,” I said, frowning at the clothing. “Hey, we can make that happen,” Nessa, joked. “That’s very funny, Nessa,” I said as I pulled out the knee high black combat boots and black fishnet stockings to match. “It is better than the plaid cowboy shirt and Wranglers they got me,” Noah said, as he held up the outfit complete with worn leather cowboy boots. “Oh, Nessa, we will pay you back dearly for this,” I said sarcastically.

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    Vote for Toby. Vote for Toby. Hey, baby. How you doin'?" Slight pause. "Vote for Toby.

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    We're fighting for unhappiness?" Noah asked skeptically. "It sounds a bit crazy when you put it that way." Nijinsky laughed, delighted. "Oh, it is." Then, serious again, he said, "We fight for the right to be what we choose,to feel what we choose. Even if what we choose seems crazy to others." "If it's all the same to you, I'll fight for revenge," Sadie said. Nijinsky's eyes glittered. "Oh, yes. That's fine with me.

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    Wanting to end my curse isn't the same as wanting to give in to an asshole. I don't care if god really did choose you. You're no worthier than any of the rest of us. No worthier than him. We're all god's monsters. All made in his goddamn image. If he wants his fucking world back . . . tell him to come down here and take it. If he's got the goddamn balls.

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    We have all probably heard the phrase, ’The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.’ Could we also apply that to God Almighty? I believe we can. The Bible clearly teaches that God changes not. So, how He interacted with mankind during troublesome times in the past is most likely a great indicator of how He will manifest Himself again in future biblical events.

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    What happens if a car comes? We die.

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    Why?' He asked. 'Why what?' What could I say? Noah, despite you being an asshole, or maybe because of it, I'd like to rip off your clothes and have your babies. Don't tell.