Best 310 quotes in «nervous quotes» category

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    In [The New Poetry] I had attacked the British poets' nervous preference for gentility above all else, and their avoidance of the uncomfortable, destructive truths both of the inner life and of the present time.

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    I once had dinner with Madonna and I wasn't nervous but within about a minute I found myself talking about underwear.

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    I still get nervous sometimes before performing.

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    I started on the downers which were a hell of a lot better than the uppers because I was a nervous wreck.

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    I still get nervous when I have a lot of makeup on, a big hairdo, and a dress.

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    I tell you, I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rockers!

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    I really loved my dad. I was very, very close to my dad. He - you know, he was very, very nervous about my being an actor.

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    I talk too much when I'm nervous.

    • nervous quotes
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    It is normal to be nervous.

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    It is this potential for plasticity of the relatively stereotyped units of the nervous system that endows each of us with our individuality.

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    I think every English actor is nervous of a Newcastle accent.

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    It makes me nervous when you keep answering all my questions with 'I don't know.' " "Me, too," I said.

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    It's hard for me to grasp the concept of somebody being nervous when I'm talking to them.

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    I think I've always been fine on stage - though I get nervous beforehand. But once I'm on stage, all of that goes out of the window.

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    It's the only time that I'm ever nervous on stage, is when we're doing live TV. Especially an awards show, because I know you can't fix it.

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    It's judgement day. I'm nervous. My films are finally being released!

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    It was hard to get guys to notice me, period, because I was so skinny and all my friends were curvy. Plus, I used to be very nervous in front of guys.

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    It was another nervous Tim Henman match - I'm not sure how he manages to get through them, let alone us!

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    It's really exciting and also it makes me nervous, because I'm like, "Well, I figured out how to perform this episode, but what if I'm not as good at what they write for next episode?" But that's part of the challenge, and that's what, I hope, ultimately makes me a better actor.

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    I used to get nervous about three weeks before a gig... now I've managed to condense it down to a manageable ten minutes.

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    I've never felt nervous in front of big crowds and in big stadiums.

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    I've never been more nervous in my life than singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl.

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    I used to throw up before I went on stage, every time. Even though it's only 200 people in the audience, and a movie like RoboCop is going to be seen by many, many people, I know I'd be much more nervous doing a play than being on set shooting.

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    I was a really nervous kid. I was extremely sensitive. Incredibly perceptive.

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    I was like: I'm going to ask her [Julia Roberts] out but I'm going to be very nervous about it. Then she said yes, I got even more nervous.

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    I was definitely nervous turning up on my first day to shoot with Woody Allen.

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    I was certainly open for something being on the edge of a nervous breakdown, perplexed by my own sexuality. I was gay.

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    I was never nervous. That's not me, ... Nervousness, scariness, that's not even in our vocabulary.

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    I was nervous batting eighth, and I was nervous batting seventh.

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    I was nervous during Radiohead, we thought that they would hate us. I think when we played in LA, one of the dudes from Entourage was in the audience, and that was kinda weird. If anyone would make me nervous it would be David Bowie, Neil Young, someone like that.

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    I was very nervous about the accent. I was very nervous about being an American.

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    I was very comfortable on the set of Lost. I was so nervous when I went on to the set because I had just watched all the Lost episodes. I was, like, a fan. A big fan.

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    I wasn't for Vietnam. When I told that to the hippie newspaper, all my people got nervous.

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    I was very nervous about going up to teach at Stanford and very nervous even about going to ARPA.

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    I was very nervous, excited, and happy to be given the opportunity to even be in the major leagues.

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    I wouldn't say I have a lack of fear. In fact, I'd like my fear emotion to be less because it's very distracting and fries my nervous system.

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    Lighting that torch in Atlanta didn't make me nervous. Standing up to the government - that made me nervous.

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    Like a human being, a company has to have an internal communication mechanism, a "nervous system", to coordinate its actions.

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    Live in the moment. Feel everything you want to feel. And maybe have a couple of drinks if you're nervous, I guess.

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    Medically speaking, there is no such thing as a nervous breakdown. Which is very annoying to discover when you're right in the middle of one.

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    I will talk about it on Monday. I will answer every one of their questions. I always feel nervous when I have to go to court. This is like going to court. But I will be prepared.

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    My nervous system is enfeebled, only work in oils can sustain me.

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    Manly men and womanly women are still here but feeling nervous.

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    Mike Topp is a disablingly funny writer--a miniaturist of nervous precisions, our supreme abridger of metropolitan startlement and inner fidgetry. He dazes and graces us.

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    My nervous system is very much weakened - nothing but painting in oil can keep me going.

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    Negative thinking will always lead to failure and nervous prostration; but positive faith- positive thinking -will lead you towards happy, healthy, and abundant living.

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    My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know, and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such beings.

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    Nervous and excitable persons need to talk a great deal, by way of letting off their steam.

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    Nervous hands as if the fingers were dripping from them like icicles.

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    Nervous breakdowns can be highly underrated methods of spiritual transformation.