Best 54 quotes in «dylan quotes» category

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    I heard Tom Waits in this kinky shop on Belmont Street in Chicago. Considering the way I was raised, they were such obscure voices, but their music saved my life - I didn't know who I was before I heard Bob Dylan and Tom Waits.

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    I'm always looking for overlooked post-Dylan singer-songwriter records from the '70s.

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    I'm a [Bob] Dylan freak, like everybody else.

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    I was mainly influenced by the Carter Family, Jimmie Rodgers, Loretta Lynn, Merle Haggard, and others like Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash.

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    I think The Beatles are the lasting influence on me, even more so than Dylan.

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    Joaquin Sabina is one of my favorites. He's like a legend. He's like our Bob Dylan, or our Bruce Springsteen. He's one of the most talented writers of our Latin music.

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    My love was Bob Dylan, but as I got older I realized a good ballad was a good ballad.

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    I would say that Bob Dylan is as interested in money as any person I`ve known in my life. That`s just the truth.

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    Musically Bob [Dylan] is a primitive. He's not a Gershwin, or somebody that uses eloquent music terms.

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    The likes of Bob Dylan and David Bowie and probably Elvis Presley or any of the Beatles, none of them would have got through Pop Idol, because they're not conventional. They're not what people think is popular now. I like the individuality in people. I don't want everyone to sound the same.

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    Producing Bob Dylan was pretty much a spectator sport.

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    You could live in Winnipeg a thousand years and not meet Ringo, Paul McCartney, or Bob Dylan.

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    And by the way, you clearly don't know me better than Fang does. Do you see Fang arguing with me? No, you do not.

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    Well, I love Bob Dylan, let's make that clear. He's one of my musical heroes.

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    If my like for you was a footy crowd, you'd be deaf cos of the roar. And if my like for you were a boxer, there'd be a dead guy lying on the floor. And if my like for you were sugar, you'd lose your teeth before you were twenty. And if my like for you was money, let's just say you'd be spending plenty.

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    Without music, there is not the faintest chance [Bob Dylan] words would now be garlanded as they are.

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    Dostoevsky, too, had lived a dismal and hard life. The czar sent him to a prison camp in Siberia in 1849. Dostoevsky was accused of writing socialist propaganda. He was eventually pardoned and wrote stories to ward off his creditors. Just like in the early '70s I wrote albums to ward off mine.

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    And I'm not saying it's a bad song, you know, or anything like that. All I'm saying is that if you get, I don't know, a broom, say, and dip it in some brake fluid, put the other end up my arse, stick me on a trampoline in a moving lift, and I would write a better song on the walls. That's all I'm saying.

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    Dylan, while he is in the shower and he and Joss are only seperated by the curtain and his invisibility: Dylan: "Maybe if you would come in here and scrub my back it would speed things up." Joss: "I'm not invisible." Dylan: "I know this.

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    I had lunch with my brothers,” Mark said, his face serious. “While you were still asleep. They told me. About Corey and that stupid set-up you agreed to where you’d pretend not to be my wife . . .” “I never agreed to pretend not to be your wife,” Dylan said. Mark’s face grew serious then. “That’s what it amounted to in the end though, didn’t it? You pulled away from me in exchange for me getting . . . what?” “Your career back,” Dylan said. “Your life.” “Dylan, you’re my life. You.

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    I had no songs in my repertoire for commercial radio anyway. Songs about debauched bootleggers, mothers that drowned their own children, Cadillacs that only got five miles to the gallon, floods, union hall fires, darkness and cadavers at the bottom of rivers weren't for radiophiles. There was nothing easygoing about the folk songs I sang. They weren't friendly or ripe with mellowness. They didn't come gently to the shore. I guess you could say they weren't commercial. Not only that, my style was too erratic and hard to pigeonhole for the radio, and songs, to me, were more important that just light entertainment. They were my preceptor and guide into some altered consciousness of reality, some different republic, some liberated republic. Greil Marcus, the music historian, would some thirty years later call it "the invisible republic." Whatever the case, it wasn't that I was anti-popular culture or anything and I had no ambitions to stir things up. i just thought of popular culture as lame as hell and a big trick. It was like the unbroken sea of frost that lay outside the window and you had to have awkward footgear to walk on it. I didn't know what age of history we were in nor what the truth of it was. Nobody bothered with that. If you told the truth, that was all well and good and if you told the un-truth, well, that's still well and good. Folk songs taught me that.

