Best 1302 quotes in «islam quotes» category

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    Do not be a people without a will of your own saying: If others treat well you will also treat well and if they do wrong we will do wrong; but accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and do not do wrong if they do evil.

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    Don't hate the Muslims or Islam. Hate if you must, the fundamentalists who consistently compel the human society to turn away from even the peace loving Muslims. However, the term hate would be an understatement when we are referring to the fundamentalists. The fundamentalists are the biggest enemies of the human race. Without the presence of the fundamentalist inspiration, no violence in the name of religion shall ever fester on this planet. People from all religious, spiritual and non-religious background shall live in harmony, enriching each other's lives, if there are no fundamentalists to divide them apart.

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    Don't let the zealots make Muslim a terrifying word." [1,000 Days 'Trapped Inside a Metaphor' (Columbia University / The New York Times, December 12, 1991)]

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    Don't waste water even if you were at a running stream

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    Do you order righteousness of the people and forget yourselves while you recite the Scripture? Then will you not reason?

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    Due to the monstrous activity of a handful of extremists, the majority of the human society has been conditioned to believe that the term 'musalman' is somehow synonymous with terrorism. But the reality is, the term 'musalman' refers to someone with 'musallam iman,' that means, a pure conscience. Thus any individual whose conscience is pure and clear, is a musalman or muslim, regardless of socio-religious background. Likewise, any human being who loves his or her neighbor is a Christian. Hence, scriptures can't define your religion, only your actions with other people do.

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    During his hajj, Malcolm [Malcolm X] fell into a new Islam with the same blind faith that he had given to Elijah. Since he lived just a year after his hajj, Mecca became the neatly presented and cinema-friendly conclusion to his lifelong thread of transformations: but he finally found the Truth and then Allah took him home. But if he lived longer, I think he would have called out the Arabs.

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    Dunia tanpa Islam adalah dunia tanpa kedamaian. Islam tanpa amalan adalah kehampaan. Amalan tanpa iman adalah kegelapan.

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    Dünyanın bize ettiklerinden şikayetlenmeyi bırakmanın tam zamanı. Biz tevhid ehli insanlarız. Allah'In inayeti her türlü sorundan daha üstündür. Allah sizin tarafınızda olduğunda hiçbir problem çok büyük değildir. Asıl problem bizim Allah'ın yardımını istemiyor olmamız; hatta kazanmak gibi bir telaşımız dahi yok. Allah'ın yardımı bedavaya üzerimize inmez, sizin onu üzerinize çekmeniz gerekir.

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    During Uthman's caliphate, a Muslim embassy was sent to China to establish diplomatic relations

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    Dying is not a solution.. I want to live with You..!

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    During this time I came to understand a lot about myself, human beings, faith and the meaning of marriage and friendship. The world is not black and white, nothing is what it seems, and we are not cartoon characters that can be divided into goodies and baddies, but complex and multi-faceted beings with many weaknesses. Human beings will always disappoint. But God is there. He sometimes speaks through others and we would be wise to listen to those we trust and to our own inner voice, God’s voice. No matter how difficult or painful life sometimes becomes, we must never lose faith. We may not always find justice in this world, but compassion and forgiveness are such important qualities. They help us to dissolve so much of the negativity that we hold. Practising them mostly benefits ourselves.

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    Duru bir niyetle biri için iyilik yaparken kazancını sadece Allah'tan umar ve O'nunla konuşursak, o zaman Allah'ın bizim üzerimizdeki nimetleri hayal edemeyeceğimiz kadar artacak.

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    Efforts to silence the people who raised their voice – whether through violence, intimidation or the courts – meant that three decades after the Rushdie affair there was almost no one in Europe who would dare write a novel, compose a piece of music or even draw an image that might risk Muslim anger. Indeed, they ran in the other direction. Politicians and almost everybody else went out of their way to show how much they admired Islam.

