Best 11 quotes of Frank Skinner on MyQuotes

Frank Skinner

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    Frank Skinner

    A dog is not intelligent. Never trust an animal that's surprised by it's own farts

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    Frank Skinner

    Cider was my drink because I liked the taste and it made me stupid.

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    Frank Skinner

    How do I relax? This might sound slightly ridiculous but I play the ukulele for at least an hour a day and I find something really blissful about it.

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    Frank Skinner

    I honestly thought my marriage would work because me and the wife did share a sense of humour. We had to really, because she didn't have one.

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    Frank Skinner

    I'm world-famous in West Bromwich.

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    Frank Skinner

    Professional footballers - those virile young stags of our modern culture - are near perpetual fountains of sputum.

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    Frank Skinner

    So, Arsenal have signed Arsene Wenger because his name sounds a bit like the club. How long before Man Utd sign Stefan Kuntz?

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    Frank Skinner

    We're always hearing about risk-takers whose risks paid off, but they are no braver than those whose risks end in ridicule.

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    Frank Skinner

    You can spend your whole life trying to be popular, but at the end of the day, the size of the crowd at your funeral will be largely dictated by the weather.

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    Frank Skinner

    Anyway, my writer gang: they kind of did their comedy apprenticeship with me and, during that period, when they were young and impressionable, I think I infected them with my pun virus. They grew to enjoy puns, think puns, just as much as me. The problem is people don't really like puns any more, so I worry I've rendered the poor fuckers virtually unemployable.

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    Frank Skinner

    I walked back into the bedroom and, after all that, I actually was surprised. She lay on the bed, her hands nonchalantly behind her head, with the banana between her legs. Only half of it was alfresco. It was if we'd had sex and then, before heading for the bathroom, I'd bookmarked her vagina so as not to lose my place.