Best 842 quotes in «conscience quotes» category

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    Don't question your conscience so much--it will get out of tune like a strummed piano. Keep it for great occasions.

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    Don’t roll your eyes. This question may make you “face palm” in amazement at how strange someone else’s conscience might be. That’s typically how someone with a strong conscience reacts when they hear about the scruples of the weak. But to the weak of conscience, these are life-and-death matters. Conscience is always a life-and-death matter since sinning against it is always a sin, and getting used to sinning against conscience in one area will make it easier to sin against conscience in other areas. The strong must not look down on the weak but bear with them (Romans 15:1) and, if opportunity arises, gently help them calibrate their conscience (p. 79).

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    Don't sell your conscience to the DEVIL to stay in heavenly hell.

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    Don't you be worried or annoyed, Sancho, about any comments you hear, or there will never be an end to them. Keep a safe conscience and let people say what they like: trying to still gossips' tongues is like putting up doors in open fields. If the governor leaves office rich they say he's a thief, and if he leaves it poor they say he's a milksop and a fool.

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    Don't you think it's good to serve your country?' I asked. 'No, I don't,' Mr Peterson said. 'I think it's good to serve your principles. And in the army you don't get to pick and choose your fights according to your conscience. You kill on command. Don't ever surrender your right to make your own moral decisions, kid.

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    Doubt is your intellectual conscience pleading with you to be honest with yourself.

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    Drawing a cross on your forehead won't get you into heaven, for real heaven can only manifest around us on earth, if we, the individual humans, start acting as civilized creatures of conscience and character.

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    Drop jewels from the top of these clouds, a drop top John F. Kennedy head shot. It's secrecy hidden in sight of these bars in hip-hop. A compass and square ruler, the pencil is the fueler, 33 degrees below and my mind is fire that keeps me cooler. It's a building of mind, a freezing of time, reverse history back to the garden, the story of the first Atom to be divine.

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    Due to the monstrous activity of a handful of extremists, the majority of the human society has been conditioned to believe that the term 'musalman' is somehow synonymous with terrorism. But the reality is, the term 'musalman' refers to someone with 'musallam iman,' that means, a pure conscience. Thus any individual whose conscience is pure and clear, is a musalman or muslim, regardless of socio-religious background. Likewise, any human being who loves his or her neighbor is a Christian. Hence, scriptures can't define your religion, only your actions with other people do.

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    Each religion has provided a tremendous service in defining elements of conscience. They have made it possible for us to live together in a society, to work toward common goals, and to learn how to accept or tolerate relative opposition to our own opinions. I also think that this has been done much as a parent needs to provide a similar service for an adolescent. Internal and external conflict requires discipline to organize and structure some form of minimizing the chaos imposed on others.

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    Earth is necessity, not Mars. Food and water are necessities, not alcohol and cigarettes.

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    É bom quando nossa consciência sofre grandes ferimentos, pois isso a torna mais sensível a cada estímulo. Penso que devemos ler apenas livros que nos ferem, que nos afligem. Se o livro que estamos lendo não nos desperta como um soco no crânio, por que perder tempo lendo-o? Para que ele nos torne felizes, como você diz? Oh Deus, nós seríamos felizes do mesmo modo se esses livros não existissem. Livros que nos fazem felizes poderíamos escrever nós mesmos num piscar de olhos. Precisamos de livros que nos atinjam como a mais dolorosa desventura, que nos assolem profundamente – como a morte de alguém que amávamos mais do que a nós mesmos –, que nos façam sentir que fomos banidos para o ermo, para longe de qualquer presença humana – como um suicídio. Um livro deve ser um machado para o mar congelado que há dentro de nós

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    Emotions when guided by conscience, can do wonders in the world of mortal humans – thoughts when guided by conscience, can manifest magnificent creativity on this planet – and behavior when guided by conscience, can transform this world into a real progressive abode of peace with the pure elements of compassion, kindness and courage flowing through the very spine of the society.