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    Eğer beni Allah'a hazırlamıyor, O'na yaklaştırmıyor ve beni O'nun kulu kılmıyorsa; bütün bu planlar anlamsız ve kıymetsizdir, birer başarı sayılmazlar.

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    Einige Leute gedenken Allah beim Essen, während andere beim Beten an das Essen denken. Beide essen und beten, sind aber so weit entfernt voneinander, wie es die Himmel von der Erde sind. Some people remember Allah when they are eating while some people think about food when they are praying. Both eat and pray, but they are as far apart from each other as the heavens are from the earth.

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    Empirical" knowledge itself is of little benefit unless it awakens the inner perception of man as to his own situation, his potentialities, his risks, and his destiny

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    Engkau yang khusyu' membangun ketaátan adalah hati yang megah dan indah Mereka-mereka yang sibuk mencari keburukan adalah jiwa-jiwa lemah dan lapuk Biarkan hanya kalam Allah yang Maha menggetarkanmu Bukan perkataan merendahkan yang tidak lebih hanya kesia-siaan dosa-dosa busuk

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    Es gibt keinen Platz für Hoffnungslosigkeit. Der Kampf geht weiter. Diese Welt war niemals dafür gedacht, um das Paradies zu sein. Gott hat die Welt erschaffen, damit du durch sie zu Gott finden mögest. Wenn du an Gott glaubst, dann wirst du für alle Bedrängnisse, die dir in diesem Leben widerfahren, am Tage des Jüngsten Gerichts die Belohnung dafür erhalten.

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    Es gibt keinen Gott und Dirac ist sein Prophet. (There is no God and Dirac is his Prophet.) {A remark made during the Fifth Solvay International Conference (October 1927), after a discussion of the religious views of various physicists, at which all the participants laughed, including Dirac, as quoted in Teil und das Ganze (1969), by Werner Heisenberg, p. 119; it is an ironic play on the Muslim statement of faith, the Shahada, often translated: 'There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet.'}

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    È un bene essere patrioti, sentire di appartenere a una società, a una nazione o a una comunità di fedeli, ma ciò non può giustificare il nazionalismo sciovinista e cieco, l'affermazione dell'eccezione e dell'elezione nazionale e/o religiosa, o ancora l'intransigenza dogmatica di coloro che difendono i propri correligionari in qualsiasi circostanza

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    España se ha construido contra el Islam, en Reconquista, y por lo tanto la cosmovisión islámica del mundo es lo contrario de la cosmovisión cristiana del mundo, del mundo judeocristiano, occidental, del que España ha sido parte importantísima.

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    Europe had fallen back into the barbarity of the first ages. People from this part of world, so enlightened today, lived a few centuries ago in a state worse than ignorance. Some sort of learned jargon much more despicable than ignorance had usurped the name of knowledge and set up an almost invincible obstacle in the way of its return. A revolution was necessary to bring men back to common sense, and it finally came from a quarter where one would least expect it. It was the stupid Muslim, the eternal blight on learning, who brought about its rebirth among us.

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    Every house was different. Some had prayer rooms, some did not. Some of the women covered, most did not. Some fasted for Ramadan, some did not. Every one of them shopped. Most had been to that same ball because America was the great place where you could worship many things at once, until now.

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    even if Noam Chomsky were right about everything, the Islamic doctrines related to martyrdom, jihad, blasphemy, apostasy, the rights of women and homosexuals, etc. would still present huge problems for the emergence of a global civil society (and these are problems quite unlike those presented by similar tenets in other faiths, for reasons that I have explained at length elsewhere and touch on only briefly here). And any way in which I might be biased or blinded by “the religion of the state,” or any other form of cultural indoctrination, has absolutely no relevance to the plight of Shiites who have their mosques, weddings, and funerals bombed by Sunni extremists, or to victims of rape who are beaten, imprisoned, or even killed as “adulteresses” throughout the Muslim world. I hope it goes without saying that the Afghan girls who even now are risking their lives by merely learning to read would not be best compensated for their struggles by being handed copies of Chomsky’s books enumerating the sins of the West

