Best 48 quotes of Noha Alaa El-din on MyQuotes

Noha Alaa El-din

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Ah, Norina, think or feel, for thoughts and feelings can’t go together, they are not on good terms, you’ll be shattered. Thoughts corrupt feelings and feelings weaken thoughts. I have to settle that case. No matter what happens, I will find a way..

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Another gate of success was widely open for her, a reckless step led to an unexpected career.. Sometimes, that’s what we hope for after every mistake we make.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    A promise is a spiritual verbal contract.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Before meeting you, I was praying to find you.. the thought of you, that prayer in particular was enough to cheer me up no matter how sad I was. Now, you are here before my eyes, do you know how I feel? I feel as if I am flying in my dreams. I have witnessed the miracle of my life.. You are a miracle, my miracle, you are an angel from heaven. Without you, I wouldn't have known the magic of life, I would have rejected life itself. I love you!

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Can your guilt satisfy your conscience? Can your hatred vanquish your compassion?

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Does it mean you don’t believe in your powers either? This is the first step one takes, down there, to one’s fatal defeat.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Do” is a word of infinite actions.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Dreams? Ah, reality spoils the perfection of all beautiful dreams, so the dream can find a place in real life, you know how? By being dyed by the colour of reality, its pain and its bitterness. In other words, life will squash you so that you give up on your dreams and surrender to your needs.. And the decision is completely yours." "No, I shan't give up on my dream." "Then, challenge life! Know the rules, play by rules.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Guests are invited to distract attention from the real aim of parties.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Have a day as it is supposed to be! I am not supposed to dictate the impression of your day; what’s written for you is what you are going to see. Wishes of that sort are compliments with no feelings, only hidden intentions.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    How a person can judge talents with the versatility of human nature, tastes, and trends? Just start! Seize the opportunity!

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    How come? I am receiving a New Year.. Our gift from time.. A happy New Year!" "You can't describe a year before it starts, you should say your opinion in the end of the year.. Seldom does human have satisfaction to call it a good year, seldom does time grant him his wish, that wish.. Anyway, wishes don't count, they must be private.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    How it hurts to dream, to promise, to think when you have absolutely nothing in hand. When the future is looming only by its ambiguity leaving you distressed, afraid of your destiny.. Where to go and how to know.. That suspense is serving its mystery. Let it be not my misery, I already have that anxiety void of any tranquility.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Ice-cream?” asked Mitchell. “Oh, thank you! I have sensitive teeth and it must be served cold, icy.. Just like the misfortunes of life.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    If you want to succeed, you have to adapt to changes, not to memories.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    I hate the night, the awful night! It muzzles the scream of pain, it rolls the spin of woes, and the waves of the night are sweeping the town serving none but the ill-fated ones. The masquerade of time, what does it conceal in its twists? Agony and more in that night of bore. The night, what a night! A night of endless sighs and cries! I hate the night, that awful night, and I see no light, no hope for dawn, no peace in sight, nothing but to suffer from the turmoil. The night of pain! The night of shame! The untamed night of the wickedest symphonies!

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    I have the urge to fly, to celebrate, to dance, to sing! My happiness can’t be told or expressed, it can’t be described, and it’s impossible to confine it.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    I said all, I did what is right! God knows what happened.. God knows my intentions. My conscience is clear, but are they as fair as my conscience? I put my trust and faith in God!

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    I will work hard and harder as my luck is not on good terms with me. I will replace it so simply.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Madness! Exactly! You got it right! Do you know what it means?" "I see it, I don't need to define it or describe it." "Let me teach you! Madness is bearing the unbearable until the unbearable becomes the dominator. When you are overcharged with an emotion, Pianist Norina, when it exceeds the limit, you reach that state of mind, which is not only related to the mind, it also controls all the human senses, it becomes an overall state and attitude. They call it obscurity and vagueness when they don't understand something or someone.. By the way, it's rule one in our game.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Memories! They always hurt and I always wonder about them. However, they scare me in all their forms. They, eventually, make you lose your interest in the future and in the present. Good memories stir your bitter eagerness. Bad memories charge you with grudge and guilt. Having none invites regrets. Let me ignore them, Mitchell. My story made me that Norina, this is the product of my life. Every day is a story.. I don’t wish to waste my energy on the past.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Miracles do happen. In faith lies the power of spirituality

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    My dream, I have faith in you! Tell me that reality won't vanquish you; it won't crush my lively spirit into wafts of sorrowful aches, that's what you should vow. I remember you, you used to make me smile for a hope I have always desired, it made my pain worth its dreadfulness. I waited for the sunshine and it made me love and enjoy the rain. We were trapped by dense clouds, now I think I am free.. to breathe again. Like the sea waves, hope visits my shore carrying the light for the frozen heart and the darkened soul.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    No deed can ever be passed without traces, done without shadows, gone without remains.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    People do nothing when they are waiting for something.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Real communication is spiritual, provided by nature. It’s beyond the power of tongues and its used expressions and words.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    She became even harsher to listen or recall, that cloud of bitterness and anger, I know it muddles and strangles..

