Best 15 quotes of Alwyn Hamilton on MyQuotes

Alwyn Hamilton

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    Ahmed looked shocked, his hands digging into my arms. 'But you love him,' he said softly. 'You love him, and you should save him. That' what people do with those they love, Amani -- they save them.' No iT wasn't. Sam had taught me that. Great love stories ended in death. All stories ended in death sooner or later. Ours was ending sooner.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    And suddenly, the once-nameless boy knew he didn't want a stolen name, tarnished with use. What he wanted desperately was a name good enough to give to this girl.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    Besides, if I let everyone I found annoying die, we'd be mighty thin on allies.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    He must've heard we were on our way. But I had the feeling iT wasn't the News of our numbers or our weapons that made him flee. It was the news that the rebel prince had returned from the dead. We didn't even have to fight with the tale of Ahmed preceding us. That was the power of a legend.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    I barged through the palace, dripping a trail of blood behind me as I held the dead bird by the neck.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    I'd once asked Jin if the sand sea was like the real sea. He'd given me that knowing smile he used to use when he knew something I didn't. Before I stripped all his secrets away and that smile became mine.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    If the throne changes hands, we will be invaded. My son is an idealist. Idealists make great leaders, but they never make good rulers. So I'll tell you what I believe, Amani. I believe that if my son's rebellion were ever to succeed, or even gain enough of a foothold to cast doubt upon my rule, we would be torn to shreds by foreign powers. It would destroy Miraji, just like my father would have destroyed it before us. - The Sultan

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    I hated the quiet. I could hear my fears that much louder for it.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    It was a bad idea to play chicken with someone who'd known you your whole life. Nobody came out a winner.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    My mother had raised me on a thousand stories of girls who were saved by the Djinn, princesses rescued from towers, peasant girls rescued from poverty. Turned out, stories were just stories. I was on my own.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    The ceasefire had started. Next would come the negotations. Then the peace between the sultan and the invaders. And without the need to mind his shores, the desert ruler's eyes would turn inward again. The Foreign prince understood it was time to return to his brother. Their rebellion was about to turn into a war.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    The guns weren't of Mirajin make. Amonpourian. Stupid-looking things. Ornate and carved, made by hand instead of machine, and charged at twice what they were worth because someone had gone to the trouble of making them pretty. It didn't matter how pretty something was, it'd kill you just as dead. That, I'd learned from Shazad.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    The trouble with belief is that it's not the same as truth.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    You almost died," Mahdi said again, like we might be too stupid to understand. "You say that like it's the first time I've ever had a gun pointed at me," I retorted as Shazad rolled her eyes. "It's not even the first time this month.

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    Alwyn Hamilton

    You know, I never believed in fate until I met you... then I started thinking coincidence didn't have near so cruel a sense of humor