Best 106 quotes in «fragile quotes» category

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    I like things which appear fragile but are tough inside.

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    I like to be fragile. I like that. I try to be close to that energy and sensibility.

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    It's fragile what we know. It's gone every time we forget. Then someone has to learn it all over again.

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    In fashion even what seems most fragile must be built on cement.

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    Life goes on with fragile normalcy.

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    I've got over so much. Mum wouldn't want anything to come into my life that would make me fragile again

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    Language is as fragile as the little alpine plant.

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    Life is fragile and absurd.

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    Life is fragile, handle with prayer.

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    Life is precious, fragile, fleeting - and Murphy's life was one of my favorites.

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    Reality is a fragile thing.

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    Love is a fragile, useless thing. It decomposes easily in the tropic heat.

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    Love is the strongest and most fragile thing we have in life.

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    Masculine pride is an exceedingly precious and fragile thing

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    Memory, like liberty, is a fragile thing.

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    Religion is the most fragile of all freedoms. And that's because it is the most threatening to those in power.

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    Stupid, fragile mortals.

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    Success is unpredictable and fragile.

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    Testimony is not something you have today, and you are going to have always. A testimony is fragile. It is as hard to hold as a moonbeam. It is something you have to recapture every day of your life.

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    The more I become decomposed, the more sick and fragile I am, the more I become an artist.

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    To find them all in one package...well, perhaps better not to dwell on his package in my fragile state.

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    There's no time to hold grudges when you've seen how fragile things can really be.

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    There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile.

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    What you have in your head, put down on paper. The head is a fragile vessel.

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    True delicacy is not a fragile thing.

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    We did not realise how fragile our civilisation was.

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    What will die with me when I die, what pathetic or fragile form will the world lose?

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    You have no idea how fragile an actor's self-worth is.

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    Did you wake up feeling fragile? Read the bible till you find a promise strong enough to carry you through the day.

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    Although she was fragile in appearance, every prohibition lost substance in her presence.

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    Be humble and kind. Kindness has power in it. Look at Mother Teresa, the truest example of kindness. She was humble, kind, and fragile yet she was also a symbol of power. I have never heard of a woman more powerful than her. When we hear name, we must bow our heads with deep respect.

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    But I hope you don’t feel the hurt as much as I did. You are too weak and fragile to stand that ache. Remember, you always will be.

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    But maybe you never really had someone, she thought now. Maybe, no matter how much you loved them, they could slip through your fingers like water, and there was nothing you could do about it. She understood why people talked about hearts "breaking"; she felt as if hers were made of cracked glass, and the shards were like tiny knives inside her chest when she breathed.

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    Death is like that, it blinks, we blink; not always able to see the Stop signs, hiding behind trees in the corner of the roads.

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    You never know what lurks just beneath the surface of my fragile sanity.

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    At this moment, in this place, the shifting action potential in my neurons cascade into certain arrangements, patterns, thoughts; they flow down my spine, branch into my arms, my fingers, until muscles twitch and thought is translated into motion; mechanical levers are pressed; electrons are rearranged; marks are made on paper. At another time, in another place, light strikes the marks, reflects into a pair of high-precision optical instruments sculpted by nature after billions of years of random mutations; upside-down images are formed against two screens made up of millions of light-sensitive cells, which translate light into electrical pulses that go up the optic nerves, cross the chiasm, down the optic tracts, and into the visual cortex, where the pulses are reassembled into letters, punctuation marks, words, sentences, vehicles, tenors, thoughts. The entire system seems fragile, preposterous, science fictional.

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    Emotions were beautiful like birds of paradise, seemingly fragile, surprisingly resilient, fleeting and lovely, with wings that could churn blood and claws that could rake souls.

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    Don't clap too loudly—it's a very old world.

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    Don't tell me I'm "too tall" just because my height happens to threaten your rather fragile sense of masculinity. The fact that men cannot physically look down upon women who are taller than them is the very reason that many men find tall women so intimidating.

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    Fairy tale about a little girl, who wasn’t afraid of death. Her fragile bones looked as white coffins where birds used to sleep.

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    Envy and respect are not the same things... Before I endow you with respect, I should find out whether your curiosity is intellectual or merely morbid. Not that those who gawk at train derailments are so different from those who conduct autopsies; both want, at some level, to know what has happened, and, by extension, what will happen. Did the liver fail because of the decedent's alcoholism or was some toxin administered? If the deliverer is found, he or she may be imprisoned or, in more honest times, hanged, and thus pose no further threat. Or for the gawker at the accident, espying loose parts not unlike his or her own parts strewn amid wreckage may lead to a sense of awe at death's power, or horror at life's fragility, either of which may be instructive in any number of ways.

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    How simple and fragile life is.

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    Glass & peace alike betray proof of fragility under repeated blows.

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    He placed the spectacles on her face with great care, running his fingers along the sides of the frame, viewing the fit with an assessing glance. Gently he touched the tips of the earpieces. "They're not fitted well." He ran an exploring fingertip over the upper rim of one ear. She was remarkably pretty in the sunlight, her gray eyes containing glimmers of blue and green. Like opals. "Such small ears," Leo continued, letting his hands linger at the sides of her fine-boned face. "No wonder your spectacles fall off so readily. There's hardly anything to hang them on." Marks stared at him in bewilderment. How fragile she was, he thought. Her will was so fierce, her temperament so prickly, that he tended to forget she was only half his size. He would have expected her to slap his hands away by now- she hated being touched, especially by him. But she didn't move at all.

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    Her fragility makes her uncomfortable, but it has a familiarity, too, like the biting cold of winter that you only half forget during other seasons.

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    How come you never thought to tell people that you're fragile until after they've dropped you?

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    I could not be attracted to anyone that fragile.

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    If you want to know how negative you are, pay attention to how much you hate negativity in other people. Fragile, artificial positivity needs always to be surrounded by more positivity in order to stay positive, but the ability to be positive, happy, and even, at times, appreciative around 'negative people' is the mark of real positivity.

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    Ingrid's skin was the smoothest texture, so pale that it was transparent. I could see the blue veins that ran down her arms, and they made her seem fragile somehow. the way Eric Daniels, my first boyfriend, seemed fragile when I laid my head on his chest and heart his heart beating and thought, Oh. People don't always remember about the blood and the heartbeat. But whenever I looked at Ingrid, I was reminded of the things that kept her alive.

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    It is natural to feel angry once in a while, but it becomes a serious problem when you are getting angry regularly even in routine situations at home or in the office. When the anger becomes frequent and flares up at the slightest provocation, it is an indication that all is not well in your life. Frequent and uncontrolled anger is a symptom of a fragile state of mind, which gets manifested at the slightest unfavourable situation.