Best 120 quotes in «doing nothing quotes» category

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    To do anything, it is first necessary to be doing nothing.

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    Try is a noisy way of doing nothing.

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    Until changing economic conditions made the thing actually happen, struggling early society would hardly have guessed that woman's road to gentility would lie through doing nothing at all.

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    Very few species have survived unchanged. There's one called lingula, which is a little shellfish, a little brachiopod about the size of my fingernail, that has survived for 500 million years, but it's survived by being unobtrusive and doing nothing, and you can't accuse human beings of that.

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    Voting for the right is doing nothing for it.

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    When children are doing nothing, they are doing mischief.

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    When I work I relax; doing nothing or entertaining visitors makes me tired.

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    When I hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete, I see that the System Idle Process is hogging all the resources and chewing up 95 percent of the processor's cycles. Doing what? Doing nothing?

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    When you choose one way out of many, all the ways you don't take are snuffed out like candles, as if they'd never existed. At that moment all Will's choices existed at once. But to keep them all in existence meant doing nothing. He had to choose, after all.

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    Where all are guilty, no one is; confessions of collective guilt are the best possible safeguard against the discovery of culprits, and the very magnitude of the crime the best excuse for doing nothing.

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    While we were at rest, Christ was in rescue mode. While we were doing nothing, He was doing EVERYTHING. He was down in the depths of the earth fighting for our freedom.

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    Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years.

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    Why should old people get [Social Security]? They just sit around all day doing nothing.

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    Your reality is yours. Stop wasting time looking at someone else's reality while doing nothing about yours.

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    Free time allows building of reputations — either as someone who is excellent at killing time by doing nothing or someone who can utilize the time by creating things out of nothing. People becoming habitual to doing nothing, get nothing at the end.

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    Fighting is less effective than doing nothing.

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    You see. . . it's really quite strenuous doing nothing all day, so once a week we take a holiday and go nowhere, which was just where we were going when you came along. Would you care to join us?

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    You will be civilized on the day you can spend a long period doing nothing, learning nothing, and improving nothing, without feeling the slightest amount of guilt.

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    A life, a history, whole patterns of existence altered, simply by doing nothing. The silent lie. The act of omission.

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    If I were to do nothing, I'd be guilty of complicity.

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    I don't believe anything's really inevitable until it happens. We just call it inevitable to make ourselves feel better about it, to excuse ourselves for not having done anything.

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    These were desperate times, the two men agreed; it was easy to stay at home and pull the bedcovers over your heads, but if nothing was done, someone would rip the bedcovers from your face and tug you naked into the street.

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    It takes a long time to learn how to do nothing.

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    pretending to do something when you're doing nothing is an art form in itself.

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    There is, following an ample meal, a sort of pause in time, filled with a gentle slackening of thought and energy, when to sit doing nothing gives us a sense of life's richness and a feeling that the least effort would be intolerable. The melancholy we took with us to table has disappeared and, if we think of it at all it is only to smile, as at some black mood now past, its cause having gone. And with the melancholy, all scruple, all remorse departs from us.

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    In matters of the heart struggle is less effective than doing nothing.

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    Struggle is less effective than doing nothing.

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    ...this evening it's too late, too late to get things right, I'll go to sleep, so that I may say, hear myself say, a little later, I've slept, he's slept, but he won't have slept, or else he's sleeping now, he'll have done nothing, nothing but go on, doing what, doing what he does, that is to say, I don't know, giving up, that's it, I'll have gone on giving up, having had nothing, not being there.

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    Alone, even doing nothing, you do not waste your time. You do, almost always, in company. No encounter with yourself can be altogether sterile: Something necessarily emerges, even if only the hope of some day meeting yourself again.

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    You cannot criticise a man who is doing something while sitting down.

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    Bing Crosby and I weren't the types to go around kissing each other. We always had a light jab for each other. One of our stock lines used to be "There's nothing I wouldn't do for Bing, and there's nothing he wouldn't do for me." And that's the way we go through life - doing nothing for each other!

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    But that would leave Paxton to fend for herself, and the last thing any woman wanted in this kind of situation was to look around and see all the people who could help her doing nothing.

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    Doing nothing is opting for the sweetness of stillness...Instead of fighting with that which you cannot control, you might as well just see it through.

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    Doing nothing feels like floating on warm water to me. Delightful, perfect.

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    Doubt may be a poor encouragement to do anything, but it is a bad reason for doing nothing.

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    Failure is delay, but not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead-end street.

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    Fishing can come as close to doing nothing as anything I can think of.

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    I admire an actor that can do a lot with doing nothing really, for the most part. I like doing a lot by doing so little.

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    By doing nothing we learne to do ill.

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    Doing nothing is very tough to do because you never know when you're finished. The upside is that from the moment you wake up in the morning, you're on the job.

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    Easy come, easy go... "Achieve-everything-while-doing-nothing" schemes don't work, they are just not logical

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    Every performer can get better. It's not about staying with what God gave you and doing nothing with it for the rest of your life.

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    Every pound of muscle burns approximately 50 calories every day, just doing nothing.

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    Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything.

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    I am a natural optimist but there were times when (it seemed like) I was doing nothing but adding up on the back of envelope what I had to pay this month.

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    I don't enjoy doing nothing or sitting in my trailer watching ESPN.

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    I don't go out unless I'm working. My quality time is when I'm doing nothing.

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    If I have to spend prolonged periods of time in a trailer, I go mad. Stuck in a metal box doing nothing, I lie there paralysed with boredom.

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    Failure is doing nothing.

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    I enjoy doing nothing.

    • doing nothing quotes