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    I'm not going to lie to you and say it gets easier, because it doesn't. It's just that you get used to it. The human animal has an amazing capacity to get used to almost anything.

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    I'm proud of you, Bliss," he said. "Michael's sword released the souls that were trapped in your blood. You freed them. You freed me." "But now I'm never going to see you again, am I?" she asked. Dylan smiled. "It's unlikely. But I never say never.' "I wish you wouldn't go. I'll miss you so much," Bliss said. "I'll miss you too." Dylan put his hand up, and so did Bliss. But this time, instead of touching air, she felt his warm hand grasping her cold one. She looked at Allegra. Somehow, she knew her mother was making this happen. Dylan leaned down, and she could feel his lips, soft and inviting, gently kissing hers. Then Dylan was gone. But Bliss did not feel anguished. She felt at peace. Dylan was not broken and incomplete anymore. He was whole.

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    I am dying. Every part of me is shattering; falling to the floor, a hole in my chest is ripped wide open for the world to see. The earth is set into motion again spinning faster than before, nothing makes sense, but everything makes sense. Heidi Acosta. Barbie Girl (Kindle Locations 3335-3336).

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    Max:"So the first thing we're going to do," I told him, "is push you off the roof.

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    I wanted her and only her. I wanted to be a part of her storm. I wanted to feel my pulse against hers. I wanted the bitter on her sweet tongue. I wanted the sadness in her sweet syrup eyes. I wanted the silence in her screaming mind and the enigma that is really quite simple- a complicated happiness. I wasn't willing to let go. I was falling completely, forever, into solid fucking love that was swimming through my veins. I wanted to be the breath in her mouth and the rhythm in her chest that would beat only for me.

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    Nice hammer,” Harlow said from behind me. “Hey,” I said, glancing around casually to see if Winnie was with her. “Nice shiner.” “You should see the other chick,” she muttered. “Can we talk?” Setting down my hammer, I followed her away from the other guys. Harlow seemed tense and I worried something was wrong with Winnie. “This is awkward and I feel weird coming here like this,” she said, pushing her blonde hair behind her ears. “Are you dating anyone?” My breath caught. A fear rose up in my chest at the thought of Harlow wanting to date me. What would that mean for me and Winnie? The look in Harlow’s eyes calmed my terror. I might as well have been a brick wall based on the lack of attraction she showed. “No.” “Some girl was hugging you outside a restaurant. Wasn’t that a date?” Frowning, I scratched at my jaw where I forgot to shave that morning. “That was a girl from high school. She might have been into me, but we went out as friends. I’m not dating anyone.” “Winnie saw you with that girl and she got really upset. I know she’s not ready to have a boyfriend, but she wants you. Do you want her?” Playing it cool might be the stud move, but I didn’t want to be a player. I wanted Winnie. Besides, for the second time in twenty four hours, someone close to Winnie wanted to play matchmaker. “Yes.” Harlow nodded. “She’s messed up. You know that, right?” “I know she’s fragile, yeah.” “Winnie has a lot of phobias. Not stupid shit for attention, but real chronic problems that won’t go away because you’re hot. She’s been in therapy for years and gotten stronger, but she’ll never be okay.” “I understand.” Harlow bit her lip then nodded again. “Do you want to take her out to dinner tomorrow?” “Yes.” Harlow smiled. “You better be chattier than that on the date or else no one will say anything. Winnie likely won’t say anything all night, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to. She just takes a long time to warm up to people.” I wasn’t sure what Harlow saw on my face, but she grinned. “She really wants to warm up to you, Dylan. Don’t fuck it up, okay?” “I’ll do my best.” When Harlow narrowed her eyes, I was pretty sure she might hit me. “I appreciate the way you tried to save us that day. You showed balls and I respect that. With that said, you better be taking this seriously, understand?” Leaning closer, I stared right into those suspicious eyes. “No one makes me feel like Winnie. If she needs to take it slow, we’ll go slow. If she wants to rush into it, we’ll rush. If she needs me to stand on my fucking head and sing the National Anthem, I’ll do it. So yes, I’m taking this very seriously,” I said, running a hand where short dark stubble took the place of my mohawk. “I told Winnie I would wait and I meant it. What you think is me being passive is just patience.” “Okay,” Harlow said softly. “You know when I came to Ellsberg, I was pretty messed up. My family was dead and I was in this new place with strangers. Winnie took care of me. She became my sister and best friend. I love her like she’s blood. Nothing personal, but if you hurt her, I’ll have to kill you.” “Fair enough,” I said, grinning. “Smile all you want, buddy, but I’ve got moves.” Harlow faked a punch, but I didn’t flinch. My mind was already focused on tomorrow. I hadn’t talked to Winnie since the day Nick’s dad showed up. I hadn’t seen her close up in weeks. I needed to be close to her even if she couldn’t do more than hide behind her hair all night.

