Best 742 quotes in «advertising quotes» category

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    Truth isn't beauty. It isn't even always true. Truth is nothing more than consistency of message. I learned that from advertising.

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    Unless a product becomes outmoded, a great campaign will not wear itself out.

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    We are generally pleased that we were able to report a solid quarter in a tough advertising environment,.

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    We are pushing hard to find quality advertising clients.

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    We do not invest in advertising... So racing is the best advertising for Ferrari.

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    We have always said that advertising is just the icing on the cake. It is not the cake.

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    We knew when we started the Daily Muse, we wanted a recruiting-focused business model rather than an advertising-focused one. We felt like publishers were being forced to go to more and more extreme lengths to monetize through advertising.

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    We see Facebook as an advertising platform. We see Ello as a social network.

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    We should all reevaluate advertising that contradicts what we know to be the truth; especially when the ads are harmfully manipulative.

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    What advertising dum-dum signed up Ilie Nastase to sell a resort?! Who'd want to go where he's at?

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    What I find most injurious to mankind in modern advertising is the constant appeal to material standards and values, the elevating of material things into an end in themselves, a virtue.

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    What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form.

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    When advertising is great, it's transcendent. It's art.

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    When air conditioning, escalators, and advertising appeared, shopping expanded its scale, but also limited its spontaneity. And it became much more predictable, almost scientific. What had once been the most surprising became the most manipulated.

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    Whenever there's active promotion on the part of somebody else, whenever I see somebody all dolled up for a fancy photograph and someone's handing out flyers or whenever there's active promotion for something like that, as an imposition on my day, I hate all those people and I want them to fail. I have a visceral reaction to advertising and promotion. There's just something about salesmanship that grates on me on a very base level and I react very negatively towards it. I want those people to suffer and I want their enterprises to fail.

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    When I give talks like the one I'm going to give at the Changing Advertising Summit, one of the points I often make to the audience is that I'm not one of those speakers who stands in front of the audience and pontificates - everything I talk about I'm actually doing myself. I'm living it.

    • advertising quotes
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    Vertical search engines that match your business, service or products with a target market offer you a higher conversion rate than traditional search engines. Because they have already qualified their interest by coming to a search engine with a specific focus, searchers will be more receptive to targeted advertising.

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    Why one Ad is worth more to a paper than 40 Editorials.

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    When I'm buying car insurance I ask myself, 'Which company has the most annoying and relentless commercials?'

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    When I started, I had that naïve mentality that you shouldn't have to dress celebrities if your product is good. But when you're an emerging brand and you don't have millions for advertising and marketing, it's a good vehicle to penetrate the demographic that doesn't read GQ - or Interview. But if they see Milo Ventimiglia in one of my leather jackets in Us Weekly, that's a new audience for me.

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    You aren’t advertising to a standing army; you are advertising to a moving parade.

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    We used to get published a lot. And there was this vodka advertisement... it embarrassed me a lot afterwards.

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    Woman’s bodies continue to be dismembered in advertising. Over and over again just one part of the body is used to sell products, which is one of the most dehumanizing thing you can do to someone. Not only is she a thing, but just one part of that thing is focused on.

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    You don't defend national sovereignty with flags, cheap election rhetoric, and advertising campaigns.

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    You can do a good ad without good typography, but you can't do a great ad without good typography.

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    You don’t have to spend a jillion dollars on advertising to get your word out. What matters is that customers have a good experience with your product at every single point of contact.

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    You have always had individual directors who begin in the advertising or commercial world, but they are probably exceptions rather than the traditional pattern.

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    You have to do a little bragging on yourself even to your relatives-man doesn't get anywhere without advertising.

    • advertising quotes
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    You know why Madison Avenue advertising has never done well in Harlem? We're the only ones who know what it means to be Brand X.

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    You really want to get a headache? Try to understand Internet advertising.

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    Your face is a billboard advertising your philosophy of life!

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    You start losing a client the moment you get it.

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    Absolutisms Are Good For T-shirts, Not For Marketing

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    A businessman who stops advertising to save money is like a foolish who stops a clock to save time.

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    According to a research by Wharton School, New York Times articles which inspires the most anger in readers get a significant boost in page views. That’s why most consultants are so damn angry all the time.

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    A celebrity's body is an advertiser's canvas.

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    You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.

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    A hotel is not a farm and it does not always pay to buy local, not even on an ethical level. The web reshaped the geography of the World and it is now easier to reach a 24/7 customer service in India or in the Philippines than your IT manager living two blocks from you. Keep it in mind next time your servers crash in the middle of the night.

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    AI is already mainstream. It's just not very visible

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    A man is unlikely to be brought within earshot of women as they judge men's appearance, height, muscle tone, sexual technique, penis size, personal grooming, or taste in clothes--all of which we do. The fact is that women are able to view men just as men view women, as objects for sexual and aesthetic evaluation; we too are effortlessly able to choose the male "ideal" from a lineup and if we could have male beauty as well as everything else, most of us would not say no. But so what? Given all that, women make the choice, by and large, to take men as human beings first.

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    Among the more pleasing by-products of the coming end of advertising is a heretical realization among some industry thinkers: the idea that for advertising to survive, or rather to thrive, it must add value to people's lives. In a world in which lazy, superfluous, and stupid no longer cut it, advertising will have no choice but to compete as primary content, not secondary intrusion. It will become the thing, not the thing that sells the thing.

    • advertising quotes
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    A monarch butterfly has top brand recognition, an excellent recall quotient, and highly favorable demographics. Associate your candidate with famous lepidoptera, and use these filmed spots early and often.

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    A new bubble for AI? I doubt it. Companies do not invest in AI because it's hot, but because it is efficient

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    A newspaper is an oversized book with adverts and an expiry date.

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    An important milestone in the history of web design has been the birth of MySpace and Facebook and the advent of social networks, at the beginning of the 21st century. The websites began to adapt to this new level of interactivity, and companies finally understood the importance of placing their users at the centre of the web experience. If, up until that moment, designers and coders used to create aesthetically pleasing interfaces based merely on their clients’ requests, they then started moving to a more user-centric approach. Web research began to focus more and more on the study of websites usability, navigation fluidity and on the easiness of interaction.

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    Yahoo! is the only company with both scale and leadership in branded and search advertising.

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    A church service starts and ends with a prayer. A magazine starts and ends with an advert.

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    Adapt. Or Don't.  But, Whatever The Choice, Be Prepared To Accept Its Consequences

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    Advertising and marketing philosophies that thrive on emphasizing 'natural' differences don't stay in the realm of advertising and marketing--they spill into how we justify sexism and racism at every life stage.

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    Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.