Best 19 quotes in «barbarian quotes» category

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    the veneer of civilization is exceedingly thin

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    Stop whining and rise up - rise against the modern barbarianism - not for yourself, but for your future generations.

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    The more we claim to discriminate between cultures and customs as good and bad, the more completely do we identify ourselves with those we would condemn. By refusing to consider as human those who seem to us to be the most “savage” or “barbarous” of their representatives, we merely adopt one of their own characteristic attitudes. The barbarian is, first and foremost, the man who believes in barbarism.

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    The modern man is usually in a hurry to get to a destination from which he will sooner or later suffer from and at times complain about boredom.

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    We human beings regard ourselves as (or compare ourselves to) animals only when it suits us.

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    You can take the barbarian out of the tavern, but he can take the blood out of your body.

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    You didn't find any trace of her?" asked d'Arnot. // Tarzan shook his head. "None. In the jungle, I could have found her; but here –-here, in civilization, a man cannot even find himself.

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    I don't believe in virgin sacrifice. It encourages promiscuity at an early age

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    [H]e is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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    Ah, I see. You don't know much about us and the unknown equals the barbaric, the primitive. Although it is you lot who are ignorant.

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    Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intelligor illis. (In this place I am a barbarian, because men do not understand me.)

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    Do you ever read the scriptures?" "Every day," I said enthusiastically, "not a moment passes that I don't have a quick read of Ieremias or dip into Ezekiel." She smiled, amused. "What a barbarian you are!

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    Fatally, the term 'barbarian' is the password that opens up the archives of the twentieth century. It refers to the despiser of achievement, the vandal, the status denier, the iconoclast, who refuses to acknowledge any ranking rules or hierarchy. Whoever wishes to understand the twentieth century must always keep the barbaric factor in view. Precisely in more recent modernity, it was and still is typical to allow an alliance between barbarism and success before a large audience, initially more in the form of insensitive imperialism, and today in the costumes of that invasive vulgarity which advances into virtually all areas through the vehicle of popular culture. That the barbaric position in twentieth-century Europe was even considered the way forward among the purveyors of high culture for a time, extending to a messianism of uneducatedness, indeed the utopia of a new beginning on the clean slate of ignorance, illustrates the extent of the civilizatory crisis this continent has gone through in the last century and a half - including the cultural revolution downwards, which runs through the twentieth century in our climes and casts its shadow ahead onto the twenty-first.

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    It was as if all my life had been spent fighting, killing and running. I wanted peace but I knew it was unattainable. I had to return and rule my people...

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    I found out later than even an education and a cushioned introduction to power cannot make a great leader.

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    I luv the ded, this old baster sez to me when I wiz tryin to get some innfurmashin out ov him. You fukin old pervirt I sez, gettin a bit fed up by this time enyway, an slit his throate; ah asks you whare the fukin Sleeping Byootie woz, no whit kind of humpin you lyke.

    • barbarian quotes
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    Now that the wars are coming to an end, I wish you to prosper in peace. May all mortals from now on live like one people in concord and for mutual advancement. Consider the world as your country, with laws common to all and where the best will govern irrespective of tribe. I do not distinguish among men, as the narrow-minded do, both among Greeks and Barbarians. I am not interested in the descendance of the citizens or their racial origins. I classify them using one criterion: their virtue. For me every virtuous foreigner is a Greek and every evil Greek worse than a Barbarian. If differences ever develop between you never have recourse to arms, but solve them peacefully. If necessary, I should be your arbitrator.

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    Revenge of a loving female heart - the most dangerous phenomenon in the universe. You can easily make her a cruel barbarian by carelessly touching that heart.

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    Peace ought not be regarded the height of civilization, else like barbarians we forever battle for peace.