By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
A cloud is made of billows upon billows upon billows that look like clouds. As you come closer to a cloud you don't get something smooth, but irregularities at a smaller scale.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
A formula can be very simple, and create a universe of bottomless complexity.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
A fractal is a mathematical set or concrete object that is irregular or fragmented at all scales...
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
A fractal is a way of seeing infinity.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Although computer memory is no longer expensive, there's always a finite size buffer somewhere. When a big piece of news arrives, everybody sends a message to everybody else, and the buffer fills
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
An extraordinary amount of arrogance is present in any claim of having been the first in inventing something.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Asking the right questions is as important as answering them
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Beautiful, damn hard, increasingly useful. That's fractals.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Being a language, mathematics may be used not only to inform but also, among other things, to seduce.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Both chaos theory and fractal have had contacts in the past when they are both impossible to develop and in a certain sense not ready to be developed.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Engineering is too important to wait for science.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Everything is roughness, except for the circles. How many circles are there in nature? Very, very few. The straight lines. Very shapes are very, very smooth. But geometry had laid them aside because they were too complicated.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Fractal geometry is not just a chapter of mathematics, but one that helps Everyman to see the same world differently.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Humanity has known for a long time what fractals are. It is a very strange situation in which an idea which each time I look at all documents have deeper and deeper roots, never (how to say it), jelled.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I claim that many patterns of Nature are so irregular and fragmented, that, compared with Euclid - a term used in this work to denote all of standard geometry - Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity ... The existence of these patterns challenges us to study these forms that Euclid leaves aside as being "formless," to investigate the morphology of the "amorphous.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I conceived and developed a new geometry of nature and implemented its use in a number of diverse fields. It describes many of the irregular and fragmented patterns around us, and leads to full-fledged theories, by identifying a family of shapes I call fractals.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I conceived, developed and applied in many areas a new geometry of nature, which finds order in chaotic shapes and processes. It grew without a name until 1975, when I coined a new word to denote it, fractal geometry, from the Latin word for irregular and broken up, fractus. Today you might say that, until fractal geometry became organized, my life had followed a fractal orbit.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I didn't feel comfortable at first with pure mathematics, or as a professor of pure mathematics. I wanted to do a little bit of everything and explore the world.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I didn't want to become a pure mathematician, as a matter of fact, my uncle was one, so I knew what the pure mathematician was and I did not want to be a pure - I wanted to do something different.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
If one takes the kinds of risks which I took, which are colossal, but taking risks, I was rewarded by being able to contribute in a very substantial fashion to a variety of fields. I was able to reawaken and solve some very old problems.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
If you assume continuity, you can open the well-stocked mathematical toolkit of continuous functions and differential equations, the saws and hammers of engineering and physics for the past two centuries (and the foreseeable future).
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
If you have a hammer, use it everywhere you can, but I do not claim that everything is fractal.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
If you look at a shape like a straight line, what's remarkable is that if you look at a straight line from close by, from far away, it is the same; it is a straight line.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
If you look at coastlines, if you look at that them from far away, from an airplane, well, you don't see details, you see a certain complication. When you come closer, the complication becomes more local, but again continues. And come closer and closer and closer, the coastline becomes longer and longer and longer because it has more detail entering in.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I had many books and I had dreams of all kinds. Dreams in which were in a certain sense, how to say, easy to make because the near future was always extremely threatening.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I had very, very little training in taking an exam to determine a scientist's life in France.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
In fact, I barely missed being number one in France in both schools. In particular I did very well in mathematical problems.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
In mathematics and science definition are simple, but bare-bones. Until you get to a problem which you understand it takes hundreds and hundreds of pages and years and years of learning.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I spent half my life, roughly speaking, doing the study of nature in many aspects and half of my life studying completely artificial shapes. And the two are extraordinarily close; in one way both are fractal.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I spent my time very nicely in many ways, but not fully satisfactory. Then I became Professor in France, but realized that I was not - for the job that I should spend my life in.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
It was astonishing when at one point, I got the idea of how to make artifical clouds with a collaborator, we had pictures made which were theoretically completely artificial pictures based upon that one very simple idea. And this picture everybody views as being clouds.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
It was a very big gamble. I lost my job in France, I received a job in which was extremely uncertain, how long would IBM be interested in research, but the gamble was taken and very shortly afterwards, I had this extraordinary fortune of stopping at Harvard to do a lecture and learning about the price variation in just the right way.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I've been a professor of mathematics at Harvard and at Yale. At Yale for a long time. But I'm not a mathematician only. I'm a professor of physics, of economics, a long list. Each element of this list is normal. The combination of these elements is very rare at best.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I was asking questions which nobody else had asked before, because nobody else had actually looked at certain structures. Therefore, as I will tell, the advent of the computer, not as a computer but as a drawing machine, was for me a major event in my life. That's why I was motivated to participate in the birth of computer graphics, because for me computer graphics was a way of extending my hand, extending it and being able to draw things which my hand by itself, and the hands of nobody else before, would not have been able to represent.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
I went to the computer and tried to experiment. I introduced a very high level of experiment in very pure mathematics.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Many painters had a clear idea of what fractals are. Take a French classic painter named Poussin. Now, he painted beautiful landscapes, completely artificial ones, imaginary landscapes. And how did he choose them? Well, he had the balance of trees, of lawns, of houses in the distance. He had a balance of small objects, big objects, big trees in front and his balance of objects at every scale is what gives to Poussin a special feeling.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
My fate has been that what I undertook was fully understood only after the fact.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
My life has been extremely complicated. Not by choice at the beginning at all, but later on, I had become used to complication and went on accepting things that other people would have found too difficult to accept.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Nobody will deny that there is at least some roughness everywhere
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Now that I near 80, I realize with wistful pleasure that on many occasions I was 10, 20, 40, even 50 years ahead of my time.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
One couldn't even measure roughness. So, by luck, and by reward for persistence, I did found the theory of roughness, which certainly I didn't expect and expecting to found one would have been pure madness.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
One of the high points of my life was when I suddenly realized that this dream I had in my late adolescence of combining pure mathematics, very pure mathematics with very hard things which had been long a nuisance to scientists and to engineers, that this combination was possible and I put together this new geometry of nature, the fractal geometry of nature.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Pictures were completely eliminated from mathematics; in particular when I was young this happened in a very strong fashion.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Regular geometry, the geometry of Euclid, is concerned with shapes which are smooth, except perhaps for corners and lines, special lines which are singularities, but some shapes in nature are so complicated that they are equally complicated at the big scale and come closer and closer and they don't become any less complicated.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Round about the accredited and orderly facts of every science there ever floats a sort of dustcloud of exceptional observations, of occurrences minute and irregular and seldom met with, which it always proves more easy to ignore than to attend to.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Science would be ruined if (like sports) it were to put competition above everything else, and if it were to clarify the rules of competition by withdrawing entirely into narrowly defined specialties. The rare scholars who are nomads-by-choice are essential to the intellectual welfare of the settled disciplines.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Self-similarity is a dull subject because you are used to very familiar shapes. But that is not the case. Now many shapes which are self-similar again, the same seen from close by and far away, and which are far from being straight or plane or solid.
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By AnonymBenoit Mandelbrot
Smooth shapes are very rare in the wild but extremely important in the ivory tower and the factory.