Best 95 quotes of Barbara Corcoran on MyQuotes

Barbara Corcoran

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    Barbara Corcoran

    A complainer is like a Death Eater because there's a suction of negative energy. You can catch a great attitude from great people.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    A funny thing happens in real estate. When it comes back, it comes back up like gangbusters.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    A good organization is like a box of crayons. You need different colors of the spectrum, but all the crayons should fit in the box.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    All the best things that happened to me happened after I was rejected. I knew the power of getting past no.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Always choose attitude over experience. Always.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    A whopping 89 percent of buyers start their home search online. How your house looks online is the modern equivalent of 'curb appeal.' Rent a wide-angle lens and good lighting, get rid of your clutter and post at least eight great photos to win the beauty contest.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Become better at firing than hiring - it's crucial for building a business.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Buyers decide in the first eight seconds of seeing a home if they're interested in buying it. Get out of your car, walk in their shoes and see what they see within the first eight seconds.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Don't be afraid to go for positions, jobs or take on clients just outside of your knowledge base. It's when you're uncomfortable that you learn and grow the most.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Don't get cocky just because you've had a good run. You can lose your business as fast as you've earned it.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Don't you dare underestimate the power of your own instinct.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Don't you dare underestimate the power of your own instinct. Instinct is a lifesaver for sharks and entrepreneurs alike. Most people can recall times they ignored their gut only to regret it later. Learning to actually listen to your instinct is a great form of self-preservation. It's both incredibly easy and tough at the same time, but worth the effort to master.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Empathy for the people you're working with and being aware of their needs...that's the "big kahuna" in managing people.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Especially if you're over 40, shortening the term of your loan to pay it off sooner could make you mortgage-free in retirement.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Everybody thinks that they're going to time the market, they're going to sharpshoot the market, and buy right at the bottom. The truth of the matter is that nobody is good at it.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Every single thing I learned about marketing and building my business, I learned from my mom, and she had never been in the workforce. She just had great practical sense.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Failure is my specialty.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Figure out what past efforts amounted to nothing and label them your "not to do" list. Post the list where you'll see it.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Good salesmanship is nothing more than maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Great sales people [don't] have the ability to feel sorry for themselves.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Harebrained schemes often lead to great discoveries.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Home staging used to be optional. Today, it's a necessity in selling a house.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Home staging is no longer optional in this real estate market, it is a must!

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I always work out first thing in the morning, because if I don't, it won't get done. To me, it really comes down to my priorities. Because those are the things that are important to me: my spirituality, centering with the universe and God, and then getting my workout in and putting my health first. That makes everything else feel easy. Anything that comes up, I feel like I can conquer it throughout the day.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I became a larger than life figure for one reason only. When you're quoted in the 'Wall Street Journal,' the 'New York Times,' constantly as the expert in the business people assume you're a lot bigger than you are. And then I had to run like hell to catch up with my own image.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I did everything in my power to give my brokers brand identity and clout in the market. I saw my job as parent to build them up and if I took care of them, then they would take care of their customer.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I don't invest anymore in entrepreneurs who don't have charisma.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    If someone doesn't fit in your company, you have an obligation to get rid of them, because you're holding them back from excelling elsewhere.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    If you get labeled a winner, people come along for the ride. Might as well enjoy it and they should too.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    If you have an idea, immediately move on it. To start that fire and get it burning's everything.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    If you're having fun, you wind up innovating.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    If you stand back and analyze the best way to do something, you'll be standing there forever. Follow your gut and jump right in!

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    Barbara Corcoran

    If you've got the money, you need people to make money with your money. And if you have the talent, you can always merchandise your talent to someone who's got the money and make money. There's two pieces to it: talent and money.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    If you want to have a creative culture, you can't get it by reading books. You get it by example.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I gave up years ago on the concept that you could actually have balance in your life, I think it's a phantom chase.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I hadn't learned to read by third grade, which wasn't unusual for some kids. I knew something was wrong because I couldn't see or understand the words the way the other kids did. I wasn't the least bit bothered - until I was sent back to the second-grade classroom for reading help after school.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I had probably seven agents by the time I became a legitimate real estate broker.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I hate entrepreneurs with beautiful business plans.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I have a theory and I really believe it. I think your worst weakness can become your greatest single strength.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I have found, whether you have a tiny business or a big business, if you don't jump on something right away, it's like a bird flying by-it flies off.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I like to wake up and just feel gratitude. Gratitude for waking up, for my health, for my kids, for my family. A lot of times in the evening, I'll write down what my goals are for the next day; When I wake up, I look at that list again. I meditate.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I love myself. Anything that has my name I'm tickled to death.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    In New York City, the meek don't inherit the earth. The big mouth does.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    In business, you're the Chief Salesman. Create a sense of demand, rather than waiting to have demand.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Innovation and creativity are the juiciest parts of running a business.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Insecurity is a wonderful motivator.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    Instead of assuming everything you're being told is the truth, ask plenty of questions.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I sat down and collected all of our eleven sales for the past six months and I added them all together and divided by eleven. I then took that average and presented it as the average price for a Manhattan apartment. The media ate it up.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    I think of my business and investments as extension of my family.

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    Barbara Corcoran

    It's rumored that doing well in real estate is to be able to close a deal. I did not find that to be the case for myself, I was probably the worst closer out there and I didn't find that was true of my top super stars either.