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    En realidad, ver, oír y sentir son propiedades del cerebro que los sentidos limitan y ordenan. De allí podemos vislumbrar dos planteamientos esenciales: cómo es que pensamos y qué es ser conscientes, y la única manera de entender el mundo en que vivimos es que empecemos por fin a entendernos a nosotros mismos. (Gabriel García Márquez - prólogo literario)

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    Every brilliant theory in physics, for example, has been proven mainly wrong, except for the most recent ones, which will be. The big players, like Newton and Copernicus, gave us answers that were later proved more wrong than right. What they did—and why they are valued—is direct our attention to more piercing and compelling questions or possibilities. (I’d suggest the same holds true for the big spiritual players, but that’s a different letter.)

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    Every single human being is neurologically predisposed to be biased in various walks of life. It is biologically impossible to be absolutely free from all biases, nevertheless, the more a person rigorously trains the self to be rational and conscientious, the more that self becomes strong enough to keep the biases in check, never to let them run rampant over the psyche.

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    Faith for those few that are chosen even though many are called. Elohim meant it for everybody to enter but they dare not walk through the narrow difficulty, so they give into lifes delicacies that can't fulfill and leads to misery and slavery.

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    Fear nothing but your conscience.

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    Find out what faith is and how you can put it into practice. Learn how to pray, and do it. Discover what pride is, and get rid of it. Develop a self-concept that is adequate and accurate. Clarify your values. Identify your talents. Probe the fact, meaning, and use of your sexuality. Face the fact that you engage in self-deception. Reflect on truth that you are made in the image of God. Use your spiritual gift. Clear your conscience. Feel deeply. Enjoy life. Face death. Treat your body right. Conquer the flesh. Depend on the Holy Spirit. Be humble.

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    For convenience sake, we deny the truth and look past it. Instant pleasure transforms quietly into immense pain.

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    For my happy relationships...they are truly formulated in a deeply intimate, trust-BUILT, character-tested, place in my conscience. I consider my friends in the Spirit and TRUTH as divinely chosen ones, plus the way I communicate this reality is by the way I love them inaction. They share in the experience of my authentic happiness, by ethereal invitation, and not by mere coincidence.

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    For the second time since meeting her, Echo looked as if I’d slapped her. Water pooled at the bottom edges of her eyes, her cheeks flushed red and she blinked rapidly. She’d succeeded in making me feel like a d*ck … again.

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    For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth." -

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    Freedom and responsibility themselves are at stake. One does not find freedom or enact responsibility by surrendering to another’s conceptualization of these ideas. Living out the rules of conscience laid down by someone else for the attainment of an unquestioned goal, a freedom designed and articulated by someone else, is the surrender of human imagination and intuition. In the more extreme versions of this, we end up with a collective momentum resulting in events such as Nazi extermination of millions of Jews, the Inquisition, or similar events recently in Africa and elsewhere. That comes from allocating one’s conscience to someone else, not attending to one’s own deeper intuitive sense of right and wrong.

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    ...freedom of conscience does not mean being uncontrolled - we have to control ourselves and at times submit to others...

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    From a cleansed conscience emerges a changed life.

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    Gamache watched the old poet. He knew what was looming behind the Mountain. What crushed all before it. The thing the Hermit most feared. The Mountain most feared. Conscience. ... Which is why, Gamache knew, it was vital to be aware of actions in the present. Because the present became the past, and the past grew. And got up, and followed you. And found you ... Who wouldn't be afraid of this?

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    General attitude and outlook—the way we perceive and experience anything—is more influenced by our physical state than anything other single factor. I’d guess that for most of us, at least 50% of our struggles and discontent are brought on by being physically out of balance. The causes of that imbalance are many, but at the core, there’s an insensitivity or inability to locate and maneuver essential physical processes within us: how to breathe, how to sit, stand and walk, how to see and hear, how to slow down or speed up, how to relax, how to sleep, how to eat, how to adjust our physiological responses to the different circumstances we find ourselves within. This kind of removal or abstraction from our physicality causes an enormous amount of problems on many levels. One key result of it is a distrust in our own ability to influence our emotional state and our energy and perspectives in general; we often feel that we can’t get our hands on the control switches, as if most of life just happens and we can’t do much about it.

