Best 116 quotes in «flexibility quotes» category

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    A tree that is unbending is easily broken in a powerful storm. But not grass.” Scratching the scar at the corner of one eye he added , “Or so says some guy named Lao Tzu.

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    Be flexible and adapt easily to new things

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    Business models need to have the flexibility to change in their early years.

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    Be gifted with wise flexibility.” ― Angelica Hopes

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    Be gifted with wise flexibility.

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    ...değişime açık olmayı ve koşullara ayak uydurabilmeyi özgür eylem için gerekli karakter özellikleri olarak görüyoruz; insan değişme yeteneği olduğu için özgürdür diye düşünüyoruz. Ancak günümüzde yeni ekonomi politik, özgürlüğe duyulan kişisel arzuya ihanet ediyor. Bürokratik rutine karşı isyan ve esneklik arayışı, bizi özgürleştirecek koşulları yaratmak yerine yeni iktidar ve kontrol yapıları üretti.

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    Choose a summit; make a plan to reach there! If you think you can’t make it, choose a new summit, make another plan. Or give up the summits, make new plans, find lower targets! In short, be ‘flexible’ in life!

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    Develop flexibility and you will be firm; cultivate yielding and you will be strong.

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    Don't let goal setting become heavy weights. Remain flexible and allow room for intuitive changes.

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    Don’t ever rule out the option of U-turn in your life, because one day you will need it! The moment you realize that you are going to the wrong direction, turn to the right direction instantly, with a beautiful U-turn!

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    Flexibility is the greatest strength.

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    Every element of understanding of the physical world has flexibility.

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    Find your strength in flexibility

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    Flexibility is a mental process which results in an action that tests a possible solution.

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    For a flexible person, it is impossible not to reach his destination, because by using his ability to be flexible, he can easily define a nearer new destination!

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    Few minds are spacious; few even have an empty place in them or can offer some vacant point. Almost all have narrow capacities and are filled by some knowledge that blocks them up. What a torture to talk to filled heads, that allow nothing from the outside to enter them! A good mind, in order to enjoy itself and allow itself to enjoy others, always keeps itself larger than its own thoughts. And in order to do this, these thoughts must be given a pliant form, must be easily folded and unfolded, so that they are capable, finally, of maintaining a natural flexibility. All those short-sighted minds see clearly within their little ideas and see nothing in those of others; they are like those bad eyes that see from close range what is obscure and cannot perceive what is clear from afar. Night minds, minds of darkness.

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    Flexibility enables the ability to deal with what happens.

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    Flexibility is an art of creating way outs within the cul-de-sacs!

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    Flexibility is to embrace different viewpoints and alternative ways to do things.

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    Gracefully and gratefully accept the changes in our lives as casually and flexibly like a butterfly does." ~ Angelica Hopes, Odyssey of a Heart, Home of a Soul

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    From a very young age, I always heard adults say "our entire life flashes in front of our eyes the second before we die." ... this is exactly the basis on which the structure of my life is formed-- it may not be easy but it's extremely doable. I have an understanding and sympathetic nature( a constant interest in cultivating my knowledge and utilizing my intellect), and I tend to devote to everything and everyone who is willing to reciprocate such attitude. Unfortunately, not many are aware, or are willing to accept, that our perception is our reality. And at any given point we can take a change in our perception, and see how the world literally changes. After all, we only live once and its should be lived to its fullest, with flexibility and connection.

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    Good politicians know when to move on, sooner or later.

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    He (Newt Gingrich as a freshman congressman) was both passionate about his goals and coldly analytical in his means.

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    Have the capacity to adapt to change, it's your healthy growth, intelligently and emotionally. Our life can be full of extrinsic surprises, your flexibility is a key when you accept changes.

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    He lived knowing that he had already experienced perfection; that, no doubt, was what gave him a certain aura of sadness, and a sense of flexibility.

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    He straightened, assuming an odd attitude of dignity – as though it were another mask.

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    If you have realistically low expectations, you'll end up pleased in most circumstances.

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    Human nature is water, not stone.

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    If we lived the plans we do more as bets than as forecasts, we would be less anxious and more prepared for the unexpected.

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    If anything is clear, it is that a rigid, unchanging way is wrong.

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    If there is possbility of the ability, I will choose flexibility.

