Best 102 quotes of Christina Ricci on MyQuotes

Christina Ricci

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    Christina Ricci

    Any obsession is dangerous.

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    Christina Ricci

    As a teenager, my favourite rejection was, 'She looks too healthy,' which of course translates as, 'She needs to lose weight.'

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    Christina Ricci

    As long as we can tell stories about our ability to survive, the more we will hope, not self-destruct.

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    Christina Ricci

    Doing films as an actor, you spend maybe 40 percent of the year doing your chosen profession. If you are on a successful TV show, you spend 80 percent of your year doing the thing you love.

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    Christina Ricci

    Every night I fell asleep to a different Beatles album. So I'm very familiar with the Beatles; Ringo was my favorite Beatle until I grew up and then changed. I made the switch over to George Harrison just in time to regain my cool.

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    Christina Ricci

    Everything, I think, about acting is based on imagination.

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    Christina Ricci

    For years, I hated myself. I covered the mirrors in my house. I literally couldn't have a mirror in my room.

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    Christina Ricci

    Hopefully what you do as an actor is strong enough and has enough of an impact that people get what you're trying to communicate.

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    Christina Ricci

    I always think that I've embarrassed myself.

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    Christina Ricci

    I can't think of anything that I turned down that became big and successful.

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    Christina Ricci

    I certainly hope I'm not still answering child-star questions by the time I reach menopause.

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    Christina Ricci

    I come from one of these hideous backgrounds where being sincere is like - ugh, you might as well kill yourself.

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    Christina Ricci

    I didn't use to think anything was worth keeping private. Now I do.

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    Christina Ricci

    I don't think I like characters who are afraid and ashamed of who they are.

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    Christina Ricci

    I don't think I'm an outsider at all.

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    Christina Ricci

    If an audience doesn't get that [Black Snake Moan] is a movie about overcoming exploitation, it could come across as incredibly misogynistic. That would be the worst thing in the world for me.

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    Christina Ricci

    I feel like some of the best talent is on TV right now, with the writing, acting and great directors. I've also been looking for the consistency of work that TV provides for you. And, I always thought it would be really interesting to live with a character for months, if not years.

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    Christina Ricci

    If I hadn't gone into acting, I would have been one of those weird runaways on Hollywood Boulevard. No, it'd be uglier. I'd probably be dead.

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    Christina Ricci

    If I know I have everything prepared for when I get killed by a stalker, then I can go to sleep.

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    Christina Ricci

    I find the less attention I pay to food, the healthier I am.

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    Christina Ricci

    I get so nervous. I happen to be socially awkward and shy. I spent a lot of my time as an adult not going places.

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    Christina Ricci

    I hate the things they preach. They found a gimmick that sells. The fact that they're making money off all these teenage kids who actually believe in their message is disgusting.

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    Christina Ricci

    I just want to be married, or just engaged. Basically, I just want a ring. And the tax break.

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    Christina Ricci

    I knew I would never be cast as the pretty girl.

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    Christina Ricci

    I like the way my own feet smell. I love to smell my sneakers when I take them off.

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    Christina Ricci

    I loved the idea of doing something that has this misconception about what stewardesses were. And, I also love the idea that these girls were navigating a blatantly misogynistic society, with the girdle checks and make-up checks.

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    Christina Ricci

    I love the solitude of being on a plane and finally getting to read an entire book and being left alone.

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    Christina Ricci

    I'm an actor who hates dialogue and the present day and reality.

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    Christina Ricci

    I mean, I don't like anyone who likes themselves too much.

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    Christina Ricci

    I mean, I sing. But I don't think I'm a good enough singer to do any kind of musical.

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    Christina Ricci

    I'm getting older now, so I should think about a family, but certainly not tomorrow.

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    Christina Ricci

    I’m not going to let my insecurities keep me from having a good time. I think that if you don’t loose your self-consciousness, you can’t really be present in a situation. For example, if you’re at The Louvre, but you’re thinking about how much you hate your jeans, you’re not really at The Louvre. So in your memory, when you look back, you’re always going to be like, “I was wearing those jeans I hated”. And you’re not going to remember anything else.

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    Christina Ricci

    I'm not perfect-looking and I don't say the right things, I'm a little different, nothing really special, but I guess I come across as a little more real to people and that comes through on the screen. I know I look young, but with the right make-up I can look older. I definitely feel older.

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    Christina Ricci

    I'm so glad I'm not 20 years old anymore. I was in a hurricane. I'm a lot calmer now. I don't cause destruction for myself and others everywhere I go.

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    Christina Ricci

    I'm trying to just go with the flow and learn from the people around me.

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    Christina Ricci

    I once ate McDonald's three times in one day.

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    Christina Ricci

    I really liked it. It was awesome - my first tabloid story. If you're going to have a tabloid story written about you, it might as well be with Johnny Depp.

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    Christina Ricci

    I stand up for other people, I'm very protective of people around me. If I feel like somebody is getting a bad rap or being unfairly picked on, I will stand up for them, absolutely.

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    Christina Ricci

    I tend to fight for something that I believe in.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think everybody who really wants to change things has to allow themselves to be angry in a constructive way, and you have to fully understand the thing you're trying to change. We really need to get serious about this now; there needs to be real, effective programs. I think there needs to be a little bit more strategy involved and a little more realism, to be pragmatic and realistic, looking at the way we as women contribute to the problem. Once the second half of the population stops doing it, it's going to end.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think I am naturally attracted to things that are a little bit out of this world.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think I'm better at playing difficult than I am at being normal. And to me that's something I'm working on now. I'm not really that difficult or complex a person, so it's interesting to me that it's just so much harder for me to play an everygirl.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think it's really great to be able to stick with a character for a long period of time. It's not like you have one shot, and that's it.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think I've always been interested in playing people who are judged very harshly.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think I've had a fairly meandering career. Because I did start so young, I think that I've always chosen my parts based on what's interesting to me and what I think would be challenging or fun, or someone I've always wanted to work with or a place I've always wanted to work in or a topic.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think my anorexia was to do with being a teenager, not being in films.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think people are learning to actually aspire to be objectified.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think people who suffer from depression, unless it's post-traumatic, are probably going to struggle with it for their whole life.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think reincarnation is possible. Hopefully, we all get recycled.

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    Christina Ricci

    I think that's the best career that someone can have is one that's reflective of their personal tastes.