Best 87 quotes in «fountain quotes» category

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    A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty.

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    A film is a petrified fountain of thought.

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    Cleanse the fountain if you would purify the streams.

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    Be like the fountain that overflows, not like the cistern that merely contains.

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    Conceiving God to be the fountain of wisdom, I thought it right and necessary to solicit his assistance for obtaining it.

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    College is like a fountain of knowledge - and the students are there to drink

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    Creation differs from subsistence only as the first leap of a fountain differs from its continuance.

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    Discontent is like ink poured into water, which fills the whole fountain full of blackness.

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    Do not spit gum in the drinking fountains.

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    Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Keep near to the fountain-head and with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

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    Every sunny morning is a great fountain; we quaff 'sweet hope' from it.

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    Faith is the fountain, the foundation and the fosterer of obedience.

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    For know that all the inferior Creatures when hurt do cry and send forth the complaints to their Maker or grand Fountain whence they proceeded.

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    Friendship flourishes at the fountain of forgiveness.

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    And in the fountain squatted a giant crab. I’m not talking ‘giant’ like $7.99 all-you-can-eat Alaskan king crab. I’m talking ‘giant’ like bigger than the fountain.

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    Greece appears to be the fountain of knowledge; Rome of elegance

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    Fountains are more romantic when you don't hate the person you're with.

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    He is a perpetual fountain of good sense.

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    He who has access to the fountain does not go to the water-pot.

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    He [William Harvey] bid me to goe to the Fountain-head, and read Aristotle, Cicero, Avicenna, and did call the Neoteriques shitt-breeches.

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    I don't want anything to do with anything mechanical between me and the paper, including a typewriter, and I don't even want a fountain pen between me and the paper.

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    God is the universal substance in existing things. He comprises all things. He is the fountain of all being. In Him exists everything that is.

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    Hope is a gift. You can't choose to have it. To believe and yet to have no hope is to thirst beside a fountain.

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    Mathematics - the unshaken Foundation of Sciences, and the plentiful Fountain of Advantage to human affairs.

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    If God contains the fullness of all good things in Himself like an inexhaustible fountain, nothing beyond Him is to be sought by those who strike after the highest good and all the elements of happiness.

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    I have to write a first draft with a fountain pen before I type it up as a second.

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    May God keep fresh the fountain of our laughter and our tears!

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    My counsel is, that we draw water from the true source and fountain, that is, that we diligently search the Scriptures. He who wholly possesses the text of the Bible, is a consummate divine.

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    It is one of the worst effects of prosperity to make a man a vortex instead of a fountain; so that, instead of throwing out, he learns only to draw in.

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    Joy bubbles on a fountain of doubt.

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    Let's face it, I like Stanford grads. I'd always hear about this campus, and everybody is riding bikes, and people hopping into fountains.

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    My countrymen have commissioned a bust of the Republic. It will be placed on the fountain of my native town.

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    Nature as a poet, an enthusiastic workingman, becomes more and more visible the farther and higher we go; for the mountains are fountains – beginning places, however related to sources beyond mortal ken.

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    Now to rivulets from the mountains Point the rods of fortune-tellers; Youth perpetual dwells in fountains, Not in flasks, and casks, and cellars.

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    Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable, inasmuch as he has the fountain of reason in him not yet regulated.

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    Paris is the fountain-head of European civilisation, as Gomukhi is of the Ganga.

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    Professional footballers - those virile young stags of our modern culture - are near perpetual fountains of sputum.

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    Quoting Scripture leads you to the fountain, but only if you plunge in and come up wet will I know that you are a Christian.

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    Phones and soundtracks and Muzak and fountains replace genuine and unpredictable human contact with a seamless soundtrack from a bad movie and a cliche that makes us believe we must all be happy.

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    Regeneration is the fountain; sanctification is the river.

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    Religion will prove to the believer a comforter and a sure guide to the fountain of true happiness.

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    Right after I did 'The Fountain,' I wanted to go make a documentary or something that was less constructed - more natural. I was searching for a project, and sniffing around, 'The Wrestler' fit right in

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    Seeing the show is like a visit to the fountain of youth for parents and the children.

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    Slang is a foul pool at which every dunce fills his bucket, and then sets up as a fountain.

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    Talent is full of thoughts, Genius is thought. Talent is a cistern, Genius a fountain.

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    The feminine values are the fountain of bliss. Know the masculine, Keep to the feminine.

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    The fountain is my speech. The tulips are my speech. The grass and trees are my speech.

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    The Fountain of Youth is in your mind.

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    The heart is the real fountain of youth.

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    The pitcher goes so often to the fountain that if gets broken.

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