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    [I]t wasn't so much the mistakes that people made but how flexible they were in their aftermath that made all the difference in how their lives turned out.

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    i have a body and I am grateful, as I find it to be a very useful instrument for expressing love, strength, flexibility, grace but, I am not my body...

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    I shall adopt new Muse as fast as they appear to be true Muse.

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    It is only through self-knowledge that we can understand reality 'as it is'—a living force which is dynamic and changing with time. Bookish knowledge is like a photograph. It helps to identify the person amid many other human beings but does not have the quality of the ‘real’ person—because a living person has feelings and flexibility.

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    If you want to be more flexible and adaptable, practice challenging your comfort zones.

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    In the face of the world's harshness and danger, organisms of any kind develop protection — a coat of armor, a rigid system, a comforting ritual. For the short term, it may work, but for the long term it spells disaster. People weighed down by a system and inflexible ways of doing things cannot move fast, cannot sense or adapt to change. They lumber around more and more slowly until they go the way of the brontosaurus. Learn to move fast and adapt or you will be eaten. The best way to avoid this fate is to assume formlessness. No predator alive can attack what it cannot see.

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    Many or few alternatives can be at hand. A wise and skilful choice acts from a sincere effort. Solutions and results come from cooperation, hard work and efficiency. With high intention matched with a flexible, patient heart and proficient action gets best quality and value. As for the restless grumbles raving from unconsciousness of complexity of matters, best be brushed off ducking out wisely from discourtesies.

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    Make sure you keep an inner state of flexibility, and are not tightly bound to your visions.

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    Most of life is a matter of nonessential differences.

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    Methodology must be flexible. Companies often don't adopt the materials & methods they were trained on because they aren't flexible enough.

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    Marriage is the union of two 'I's to form a 'V'. Both 'I's have to tilt equally to make a good 'V'. 'I's standing tall can never make a 'V'.

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    Music calms the soul and improves the plasticity, flexibility, and sensitivity of the perceptual world.

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    One of the things people did best at the office was to use flexibility to its last atom.

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    Not wanting to change, constantly fighting change, and being afraid of change; these are all extremely stressful mental dispositions, because let’s face it – change happens! Learn to embrace change, flow with change and even proactively make changes. Indian traveling yogis never stay in one spot for very long to remind themselves of the transient nature of the world. The modern yogi need not necessarily do the same, but just be aware of this natural tendency of change and flow with it—and that will make life a lot less stressful.

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    Planning is helpful. If you don’t know what you want, you’ll seldom get it. But, no matter how well you plan, you will fare better if you expect the unexpected. The unexpected, by nature, comes unseen, unthought, unenvisioned. All you can do is plan to go unplanned, prepare to be unprepared, make going with the flow part of your agenda, for the most successful among us envision, plan, and prepare, but cast all aside as needed, while those who are unable to go with the flow often suffer, if they survive.

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    Parenthood is harder than conventional work, the author suggests, because our jobs develop a somewhat predictable flow and offer relatively short-term feedback. This leads to internal comparisons to the improvisational nature of parenting

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    Pull approaches differ significantly from push approaches in terms of how they organize and manage resources. Push approaches are typified by "programs" - tightly scripted specifications of activities designed to be invoked by known parties in pre-determined contexts. Of course, we don't mean that all push approaches are software programs - we are using this as a broader metaphor to describe one way of organizing activities and resources. Think of thick process manuals in most enterprises or standardized curricula in most primary and secondary educational institutions, not to mention the programming of network television, and you will see that institutions heavily rely on programs of many types to deliver resources in pre-determined contexts. Pull approaches, in contrast, tend to be implemented on "platforms" designed to flexibly accommodate diverse providers and consumers of resources. These platforms are much more open-ended and designed to evolve based on the learning and changing needs of the participants. Once again, we do not mean to use platforms in the literal sense of a tangible foundation, but in a broader, metaphorical sense to describe frameworks for orchestrating a set of resources that can be configured quickly and easily to serve a broad range of needs. Think of Expedia's travel service or the emergency ward of a hospital and you will see the contrast with the hard-wired push programs.

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    Q: Have you been released or are you still a Beta version? A: No official release of myself will ever follow! Q: Then, you are not! A: I

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    The author says one of the sources of resilience is the ability to measure and perceive early warning signs so as to adapt.