Best 107 quotes in «activist quotes» category

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    Families are incubators for citizen activists.

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    Establishment women just get mad. Activists change the laws.

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    I am a gay activist and I say that proudly. I voted no on Prop 8.

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    I can't say I'm anything like a devoted animal rights activist, but I certainly oppose cruelty to animals.

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    I don't want to be remembered as an activist; I want to be remembered as an American Indian patriot.

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    Don't let complexity stop you. Be activists. Take on the big inequities. It will be one of the great experiences of your lives.

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    I have referred to myself as an accidental activist on more than one occasion.

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    I don't want to spend all my time working as an activist. I don't get satisfaction out of it. I'd rather be doing something else. I'm a musician.

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    I intensely dislike the word 'critic,' because it puts you in an antagonistic position to artists. I've learned everything that I know about art from artists... I see myself as an advocate and an activist and a writer.

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    I'm a great believer in compromise. I know it's not popular among young idealists. Compromise is not popular. It's not at all popular among young people who these days call themselves "activists." They think compromises are dishonest, opportunistic, humiliating. Not in my vocabulary. In my vocabulary, the word "compromise" is synonymous to the word "life".

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    I'm a human rights activist and it doesn't make any sense not to treat everybody the exact same way. It just doesn't make any sense, it's counter intuitive, it's inhuman and it has to stop.

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    I'm not a celebrity, I'm an activist. The fact that when I see truth it's really hard for me to sit back and just allow it to happen in front of me on my clock makes me, a lot of times, a bad celebrity.

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    I'm not a gay rights activist.

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    I'm not an activist by nature. I am suspicious of Utopian thinking and equally suspicious of its alternate.

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    I'm not an activist at all. I'm a filmmaker, and I wanted the people involved to tell their own story.

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    I'm not a policy maker. I'm not even a very great activist. My main thing is to make things that speak for the culture that I live in.

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    In part, slacktivism is what happens when the energy of otherwise dedicated activists is wasted on approaches that are less effective than the alternatives.

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    I learned from James Baldwin that one can be a novelist, essayist, and activist, combined. That being critical of one's country is a way of loving it. That travel is crucial for perspective. That faith needn't be confined to organized religion.

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    I see myself as a climber and an activist.

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    Not every alt-right thinker or activist is a white nationalist, by far, but there's a sense that political correctness is a bigger problem than racism, and that racism is used as a cudgel for silencing.

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    It's funny how most activists are pacifists.

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    I'm totally into veganism and animal rights, but I'm not into being an angry and judgmental activist.

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    I want to be an activist professor.

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    Journalists are simply leftists disguised as reporters. They're political activists disguised as reporters.

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    Most activists on the Left believe that they, not only their values, are morally superior to their adversaries. Therefore, coercing people to adhere to 'progressive' values is morally acceptable, even demanded.

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    My life is about being a civil rights activist. That's my life. Whoever you are, everyone, we either have civil rights or we don't. It's for everyone.

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    Normally, I would do research. For The Constant Gardener, I played an activist, so I went to meet activists. You can find them dotted around. But with The Brothers Bloom, I couldn't meet a nutty heiress who lived in a bubble in a mansion. There was no one to meet. So this was just an active imagining, a daydream.

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    That to be an activist, you have to stay active. For me, it's profound; it's not something you choose to do every five years because it's chic to say it.

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    Smile, breathe and go slowly." - Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen monk, author and peace activist.

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    So much of my work is as Yara, not as a character. If you're attacking my work as a philanthropist or activist, you're attacking Yara. But because of "Black-ish" and this national audience we have, I get to have a larger or louder voice.

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    Statistics in the hands of activists have power.

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    I was very active. I was always all over the place trying to do a million things, just into this activity. If you asked me when I was 14 what I wanted to be: "Activist, first, is my occupation. I am an activist.

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    There was a French activist and writer, Simone de Beauvoir, who said, 'You are not born woman. You become one' ... Words I live by.

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    The left defends their, whatever you want to call, partisans, activists or what have you.

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    This activist loves Oregon more than he loves life.

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    Unless that happens, unless you get, you know, kind of integration of activists' concerns and movements, it will be, each one will be 'preaching to the choir'.

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    Unless I have hallucinated, I have never made an anti-gay commentary, I have made anti-gay-activist-agenda commentaries.

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    We can all become activists and raise questions.

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    When activists need a pretext to justify their violence, they always find it.

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    Understand: the task of an activist is not to negotiate systems of power with as much personal integrity as possible--it's to dismantle those systems.

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    When I hear the words 'activist filmmaking,' I think of somebody who's an activist, who wants to prove a particular point.

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    Activism begins with you, Democracy begins with you, get out there, get active! Tag, you're it

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    Writers who are activists are very rarely taken seriously as artists.

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    You can be active with the activists or sleep in with the sleepers while you're waiting for the Great Leap Forwards.

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    When they put me in jail, that's when they turned me into an activist. Up until the time I went to jail, I was just a comedian.

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    You have to draw lines between being a journalist and an activist.

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    Democracy is only as moral and just as those in power, and only as wise as the citizens who elect them.

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    Are you going to cater to the whims and prejudices of people who have no intelligent knowledge of what they condemn?

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    As a human rights activist it is concerning to me that those committing atrocities against vulnerable people view these atrocities as 'progress', and assert with pride and conviction that they are 'Christians' and that they are doing 'God's will'.

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    A true artist is pleased the most by the sight of his or her work at work.