Best 46 quotes of Nilantha Ilangamuwa on MyQuotes

Nilantha Ilangamuwa

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    All it takes is common sense to understand that the Rajapaksa administration has vandalised every layer of the country’s resources to get rid of political obstacles while minimising the space available to facilitate the sharing of authentic political dissent. At the same time the opposition appears to be caged.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    A society is driven by “social fear” always produces the seeds of doubt and unhappiness.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    As things stand the "intellectuals" only come out to lick the bones left over by the tyrant.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    China, the nation which suppressed every citizen in the country who has a different opinion to the government while the rulers sneak “peacefully” into every market in wider world of Diverse cultures.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Failed coup has put the people in general on a long trudge to freedom while creating a situation to consolidate more power to exercise the legitimised arbitrariness of Erdoğanian democracy.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Fear has become normal and is covered by the idea of “patriotism”.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Foremost, step one could take is avoiding the cheap behaviour of compromising principles with decorated lies which assails the moral power of common sense.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    History has taught us that the idea of superpower is for a political maniac to design the art of control over other countries.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    How can you cry for others’ struggles when you are facilitating mayhem in your own land?

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    If the Republic of China, is going to move forward with their noble idea of making Sri Lanka a Shipping Hub, then the country must focus on eliminating corrupting bugs in the bed.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    If you want to denounce impunity then you have to start with denouncing the impunity that the regime enjoys.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    International awareness of his deceptive practices is the reflection of the frustration that is prevailing in Sri Lanka which the President is trying to undermine by the traditional emotive and hate mongering politics.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    In the long run, even a tyrannical government only has the power that the people confer on it and coming to understand history is the beginning of making things right.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    It is a smokescreen if someone believes that they can make change without identifying the root causes which influence social disorder.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Life in this form is one-time chance, death is the inevitable consequence for anyone who is born. The record of one’s death is the primary respect one could render to the lost one. Tears of all relatives of missing people are indeed flowing due to this invaluable action by the authority.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Mr. President; give me back my country. Allow people to have their humanity. If you do not do this, history will never absolve you!

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Mr. President, it is time for you to give me back my country. You can either continue to make fools of the people who elected a tyrant like you or let the country rise phoenix-like from the ashes.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Mr. President, not only are you disastrous for the land, you are the man who must be held responsible for all the sins of the cowards, the cowards who were fooled into electing you as president.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Nothing can be changed in the system when the system itself is revolting against those who opposed violence.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Patriotism, currently, is nothing but the deadly evolution of narrow minded politics which has distorted language.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Reconciliation without truth is nothing but a smokescreen

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Social systems are neither a consumer product that we can buy or rent from the market nor a material that we can import from another country. It is not a creation of the almighty gifted from the heavens. A social system is a creation of mankind. That is a reflection of our responsibilities. In other words, the social system is the result of our behavior and the decisions we take in our way of life.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    That the military have the power to manipulate personal liberties while cocking a snook at justice and freedom in Balochistan is a fact.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The Chilcot report is a revelation of injustice under the cloak of Aid. The Chilcot report is a sorry report on the current state of humanity. So the ultimate question here is – what are we going to achieve out of the sorry reports when “sorry” has no meaning in action?

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The decrease in the number of killings doesn’t make any difference if the society has to sleep with the ghosts of the old devil.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The era of revolution by military means produced a greater degree of desperation and frustration. This was brought to an end by the people.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The government of Pakistan is yet to understand that the insurgency is not the disease but the symptoms of the disease. If the government really needs to cure the crisis in the area, then it must engage in genuine treatment procedure rather than engage in ad hoc solutions that go under the motto: picked up, killed, and dumped. Kidnapping the target and dumping his or her bullet riddled and tortured corpse in a public place to scare the people in the area is a military strategy which aims to provide a lesson to those who still retain seeds of resistance. If this is the only solution that the government is capable of then it will have to commit genocide against the people of Balochistan so that it can continue to steal their natural resources and have total control of the province.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The main element of true reconciliation is the public education system.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The man on the top of the hierarchy has created social fear in order for us to accept him as the leader.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The mentality of being the super power globally or regionally has contributed strongly to the development of very negative aspects to the political cohabitation the countries of the region than proving the capability of producing solutions that would meet the needs of the public.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The most fundamental problem is not that we don’t have a system to run but those with knowledge are cynically manipulating the system for petty personal desires.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The Rajapaksa regime in Sri Lanka, knows exactly how the political bluff works and uses it to spread lies among the people. What he has done to this country is assassinate the dignity and respect of good citizens while centralising everything into himself and his family members. His ego may lead him to think that it will last forever so to keep his dream alive he will not hesitate to eliminate the person who questions this.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    The tyrant has power to play as long as he is the master in his surroundings.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    True, the US Government does not have moral authority to ask for an independent investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity that occurred in final stages of the civil war in Sri Lanka. This is so not just because of what they have done in Sri Lanka, but what they do all around the world. Certainly, the US enhanced their assistance in many ways during last decades to fight against the Tamil Tiger rebels. But does the Government of Sri Lanka have moral authority to deny an international investigation? The answer is no.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Trump is a counter-product of the traditional political scheme.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    We are citizens who love to fake life than dig deep into our reality to discover the truth and make amends and correct our own wrongdoings, because we are reluctant to learn from our past.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    We are naked, but we think we are not; we are wrong, but think we are correct. We are misled but we think we are properly guided. We think we have leaders but in reality we do not. What we have are tyrants.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    We are not subjects of an autocratic King, but are citizens of the country contributing to the advancement of our people who pay taxes out of their hard earned income.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    We as human beings need freedom, and justice, and a true cause to engage in to make life meaningful. This basic and comprehensive dream cannot be allowed to be shattered under any circumstances; if it starts shattering then the resistance will arise. The elimination of torture and other practiced cruelty needs to be effected for there to be freedom and justice. It will guide us in our search for a secure place to enjoy personal liberties.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    We do not have to dig deep into history to understand the reality. The examples of Saddam Hussain, who was executed after a sham trial and the case of Muammar Gaddafi, who killed after surrendering in broad daylight, have given enough factual reality to understand the painful truth.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    We have created our own fake world in order to satisfy our imagination through the illusion.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    We have passed some of the dirtiest chapters of mankind. Perhaps we are heading towards further inhuman treatments in many places such as Syria and Palestine.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    We once again see the painful reality of the spineless political intelligentsia

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    What unified the Balochis in their quest to regain self-determination, which resulted in the ‘existing state’? On the one hand, authoritarianism, militarization, and conquest has robbed them of their history and put them into the do or die situation. On the other hand, natural resources which would allow the citizens at large to achieve a respectable existence have been controlled by the military or political elites, well connected to feudal political elites in Pakistan.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    When man lost touch with his humanity he had no reason to walk along the higher path.

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    Nilantha Ilangamuwa

    Will there be people who will have the conscience to contribute to the country by changing themselves first? That is the need of the moment.