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    Every reasonable man would understand that such a belief, namely, that non-Muslims should be subjected to coercion, and that they should either directly become Muslims or put to death, is open to very serious objections. Human conscience spontaneously realizes that it is highly objectionable to convert a person to one's faith by coercion, and by threatening to kill him, without ever giving him the opportunity to understand the truth of a faith and apprising him of its moral teaching and values. Far from contributing to the growth of religion, this would give the opponents the opportunity to find fault with it. The ultimate result of this kind of thinking is that hearts become devoid of human sympathy.

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    Every moment for us is Laylatul Qadr.

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    Every jihadi bride who wants to come home is proof that Islamic State is a failure.

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    Exercise 1: Guarding the Prayer Once we are performing the five obligatory prayers with regularity, then it is certainly worth our efforts to begin increasing extra prayers- especially the late-night prayers (tahajjud). Late-night prayer is one of the defining qualities of a salih (righteous) person, also called a wali (friend of Allah). Regarding late-night prayers, Fudayl b. 'Iyyad said that if a man was unable to do them, it was due to his wrong actions during the day. May Allah make us befitting to stand before Him, here and in the hereafter. Agenda to Change our Condition, Hamza Yusuf & Zaid Shakir, S. 46

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    everything that is in the world, there is a correspondence on every level of existence. The macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm, and the way we experience the outer world is a reflection of our inner state: it is our mirror. If we are in harmony with ourselves, then we will be in harmony with the outer world, i.e. God. If we change from within, then everything around us also changes. I certainly knew how true this was.

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    Everywhere where detestable Islam has not yet driven out the ancient, profound religions of humanity with fire and sword, my ascetic results would have to fear the reproach of being trivial

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    Facing a deteriorating economy and a weakening hold over the populace, the Iraqi state under Saddam Hussein opted to revitalize tribal leaders and conservative practices as a means of stabilizing state power; those conservative practices were not an inherent feature of a predominantly Muslim country.

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    Fahri kembali meneliti Majmu' Washaya karya Al 'Allamah Habib Hasan bin Shaleh Al-Bahr: Ketahuilah, himmah adalah wadah taufik. Kendarailah kuda himmah, niscaya kamu akan mencapai puncak cita-citamu. Mintalah pertolongan Allah dalam setiap langkahmu, maju ataupun mundur. Niscaya tidak akan sia-sia jerih payahmu dan akan tercapai cita-citamu. Lazimkan sikap shidiq dan ikhlas, karena keduanya harus dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang memiliki keberhasilan dan keuntungan dalam perdagangan.

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    Faith is intrinsic to humanity and the freedom to practice one's religion is a right no power can deny

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    Faktor utama dalam penjanaan pemikirannya (umat Islam) bukan semata-mata hal-hal yang berhubung dengan mantik saja. Sebaliknya ia juga merupakan usaha untuk mencari kebenaran dan menegakkan keadilan dengan penuh adab dan akhlak yang mulia kerana memenuhi tuntutan Islam itu sendiri. Pemikiran mantik dan rasional bukanlah matlamat terakhir, tetapi hanyalah wahana untuk mencapai matlamat terakhir, yakni mencari kebenaran dan menegakkan keadilan tanpa mengabaikan aspek keinsanan manusia.

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    Faith in Qur'anic revelation unveils all the possibilities that lie before the human intellect.

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    Five words that were the hardest words I would ever have to say, Five pillars of my faith that couldn't save him that day. Five rivers, the Panj Aab, that didn't flow through his veins. Five minutes that changed our world forever.

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    Fear no one except the One.

