Best 138 quotes in «scent quotes» category

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    An hour is not merely an hour, it is a vase full of scents and sounds and projects and climates.

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    A scent that disturbs me and delights me. It smells like ripe pears, vetiver, a bit of violet and something else- something spicy almost biting and exotic.

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    China tea, the scent of hyacinths, wood fires and bowls of violets – that is my mental picture of an agreeable February afternoon.

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    Bill Clinton described himself as he's "the big dog." He's out hunting, and he found something. Some woman was emitting some, you know, come-to-me smell or whatever, and he was picking up on the scent.

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    Down the hill I went, and then, I forgot the ways of men, For night-scents, heady and damp and cool Wakened ecstasy

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    For our part, when we feel, we evaporate; ah, we breathe ourselves out and away; with each new heartfire we give off a fainter scent. True, someone may tell us: you're in my blood, this room, Spring itself is filled with you . . . To what end? He can't hold us, we vanish within him and around him.

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    Fragrance, whether strong or delicate, is a highly subjective matter, and one gardener's perfume is another gardener's stink.

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    Fruits ... like having their portrait painted. They seem to sit there and ask your forgiveness for fading. Their thought is given off with their perfumes. They come with all their scents, they speak of the fields they have left, the rain which has nourished them, the daybreaks they have seen.

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    Good shoes and a good scent make the perfect day.

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    As the sense of smell is so intimately connected with that of taste, it is not surprising that an excessively bad odour should excite wretching or vomitting in some persons.

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    He froze, and for one moment, we stood locked in time. I could feel the silk of his shirt against my skin and the warmth of his body. The lingering scent of the overpriced cologne he wore floated around me. No smoke for a change. I’d always told him the cologne couldn’t be worth what he spent, but suddenly, I reconsidered. It was amazing.

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    If Leekes you like, but do their smell dis-like, Eat Onyons, and you shall not smell the Leeke; If you of Onyons would the scent expell, Eat Garlicke, that shall drowne the Onyons' smell.

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    If only there was a way I could cover my tension with the scent of eau de brass valls instead.

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    I have thus decided to make a certain film and now begins the complicated and difficult-to-master work. To transfer rhythms, moods, atmosphere, tensions, sequences, tones and scents into words and sentences in a readable or at least understandable script. This is difficult but not impossible.

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    Every scent is the sun's scent.

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    I love the scent of burnt flesh in the morning.

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    I'm going to create a very strong scent which can kill a boy!

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    I split the omelet between the plates and stopped when Curran's arms closed about me. He pulled me against him, pressing my back against his chest. I heard him inhale my scent. His lips grazed my temple. Here we were, alone, in my kitchen, holding each other while breakfast cooled on the table. This was some sort of alternate universe, with a different Kate, who wasn't hunted like a wild animal and who could have these sorts of things. "What's up?" I asked softly. "Just making sure you know you're caught.

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    I'm thankful for the sea breeze that feels so good right now, and the scent of jasmine when the sun starts going down.

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    I'm totally on a mission to find my signature scent, but I'm too mercurial.

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    In our bones we need the natural curves of hills, the scent of chaparral, the whisper of pines, the possibility of wildness.

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    It is strange how deeply colours seem to penetrate one, like scent.

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    It was inevitable: the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love.

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    I've always loved to combine different scents to come up with my own unique thing.

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    I wanted to imprint his touch, his taste, even the scent of him so solidly inside me that no one could take them away from me.

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    Jesus is not a candle. A company in South Dakota is selling candles with the scent of Jesus. You light one and your friends says, Christ, what's that smell?

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    Nature’s constantly screaming with all its shapes and scents: love each other! Love each other! Do as the flowers. There’s only love.

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    Just Cavalli for Her is a flowery and sexy fragrance. I like its freshness and feminine scent.

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    Most of the oils which are valued as scents are mixtures of substances; only the combined effect of these leads to the known result.

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    Music at times is more like perfume than mathematics.

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    No scent is more sensual or more memorable to me than musk.

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    Nothing revives the past so completely as a smell that was once associated with it.

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    Obviously I want the fragrance to smell good. I tell people all the time that when you see someone there can obviously be a physical attraction, but scent is something that stays with you. It's something that you remember about a person.

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    Pernicious weed! whose scent the fair annoys, Unfriendly to society's chief joys: Thy worst effect is banishing for hours The sex whose presence civilizes ours.

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    Organismic awareness is awareness of the Present only - you can't taste the past, smell the past, see the past, touch the past, or hear the past. Neither can you taste, smell, see, touch or hear the future. In other words, organismic consciousness is properly timeless, and being timeless, it is essentially spaceless.

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    Presently, we were aware of an odour gradually coming towards us, something musky, fiery, savoury, mysterious, - a hot drowsy smell, that lulls the senses, and yet enflames them, - the truffles were coming.

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    Ren frowned as he surveyed the madness they were knee-deep in. “Why are you under such heavy fire?” Nick gave him a droll stare. “Oh, I don’t know. But we’re really enjoying it. Fear has such a wonderfully romantic scent to it that they ought to turn it into cologne and deodorant. Eau de Ew. Let’s all just take a minute, and bask in it.

    • scent quotes
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    rush of pine scent (once upon a time), the unlicensed conviction there ought to be another way of saying this.

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    My words are little jars For you to take and put upon a shelf. Their shapes are quaint and beautiful, And they have many pleasant colours and lustres To recommend them. Also the scent from them fills the room With sweetness of flowers and crushed grasses.

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    Past experience told me he could smell my fear; it also told me that the anger accompanying it would pretty much cover the scent. It's good to know how to compensate for your own weaknesses.​

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    Scent is often underestimated, when it can be the most evocative.

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    Saving her life was the one acceptable thing I'd done since I met her. The one thing that I was not ashamed of. The one and only thing that made me glad I existed at all. I'd been fighting to keep her alive since the first moment I'd caught her scent.

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    Scent is the strongest tie to memory.

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    Scent has become a way for me to differentiate characters.

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    Scents as well as clothes and hairstyles can go a long way in revealing a part of yourself

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    Some things never leave a person: scent of the hair of one you love, the texture of persimmons, in your palm, the ripe weight.

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    So, Bella, I was following your scent through the woods after I'd left your room where I was watching you sleep...Yes that would be quite the ice breaker.

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    The fragrance that suits me best is Romance by Ralph Lauren. It seems to blend into my chemistry, so it is nice and subtle. I don't like to be doused in scent. This one is feminine, fresh and a bit musky.

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    The gardens of my youth were fragrant gardens and it is their sweetness rather than their patterns of their furnishings that I now most clearly recall.

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    Rather than raising his voice like everyone else, he leaned close to my ear and asked, "Dance with me?" I felt his warm breath and inhale the scent of his aftershave -something basic and male.