    • dylan quotes
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    Roan rested his forehead against his and put a hand on his chest. Sweet man, one he didn’t deserve. “I’m sorry.” “For what?” “The insanity that is my life. Me.” “Hey, I signed up for this ride. I knew from past experience that sexy men were always trouble, and it wasn’t like your reputation didn’t precede you. I have no one to blame but myself.” “You think I’m sexy?” “Don’t fish for compliments.

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    The problem with life—with a lot of things—was randomness was responsible for so many things.

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    The myriad of flavors explode on my tongue, shimmy through my mouth, slap my taste buds and call them filthy bastards, and I love it.

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    Packed up the Dylan and the Man Ray and the Joyce I left a note that said well I guess I got no choice Scuse me girl while I'm kicking it to the curb Leaving with all I need but less than I deserve

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    There's no comfort I can give, that will ease her pain, and make her see that she's the perfect storm

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    The sound of a rumbling Harley wasn’t anything out of the ordinary around Ellsberg. This bike roared its engine once, twice, again and again as if attempting to gain someone’s attention. Or challenge a person to a fight maybe. A frowning Aaron looked outside and his expression darkened. “It’s your fuckwad stepbrother.” My stomach flipped and I backed away from the door as if I might run. Returning to sanity, I sighed. “How would he know?” “I don’t know. I’ll tell him to fuck off.” Aaron walked onto the porch and Dylan turned of the Harley. I watched Dylan stop at the front fence where he glared at Aaron. “I know Lark’s here. She needs to come home.” “Fuck off,” Aaron said, keeping his promise to tell Dylan just that.

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    they say every man needs protection, they say every man must fall. yet I swear I see my reflection,some place high above this wall.....and someday I shall be released.

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    What happens when I break one of your fuckin’ rules?

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    Actually, I never liked Dylan's kind of music before; I always thought he sounded just like Yogi Bear.

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    And you don't want to just totally mess up the rhythm when you're playing with Bob Dylan.

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    The world stops spinning. She is the ocean crashing into me, tossing me, drowning me. I can’t breathe. I do not care. I want to die right now. I want nothing more than to drown in her. My head is filled with a gray fog. I am being pulled toward heaven and my angel is kissing me. Heidi Acosta. Barbie Girl (Kindle Locations 3330-3332).

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    Yeah, you're sitting in a tree because you're fine. That's easy to see. I can't believe this is Maximum Ride, destroyer of despots, warrior hottie, leader of the flock! All you need now to make yourself more pathetic is a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream!

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    Barely awake and already starting in with the questions.You were alot easier to take when you were sleeping." - Rio to Dylan

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    Bob Dylan is as influential as any artist that there has been.

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    Back seat drivers don’t know the feel of the wheel but they sho’ know how to make a fuss" Bob Dylan/Bonnie Raitt, “Let’s Keep It Between Us,” 1982

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    Bob Dylan is out of the mentorship of Allen Ginsberg.

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    [Bob] Dylan crashed his motorcycle in 1967, and almost died. A few years ago, he referred to the experience as a "transfiguration.

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    Bob Dylan impresses me about as much as... well, I was gonna say a slug but I like slugs.

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    [Bob Dylan] is a preacher but also a sinner; a poet but also a pitchman; authentic all-American but also invented persona.

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    Bob Dylan emerged from nowhere, like an alien. And that was just the start.

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    From the moment [Bob] Dylan arrived as a songwriter, he was [so] much better than everybody else around.

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    Bob Dylan was uncomfortable being known as just a protest singer.  He wanted to go back into himself and do what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it.