Best 38 quotes in «prestige quotes» category

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    He who is honest in his dealings simply because of the social prestige and position it secures will never develop his higher nature, but will always live along the lower lines.

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    If it was so honorable and glorious to be black, why was it the yellow-skinned people among us had so much prestige?

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    I can’t think of any negative [aspects of working in the wrestling industry]. The positive are the money, the comradery, the prestige, the notoriety. A lot of pluses.

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    I thank God for his many blessings he has given me, but money and prestige are not what it's about. I seek spiritual progression.

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    It's what each of us sows, and how, that gives us character and prestige.

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    People said if [I] was at a party, it gave it prestige. I would let people know I'd arrived by letting off my flash... You could feel the temperature rise right away.

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    I've opened my mouth on a lot of subjects. And I thought the more prestige you get, I'd have the power to do what I like. It's not true.

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    Real leadership is not about prestige, power, or status. It is about responsibility.

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    Psychopaths are social predators, and like all predators, they are looking for feeding grounds. Wherever you get power, prestige and money, you will find them.

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    Success is not rightly measured by wealth, prestige and power. Success is measured by the yardstick of happiness.

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    The existence of such a war chest might go far to strengthen our prestige and frighten off any would be assailant.

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    Prestige is the shadow of money and power.

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    The ball gave me prestige, gave me fame, gave me riches. Thank you, my old friend.

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    The full expression of personality depends upon its being inflated by social prestige; it is a social privilege.

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    There isn't a class structure in Nigeria, there's a tribal structure and prestige as far as money is concerned.

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    There are so many demands on your time, on your resources, and on the prestige of the government.

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    The only thing championship about Wimbledon is its prestige.

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    The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others.

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    Nothing in my view is more reprehensible than those habits of mind in the intellectual that induce avoidance, that characteristic turning away from a difficult and principled position, which you know to be the right one, but which you decide not to take. You do not want to appear too political; you are afraid of seeming controversial; you want to keep a reputation for being balanced, objective, moderate; your hope is to be asked back, to consult, to be on a board or prestigious committee, and so to remain within the responsible mainstream; someday you hope to get an honorary degree, a big prize, perhaps even an ambassadorship. For an intellectual these habits of mind are corrupting par excellence. If anything can denature, neutralize, and finally kill a passionate intellectual life it is the internalization of such habits. Personally I have encountered them in one of the toughest of all contemporary issues, Palestine, where fear of speaking out about one of the greatest injustices in modern history has hobbled, blinkered, muzzled many who know the truth and are in a position to serve it. For despite the abuse and vilification that any outspoken supporter of Palestinian rights and self-determination earns for him or herself, the truth deserves to be spoken, represented by an unafraid and compassionate intellectual.

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    Consider the situation: Money that was provided because of social networks rather than need; a project designed for prestige rather than to be used; a lack of monitoring and accountability; and an architect appointed for show by somebody with little interest in the quality of the work. The outcome is hardly surprising: a project that should never have been built was built, and built badly.

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    My friends, life is so serious that if you are not aware of whom you are, your "youniversity" will be prestigious but unknown!

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    Now he was nothing to her, just a lesson in time, a wicked boy-man, incapable of wealth or prestige.

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    We cannot allow the American flag to be shot at anywhere on earth if we are to retain our respect and prestige

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    If I keep pushing myself, I’ll finally be somebody. I’ll finally matter. I’ll finally arrive.” Nonsense. You won’t be satisfied. The only thing worse than failing to realize any of your dreams, is seeing them all come true. You were meant for something more. Even if you could be known the world over, what does it matter if you have no time to be known by God?

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    If you can dispense with reputation, then you are free from care. Reputation is only a visitor, but reality is here to stay.

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    ​In this World, there is One Task, that 'Only You' can Do. Only You, Can Keep Your Word.

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    Men’s economic privilege, their social value, the prestige of marriage, the usefulness of masculine support—all these encourage women to ardently want to please men. They are on the whole still in a state of serfdom. It follows that woman knows and chooses herself not as she exists for herself but as man defines her. She thus has to be described first as men dream of her since her being-for-men is one of the essential factors of her concrete condition.

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    Social status among humans actually comes in two flavors: dominance and prestige.12 Dominance is the kind of status we get from being able to intimidate others (think Joseph Stalin), and on the low-status side is governed by fear and other avoidance instincts. Prestige, however, is the kind of status we get from being an impressive human specimen (think Meryl Streep), and it’s governed by admiration and other approach instincts.

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    The pursuit of social success, in the form of prestige or power or both, is the most important obstacle in a competitive society.

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    The pursuit of social success, in the form of prestige or power or both, is the most important obstacle to happiness in a competitive society.

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    What my family seeks in this marriage is prestige; what I seek is happiness.

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    Usimwabudu mungu mwingine isipokuwa Mungu. Usimwabudu mtu, mnyama, sanamu, samaki, au usiziabudu fikira zako kichwani. Usiitumikie kazi, mali, mila, anasa, siasa, wala usiyatumikie mamlaka au usiutumikie umaarufu au ufahari, kuliko Mungu. Ukiithamini kazi, mali, mila, anasa, siasa au ukiyathamini mamlaka, au ukiuthamini umaarufu au ufahari zaidi kuliko Mungu, au ukiyapa majukumu yako muda mwingi zaidi kuliko Mungu umeabudu miungu; wakati ulipaswa kumwabudu Mungu peke yake. Usiwe na vipaumbele vingine vyovyote vile katika maisha yako zaidi ya Mungu, kwani Mungu ni Mungu mwenye wivu.

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    Unfortunately, most followers do not know that they can also become leaders because to them, leadership is confined to an "assumed" category of people who have authority or social prestige as their background pillows.

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    Your reputation has no duplicate. You are one till the end of time. Once it is damaged, a fresh personality cannot spring from the old one.

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    Your name is not sufficient for your identity

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    All the money, all the prestige in the world will never make up for the loss of your freedom.

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    All my films have found distribution and prestige in the Japanese market, so I actually feel my films are very well received and seldom misunderstood.

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    Who the fuck cares where you went to school or where you work? The question is: Is your everyday experience good, healthy, beautiful? Because I have to tell you, while it might be cool to work for a company like Google, Apple, or The New Yorker, if your job is stupid, stressful and your boss is an asshole, there is nothing good or prestigious about that. While it might seem right to go to a school like Berkeley, if classes are overcrowded and students are nervous, anxious, religious zealots from Orange County, are you sure you want to go there? What’s good about that? To believe in prestige is to privilege abstract, collective impression over palpable, daily experience. To which I say: fuck prestige. Do what serves your everyday vitality.

    • prestige quotes