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Sometimes I wonder about depression, is it the fear of life or the fear of death?” “Depression is the fear of senses and thoughts, only the prolonged passion can beat it, be it.. passion for life, life after death, or anything else which is something.. in particular!” “But depression is not a fear, it gives you courage to end your life or to live hopelessly.” “Ending one’s life is the easiest way to end a battle. Going with the flow is not an achievement, though. But leading a life with all of its fortunes, aspirations, ambitions, defeats, losses, and misfortunes is the real courage.. Only because you are eligible to live, you are granted the grace of life… You have it, you can manage it; that’s the secret people refuse to believe.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Survival is for those who are flexible; they are smart enough to adapt and they never give up!

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Tell me.. What's the extreme of depression? It's hysteria. What is the extreme of laughs but tears? And the extreme of screams is silence while the extreme of pain is sedation.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    That’s kind of you! It means I am not good enough.” “Even "Good” is not a degree you acquire naturally.“ he replied.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    The proof of you being alive is having wounds and scars accompanied by some changes in your chemistry, this is the impact of life.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    The tragedy of life, Mitchell, happens because you can never have everything and because you will even lose the graces you have once possessed.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    The weather was bitter and stormy, people's looks seemed brutal, the cars were ruthlessly driven, the buildings looked unfriendly. Her fire started to freeze by the coldness of being unwelcome and undesired on a foreign wicked land. Indeed, feelings involve one in their worlds, they make one forget one's existence; they distract one from being utterly connected with the surroundings. That was what happened, there was danger; Norina's survival was threatened. In a logical moment that could penetrate the whirlwind she had inside, she got struck by reality, her real situation; she had no money, no food, no accommodation, and no shelter. She suddenly stopped walking and shut her eyes for a whole minute as if she was installing a blank page and a brand new sense detector that could suit the new city. It wasn't easy and nothing was easy, especially controlling your own inner world. However, when it is a must, considering the level of difficulty would be trivial.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    The word "Enough”! It’s the common word, rather the only word, in the dictionary of satisfaction.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    They say your enemy for a reason is a suspect for all your misfortunes.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Well, happiness doesn’t always need a reason, a practical reason, neither does sadness.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    What did you gain from marriage?” wondered Sean. “My false freedom!” “(Astonished) Why false freedom? (Apprehensively) Nobody shall touch my freedom!” “Nobody will touch it! It is not always how you think it is; that someone would nag at you or interfere in your life.. You will kill your freedom by your own hands, that partner will be your concern; what she is doing, what she is going to do, what she thinks, what and where and why. Even if you raised the flag of indifference, you will always have an unanswered question. Maybe for your dignity, love, pride, jealousy, or preference.. You may experience it someday!

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    What is life but an attempt to let our immortal self defeat our mortality?

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    When beauty withers, hope disappears in the cyclone of cares and burdens.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    When crises hail, they hail in abundance to distract you and save you from being totally devastated by only one of, maybe, an insignificant cause.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    When I look back and see how a thing led to another, I get amazed by the order of events, it's miraculous!

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Won’t you say something? I am waiting! I am a coward, I said nothing; I have lost your sympathy. I am brave, I said nothing; I bore the burden of the untold love within me. I fought furiously to hide that enormous love inside a shell. I haven’t lost you as a friend and my love… My love is kept whole with no abrasion or disappointment.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Years of experience make you confident and practical. They make you accurately understand people and confidently judge them faster.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    you have to bear either the humiliation of being in need or the hardships of doing it all alone by yourself.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    You have to do all what you can, you never know what you are going to hear and where it is going to lead you.. Let’s do our best; it ignites my faith, at least, we are not just sitting in a corner waiting for a miracle, we ask the miracle to happen instead.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    You just need to discover your superpower and bet on it.

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    Noha Alaa El-din

    Your treason shall be your poison!