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    Fıkıh hükümleri, neden kadını aşağılayan, haklarından soyutlayan ve erkeklere köleleştiren şekilde yazılmıştır? Bu soruya iki maddede cevap verilebilir: Birincisi, içtihatların yapıldığı dönemlerdeki ideolojik, sosyolojik ve politik yapının ataerkilliğinin etkisi yorumcuların yorumlarına yansımıştır. İkincisi, erkek yorumcular, kendi şahsi menfaatlerine de uygun şekilde kendi cinslerini kayırmışlardır. O dönemde mevcut sosyolojik normlar, evlilik gelenekleri ve cinsiyet ideolojileri kutsallaştırıldı ve fıkhın içine sızarak kanunlaştı.148 Profesör Abdülaziz Sachedina, bu durumu şu şekilde tarif etmektedir: “(İslam alimleri) Allah’ın kanunlarını keşfetmekten çok yarattılar. Yarattıkları şey, kendi isteklerinin, içgüdülerinin, menfaatlerinin tarifiydi…” Günümüzde “İslam” olarak kabul edilen hükümler, Amina Wadud‘un da belirttiği gibi, erkekler tarafından yazılmıştır ve neticede erkekler kendi ihtiyaçlarını, menfaatlerini ve yorumlarını dinselleştirmişlerdir. Erkeklerin tekelinde kalan İslam ve Kuran yorumculuğu ile İslam dünyasında kadının sesi duyulmaz olmuştur.

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    finding ways of wedding [Islam’s traditional] protective role with modern democratic and economic institutions is a challenge that has not yet been met.

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    Festivals and fasts are unhinged, traveling backward at a rate of ten days per year, attached to no season. Even Laylat ul Qadr, the holiest night in Ramadan, drifts--its precise date is unknown. The iconclasm laid down by Muhammed was absolute: you must resist attachment not only to painted images, but to natural ones. Ramadan, Muharram, the Eids; you associate no religious event with the tang of snow in the air, or spring thaw, or the advent of summer. God permeates these things--as the saying goes, Allah is beautiful, and He loves beauty--but they are transient. Forced to concentrate on the eternal, you begin to see, or think you see, the bones and sinews of the world beneath its seasonal flesh. The sun and moon become formidable clockwork. They are transient also, but hint at the dark planes that stretch beyond the earth in every direction, full of stars and dust, toward a retreating, incomprehensible edge

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    First stage of Islamic scientific development was essentially an assimilation of imported knowledge and Muslim scholars had only a secondary role to play as translators.

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    For this world has neither worth nor weight with God; so slight it is, it weighs not with God so much as a pebble or a single clod of earth; as I am told, God has created nothing more hateful to Him than this world, and from the day He created it He has not looked upon it, so much He hates it.

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    Food is not to enjoy. That's not the reason why you're eating it. That's why the Glutton eats. But someone who's serious about maintaining their health - they eat for health. We're literally digging our graves with our teeth.

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    Forge a strong relationship with the righteous and upright people in your area and be unaffected by naysayers. Let not your desire or determination be wavered by the censure of cynics, the criticism of pessimists, the undermining of those that belittle, the jeering of the mockers, or the doubts of the skeptics.

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    For present-day politicians there are only political points to be made from such statements, and the larger the sin the larger the outrage, the larger the apology and the larger the potential political gain for sorrow expressed. Through such statements political leaders can gain the benefits of magnanimity without the stain of involvement: the person making the apology had done nothing wrong and all the people who could have received the apology are dead.

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    For us (Muslims) death is an incident: for them (the Europeans), the end.

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    For anyone who understood the essence of modernism based on and originating in the secularizing and humanistic tendencies of the European Renaissance, it was easy to detect the confrontation that was already taking place between traditional and modern elements in the Islamic world.

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    For the Qur’ān, it is neither strange nor out of tune nor blameworthy for a prophet that he is not always consistent as a human. It is nevertheless as a human that he becomes an example for mankind, for his average level of conduct is still so high that it is a worthy model for mankind.

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    Frieden erzielt man, wenn man folgende Eigenschaften innehat, nämlich Scham und Bescheidenheit, und wenn man sich von ihren Gegensätzen befreit, nämlich von Schamlosigkeit und Arroganz

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