Best 941 quotes in «behavior quotes» category

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    In hospitals there is no time off for good behavior.

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    Innocence is a desirable thing, a dainty thing, an appealing thing, in its place; but carried too far, it is merely ridiculous.

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    I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies.

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    In old persons, when thus fully expressed, we often observe a fair, plump, perennial waxen complexion, which indicates that all the ferment of earlier days has subsided into serenity of thought and behavior.

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    Insanity is to behave like someone that you are not.

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    In short-to overstate the point only slightly-because people don't really know why they do what they do, they give explanations of their own behavior that are about as reliable as anyone else's, and in many circumstances actually less so.

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    In short, the best thing to do is behave in a manner befitting one's age. If you are sixteen or under, try not to go bald.

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    In some settings, however, rampant opportunistic behavior severely limits what can be done jointly without major investments in monitoring and sanctioning arrangements.

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    Integrity means congruence. Words and behavior match.

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    Intelligence agencies keep things secret because they often violate the rule of law or of good behavior.

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    I really hate to see abusive behavior being passed on from generation to generation to generation, when we have access to health and counseling.

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    In the United States, if you buy a property and you're a good citizen, and you improve that property, what do they do to you? They tax you more. So they penalize you for good behavior.

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    I object to a legal approach when settling questions of science or scientific behavior.

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    I started to call myself a "rational therapist" in January 1955; later I used the term "rational emotive." Now I call myself a "rational emotive behavior therapist." But from the start, I always included philosophic techniques as well as experiential, emotional and behavioral techniques.

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    I see a lot of patterns in our behavior as a nation that parallel a lot of other historical processes.

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    I started to realize I love study, I love the study of human behavior.

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    I started to call myself a rational therapist in 1955; later I used the term rational emotive. Now I call myself a rational emotive behavior therapist.

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    I think it's perfectly just to refuse service to anyone based on behavior, but not based on race or religion.

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    It has always been the task of formal education to set up behavior which would prove useful or enjoyable later in a student's life.

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    I think habits and behaviors are very hard to change. And they're even harder when you're back home.

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    I think that unlike W Bush who was an actual evangelical and sincerely so (my family knew the Bush family), of course Trump will disappoint when it comes to evangelicals. I'm not talking about personal behavior but policy.

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    I think puns are not just the lowest form of wit, but the lowest form of human behavior.

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    It is easier to recognize the quality of leadership in the behavior of their followers than it is in the behavior of the leader.

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    I think the Russians have played now for some time the role of providing cover for Bashar al-Assad's behavior. The alternative explanation that the Russians put forth is simply not plausible.

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    I think writers are excited by stupidity and bad behavior, generally.

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    It is not wise, or even possible, to divorce private behavior from public leadership.... By its very nature, true leadership carries with it the burden of being an example.

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    It is in our collective behavior that we are most mysterious.

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    It is not virtuous in any way to put yourself down, or to punish yourself, because you do not feel you have lived up to your best behavior at any given time.

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    It is strange that we know so little about the properties of numbers. They are our handiwork, yet they baffle us; we can fathom only a few of their intricacies. Having defined their attributes and prescribed their behavior, we are hard pressed to perceive the implications of our formulas.

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    It is only when you're lying to yourself or hating some aspect of yourself that you'll get an emotional charge from someone else's behavior.

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    It may be said that the basic characteristic of human behavior in general is that humans personally influence their relations with the environment and through that environment personally change their behavior, subjugating it to their control.

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    I try as best I can to enter the realm of nuances of human behavior.

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    It's a whole lot more productive to be in problem-solving mode than it is to be in behavior modification mode.

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    It's impossible to expect polite behavior from people who've never witnessed it.

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    It's easier to fall back into old behaviors when you come back to a place where you were a shorter person.

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    It's too bad that it takes egregious behavior or some kind of crisis to get people to take notice and get clearer about things that were just below the surface.

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    It's the "Success Paradox." When a set of behaviors has gotten you somewhere, you keep doing them even though the circumstances have changed.

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    It was both fascinating and appalling to learn that chimpanzees were capable of hostile and territorial behavior that was not unlike certain forms of primitive human warfare.

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    I understand that we should never lose our right to be offended, so I accept it. But for me it was always a study of human behavior because if we just demonize it, it becomes unreal.

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    I've always assumed it to be an absolute requirement for being a writer: to find all emotions and the sources of all behaviors somewhere within yourself.

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    I've always been someone who really watches other people, human behavior. To watch it and be able to express it through your version has always been really exciting to me

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    I've been trying to avoid goal-oriented behavior.

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    I went to Congress to change the policies of our country. I did not go to change the behaviors of members of Congress.

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    I would like to be remembered as one of the individuals who founded, ideologically and practically, cognitive behavior therapy and who pioneered multimodal or integrated therapy.

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    Journalism is just the art of capturing behavior.

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    Keep my word positive. Words become my behaviors. Keep my behaviors positive. Behaviors become my habits. Keep my habits positive. Habits become my values. Keep my values positive. Values become my destiny.

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    Knowledge is no guarantee of good behavior, but ignorance is a virtual guarantee of bad behavior.

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    Laws against homosexual behavior should remain on the books.

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    Leadership is the behavior each of us exerts when we take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

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    Learned behaviors have replaced the biologically given ones.

    • behavior quotes