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    Getting down to the gym a couple days a week and having low-fat milk in your morning latte isn’t going to make much of a dent in a system or lifestyle that is essentially, well, unwell.

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    God accentuate our mind with exact words to write.

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    God created every man to be free. The ability to choose whether to live free or enslaved, right or wrong, happy or in fear is something called freewill. Every man was born with freewill. Some people use it, and some people use any excuse not to. Nobody can turn you into a slave unless you allow them. Nobody can make you afraid of anything, unless you allow them. Nobody can tell you to do something wrong, unless you allow them. God never created you to be a slave, man did. God never created division or set up any borders between brothers, man did. God never told you hurt or kill another, man did. And in the end, when God asks you: "Who told you to kill one of my children?" And you tell him, "My leader." He will then ask you, "And are THEY your GOD?

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    God forgive them for they know now what they do? They know what they do, forced pressures of life is what they put all us through. This isn't new, It's Babylonian rules. If they could tax our oxygen, trust they would through collection of big face bills in blue.

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    God, if he believed in Him, and his conscience, if he had one, were the only judges to whom he was answerable.

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    God is closer than you think. In your heart, is his truth and light.

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    God is my only leader. Truth is my only sword. Guided only by my conscience, I am a true citizen of the world.

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    God loves us toughly enough not to allow us to be happy with our sins. The recollection of sin rightly brings misery of conscience. How else could moral awareness be saved from sentimentality? The deepest human happiness, we learn, is grounded in holiness - God's holy love and our responsive attempts to reflect it fittingly.

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    God speaks to us through our conscience. This may be a “still small voice” that will not let us go until we do what we know is right . . .we must never silence that inner voice—[but] check what we think it is saying against the Scriptures.

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    Going through life with a conscience is like driving your car with the brakes on.

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    Good...if you've done things you aren't proud of. It means you have a conscience.

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    GUCCI. Label me down with these codes that are commercialed in uniform. Military stripes, commander in chief, veteran in the word play, call it a beast. In plain sight hidden from the mass, where's Waldo? This arsenal I call 'Mind' is highly explosive cargo, a word flow, it's one in a million like solo.

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    Había un no sé qué de vertiginoso que Emma sentía llegar hasta sí, como una emanación de aquellas vidas amontonadas, y su corazón se henchía profundamente al percibirlo. Era como si las ciento veinte mil almas que allí palpitaban le estuvieran enviando al unísono el vaho de aquellas pasiones que ella les atribuía. Su amor ensanchaba a la vista de aquel espacio y se llenaba con el rumoreo de confusos murmullos que subían hasta ella. Proyectaba su amor hacia fuera, hacia las plazas, los paseos y las calles, y la antigua villa normanda le antojaba una capital desmesurada, una especie de Babilonia por cuyas puertas estaba entrando. Se apoyaba con las dos manos en el borde de la ventanilla y se inclinaba hacia afuera para aspirar la brisa, mientras los tres caballos seguían su galope.

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    Harmony and Peace do not rise from any church, temple, mosque or synagogue. They can only rise from individual human conscience.

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    He always came back to the belief that creeds, religious and otherwise, were for those who did not have sufficient internal more guidance.

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    He had a clear conscience. Never used it.

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    He lived a quiet existence where the future was easy to predict and the past was a cancer in remission. It was meaningful, of course. But it was lonely.

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    He shrugged, " conscience rests easiest if I do only what I see as best in the moment...

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    He was a committed leader, capable of - or prone to - instinctive decisions. More: he could put aside thought in the service of forceful action. But in quiet moments his sensitivity sometimes led him to reconsider his own behaviour. In other words, Atticus had a conscience, and it was this that led him to what some would call faith.

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    He who stands by his heart has God in him. Our conscience is what unites us with God.

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    He would do what he had to do. He would do everything in his power to protect those he loved. As long as he could live with his conscience afterwards. -- Gabriel D'Angelo

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    Highly evolved people have their own conscience as pure law.