Best 79 quotes in «good person quotes» category

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    There’s no such thing as a good or bad person: there are just people who have each been or seem to have been good or bad to you, someone, or some people, thus far.

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    She’s done so much to care for others, whether it’s inviting inner city kids into her school to keep them out of trouble and away from gangs, or taking me and the others in every summer, or just doing so much to help her students with their dreams.", Loving Summer by Kailin Gow

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    The speed of modern life is an oppressive thing, and the corporate world is quick to punish those with an honest heart. Qualities such as ‘nice, honest, kind, happy, relaxed, sincere, innocent’ are frowned upon as weaknesses. Yet these values are the essence of a good person. Unfortunately, if you don’t keep the balance, they can be lost like sand through your fingers.

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    When people think you're a "good person", they're essentially putting you inside of this jar with a label on it and the ingredients on that label are whatever the fuck they think "good person" means. Of course it always just basically means "this person was born to make me feel good in any circumstance of my life." And then they pound you into that jar--every inch of you-- and think you've gone spoiled rotten when the time arises that you're no longer making them feel good, for whatever reasons that may be. And that's "good person" from other people's perspectives. Meanwhile, "good person" in first person perspective is basically "hypocrite". It's basically "let me enact these roles I think I am supposed to perform so God and mama Mary and and the neighborhood will believe I am a good person." I am always described as a "good person" and from any perspective that's coming from, I hate hearing that. I hate it. It either means they think they can stuff me in a jar and mix me with their kool aide; or it means I am sticking myself in my own jar and mixing myself with everyone's kool aide. I am a fucking wonderful person-- that is what I am. And that is exactly how to say it: "fucking wonderful"! Not just wonderful. Fucking wonderful. It's not good; it's full of wonderment! It's not bad; it's full of wonderment! So, am I a good person? I have a heart that bleeds with others and a soul that gives people homes. I don't need to be good. I need to be wonderful.

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    You are not a bad person just because you were at fault this once. Grow from your faults and strive to be a better person. Being a good person isn’t a destination, it’s something we pursue all the time. Sometimes, we will fail but it’s alright.

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    You are only a bad person if you do bad things. That's not an acquittal. The counterpoint is that you are only a good person if you do good things.

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    You cannot call a man as a good person just because he is treating you good! He should treat everyone good to be good!

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    Don't dream of being a good person, be a human being is valuable and gives value to life.

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    Arnold Rampersad is a really good person. A really good person. As a matter of fact, he came to Stanford when I was Provost.

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    At the end of the day, I stand by who I am. I'm a good person.

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    Freud taught us that it wasn't God that imposed judgment on us and made us feel guilty when we stepped out of line. Instead, it was the superego - that idealized concept of what a good person is supposed to be and do - given to us by our parents, that condemned us for what had been hitherto regarded as ungodly behavior.

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    Almost everyone thinks they are a good person, but the question you should be asking is, am I good enough to go to Heaven? How would you know?

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    For me the most important thing is being a really good person, and that doesn’t depend on what you do on stage, that depends on how you treat people when you’re offstage.

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    Give a truly good person power, and they’re still a good person. Give a bad person power, and they’re still a bad person. The question is always about the person in between. The one that isn’t evil, or good, but just ordinary. You don’t always know what an ordinary person is like on the inside.

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    I do have traditional values: I believe in being a good person and being polite.

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    I believe that engaging in the political process is part of being a good person.

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    If the person laughs well, they are a good person.

    • good person quotes
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    I am not a bad person. I am a good person who has lived in a bad time." Alex's grandfather..Everything is Illuminated

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    If it's a really well written villain, he probably has more layers than the archetypal good person. So that would be very attractive to an actor. No one chooses to be a villain; it's usually a reaction to something else.

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    I guess I define myself as a mother, a wife, kind of a nutty person. A good person.

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    I happen to be a pessimist, and maybe that's a good thing because I don't stop to smell the roses - which is not a good personal thing. I don't stop and enjoy those moments. Always on to the next and never in the moment.

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    I have a tendency, not that anyone I've ever dated I thought wasn't a good person, but sometimes you're not always a good match.

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    I laugh at people who say things like 'I'm a good person, I just do bad things.' No, that's not how it works. What you do IS who you are.

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    I could never stop eating meat... I'm not a good person to talk about diets. If I had to only eat salads, I'd kill myself!

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    I learned how to be a woman and a good person just by watching and observing my mother.

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    I'm a good person," I said, "because I know what good people are supposed to act like, and I copy them.

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    I have a troubled relationship with Hunter S. Thompson, not just because he kicked me out of a bar but also because it's become clear to me that he was not a good person.

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    I'm a good person, I hope. But I'm never as good as I want to be, never as nice as I want to be, never as generous as I want to be.

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    I'm a good person. In most ways. But I'm beginning to think that being a good person in most ways doesn't count for anything very much, if you're a bad person in one way.

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    I'm a good person but a shitty writer. You're a shitty person but a good writer. We'd make a good team.

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    In some ways I'm oddly traditional, I've been a serial monogamist since I was 12. I've always tried to work hard and get good grades and be a good person, but I feel like I've also always had a strange defiance of authority or the status quo, I've never understood why things always have to be just one way.

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    I'm not a good person to have as an enemy; say nice things about me.

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    I'm not a republican any more. Not so voraciously anyway - I'm not in favour of the concept of monarchy, but I do see the good in it if there's a good person in the role.

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    I know who I am. And I know I'm a good person.

    • good person quotes
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    I'm such a perfectionist. I always feel overpraised or whatever. In the abstract, I know I'm a good person, a good professional. But it's nice to be noticed a little bit, ain't it?

    • good person quotes
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    I'm usually sort of ambiguous in terms of whether I'm playing a good person or a bad person. I can walk that line of funny but also dark, and I'm happy doing that.

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    I never thought I was a bad person. I just thought I was the one good person living in a world of bad people.

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    I think generally I'm a pretty good person if I had to grade myself. Or toot my own horn.

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    It is more important to be a good person than a good player.

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    I think Juan stopped short - he got halfway to the destination and got off the train. He is certainly an excellent writer and a good person, but I'm not a nationalist.

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    I try to be a good person. I know what my downfalls are, so that's a good thing.

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    Life is a way of perfection. You need to work on yourself. You become a good person. If you do your work you will discover sublime feelings.

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    It has everything to do with being a good human being. A good person. A good friend.

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    I've definitely enjoyed myself more on the projects where I've played a good person, rather than on the projects where I've played somebody who is morally compromised.

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    I was a punk. I think that's why I'm such a good person now, because I was such a bad guy then.

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    I would love to persuade Christopher Bailey to get even just a section of Burberry that's, like, organic or free trade. I love him, he's a very good person and an amazing designer, and I have a lot of respect and time for him.

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    My parents didn't raise me to be a professional player. They raised me to be a good person.

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    Looking back, it was the thing in his life that shamed him the most: the times he was purposefully, calculatingly mean to Alice. It was those moments, and there had been many of them, that indicated to him that he was not a good person. He got mad at her for many things, but it was always really for the same thing: that she possessed his love and he couldn't seem to get it back. She didn't deserve it, which was to say she deserved better

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    My mom didn't teach me about Marco Polo. She didn't teach me about Napoleon. She didn't teach me about any of that. But she did teach me how to survive and to be a good person. And you need to be a strong woman to do that. She's the biggest person in my life. She's my Virgin Maria. That's why I love religion so much.

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    I've got a terrible person in me just as much as anybody else, and I think - I like to think I also have a really good person in me.