Best 1190 quotes in «weakness quotes» category

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    A morality that holds need as a claim, holds emptiness-non-existence-as its standard of value; it rewards an absence, a defect: weakness, inability, incompetence, suffering, disease, disaster, the lack, the fault, the flaw-the zero.

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    An arch consists of two weaknesses which, leaning one against the other, make a strength.

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    And the will therein lieth, which dieth not. Who knoweth the mysteries of the will, with its vigor? For God is but a great will pervading all things by nature of its intentness, Man doth not yield himself to the angels, nor unto death utterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble will.

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    And the rigidity of the material with which we have to compose, is a more formidable opponent than Lasker or Capablanca. Because these lifeless opponents do not have any moments of human weakness!

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    A pleasant comedy, which paints the manners of the age, and exposes a faithful picture of nature, is a durable work, and is transmitted to the latest posterity. But a system, whether physical or metaphysical, commonly owes its success to its novelty; and is no sooner canvassed with impartiality than its weakness is discovered.

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    And with the right mentor, don't be afraid to expose your vulnerabilities. Admit you don't know what you don't know. When you acknowledge your weaknesses and ask for advice, you'll be surprised how much others will help.

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    Applause is the spur of noble minds, the end and aim of weak ones.

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    Arbitrary rule has its basis, not in the strength of the state or the chief, but in the moral weakness of the individual, who submits almost without resistance to the domineering power.

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    A regime, an established order, is rarely overthrown by a revolutionary movement; usually a regime collapses of its own weakness and corruption and then a revolutionary movement enters among the ruins and takes over the powers that have become vacant.

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    Any belief system that is based on fear, encourages weakness, sanctions intolerance threatens vengeance, promotes passivity and requires you to relinquish your personal power is doing you a disservice.

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    A person who exhibits both positive and negative qualities, strengths and weaknesses, is not flawed but complete.

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    As much as I value an union of all the states, I would not admit the southern states into the union, unless they agreed to the discontinuance of this disgraceful trade, because it would bring weakness and not strength to the union.

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    A point must be repeated: only the pathological weakness of the financial memory...allows us to believe that the modern experience in any way a new phenomenon.

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    A single God - touch From God's Compassion - Height Can transform man's unimaginable And countless weaknesses Into God's own infinite,Immortal and omnipotent Power.

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    As states subsist in part by keeping their weaknesses from being known, so is it the quiet of families to have their chancery and their parliament within doors, and to compose and determine all emergent differences there.

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    As soon as man enters into a state of society he loses the sense of his weakness; equality ceases, and then commences the state of war.

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    Are you or aren't you convinced that weakness is a man's condition? How can you raise yourself if you haven't fallen first?

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    a weak and irresolute disposition is often more destructive than determined vice.

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    A weakness of the random-walk model lies in its assumption of instantaneous adjustment, whereas the information impelling a stock market toward its "intrinsic value" gradually becomes disseminated throughout the market place.

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    A 'weakness,' I now realize, is nothing but a strength not properly developed.

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    A woman friend! He that believes that weakness, Steers in a stormy night without a compass.

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    At some point, if you're changing a really deep-seated behavior, you're going to have a moment of weakness.

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    A true woman loves a strong man because she knows his weaknesses. She protects as much as she is protected.

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    Beer is the Danish national drink, and the Danish national weakness is another beer.

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    Bad companies are destroyed by crisis. Good companies survive them. Great individuals, like great companies, find a way to transform weakness into strength.

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    Being vulnerable, in my opinion, is not a weakness. It's being human. It is allowing yourself to not have all the answers.

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    Better make a weak man your enemy than your friend.

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    Broken china lasts longer than unbroken.

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    Building up a weakness just makes you less disabled. Building a strength can take you to the top of the world.

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    Be patient, because the weaknesses of the body are given to us in this world by God for the salvation of the soul. So they are of great merit when they are borne patiently.

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    Because ALWAYS, even in the darkest moments, in moments of sin, in moments of weakness, in moments of failure, I have seen Jesus, and I trusted Him... He has not left me alone.

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    But since I have a poet's weakness for symbols, I am using this character also as a symbol; he is the long-delayed but always expected something that we live for.

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    But surely Adam cannot be excused; Her fault though great, yet he was most to blame; What weakness offered, strength might have refused, Being lord of all, the greater was the shame.

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    But that was the thing about zero. Its weakness. Even if zero had taken over the entire universe, the biggest fascist of all, one tiny gesture could deny it. One footprint, one atom. You didn't have to be a genius. You didn't even have to know that was what you were doing. You made a mark. You changed something. It said, "A human being passed here." And changed zero to one.

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    But [the Arabs'] friendship was venal, their faith inconstant, their enmity capricious: it was an easier task to excite than to disarm these roving barbarians; and, in the familiar intercourse of war, they learned to see, and to despise, the splendid weakness both of Rome and of Persia.

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    But laughter is weakness, corruption, the foolishness of our flesh.

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    Capablanca plays very superficially sometimes, in a way that can only be ascribed to lack of concentration. This is an integral weakness of his make-up and can only be partially compensated by his employing his time allowance to the full.

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    But, the true reason for the success of such new expositions [translated Eastern religious texts] is to be found where they are the most accommodating, least rigid, least severe, most vague, and ready to come to easy terms with the prejudices and weaknesses of the modern world. Let everyone have the courage to look deeply into himself and to see what it is that he really wants.

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    Caution is the instinct of the weaker animal.

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    Christ liveth in me. And how great the difference...instead of bondage, liberty; instead of failure, quiet victories within; instead of fear and weakness, a restful sense of sufficiency in Another.

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    Children tend to be rather better observers of adults' characters than adults are of children's, because children are so dependent on adults that it is very much in their interest to discover the weaknesses of their elders.

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    Cicero said loud-bawling orators were driven by their weakness to noise, as lame men to take horse.

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    Christ's strength is manifest in our weakness, so if we had everything together there would be no need for Him.

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    Cheese is one of my great weaknesses, I could eat the stuff by the pound.

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    Community life is not easy for somebody like me, who is used to living by himself and doing what he wants. It's a demanding life, and you quickly get in touch with your own handicaps and weaknesses.

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    Comedy naturally wears itself out - destroys the very food on which it lives; and by constantly and successfully exposing the follies and weaknesses of mankind to ridicule, in the end leaves itself nothing worth laughing at.

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    Compassion for the other comes out of our ability to accept ourselves. Until we realize both our own weaknesses and our own privileges, we can never tolerate lack of status and depth of weakness in the other.

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    Coach Lombardi showed me that by working hard and using my mind, I could overcome my weakness to the point where I could be one of the best.

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    Coffee and cigarettes, that's one of my weaknesses

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    Complete weakness and dependence will always be the occasion for the Spirit of God to manifest His power.