Best 73 quotes in «be who you are quotes» category

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    sing the song and let people do the interpretation. It is your duty to sing the unsung songs and it is their duty to do the interpretation

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    Stress comes from unknown fear. To reduce stress, love what you do and be who you are.

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    Then put this behind you. You don't have to change who you are because of one mistake. You only have to make sure you don't repeat it.

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    Until you learn how to confidently say NO to so many things, you shall always say YES to so many things. The real summary of a regretful life is a life that failed to balance YES and NO. Yes! A life that failed to recognize when to courageously say NO and when to confidently say YES!

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    I try to hold back the tears, but I don't have the strength to suppress them.

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    Stop buying into the story others coined for you, and also refrain- religiously, from believing in the narrative your circumstance forces you to live...

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    Any illness is a direct message to you that tells you how you have not been loving who you are, cherishing yourself in order to be who you are. This is the basis of all healing.

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    Being safe is about being seen and heard and allowed to be who you are and to speak your truth.

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    Be who you are and do that well.

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    Be who you are. But be the very best communicator you can possibly be. To do that you must be willing to sacrifice what's comfortable-what has become part of your style-for the sake of what is effective.

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    Be who you are and not who someone else thinks you ought to be.

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    Be who you are. If you spend all of your time worrying about how people view you, you will not be either faithful to yourself or effective in what you're trying to do.

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    Be who you are and don't allow anyone to affect the confidence you have in your individuality.

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    Be who you are and I'll be who I am. I refuse to take sides, because everybody has their story.

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    Be who you are, said the Duchess to Alice, or, if you would like it put more simply, never try to be what you might have been or could have been other than what you should have been.

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    Be who you are. If you're comfortable leading, you're comfortable. And if you're not, it's OK.

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    Be who you are in every situation.

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    Be who you are, and go the whole way.

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    Be who you are, nothing more... nothing less.

    • be who you are quotes
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    Be who you are. Otherwise, you end up committing suicide. You end up marrying people when you shouldn't be marrying them and having terrible, secret lives.

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    But I have to tell you, I get it all day, every day, I'm not sexy enough, or I'm not cool enough, or if I did this I would be accepted. Let me tell you one thing: the sexiest thing is class. I promise you that each and every one of you is made to be who you are. That is what's so attractive and beautiful. Please don't forget that, even when it gets hard.

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    Courage to be who you are is the cousin of loving the Divine, yourself and others.

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    Discover your strengths and then hone them and be who you are meant to be.

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    Don't apologize for who you are and what you've done in the past. Be who you are and do what you do.

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    Don't ever become so preoccupied by who you want to be that you forget to be who you are.

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    Don't try too hard to be young. Be who you are.

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    A lot of jobs don't allow you to be who you are. There is dignity in work only when it is work freely accepted.

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    Embrace what makes up you. Some stereotypes are true - I love chicken, but that's a stereotype, I love f**king basketball, but that's a stereotype, too. But who cares? Embrace it. Be who you are, and don't be ashamed of what that is.

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    Every rule in the book can be broken, except one - be who you are, and become all you were meant to be.

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    During 'Hawthorne', I was constantly trying not to be too outrageous and keep it serious. This has been so refreshing for me because it's such a good outlet for the inner me to just be. That's the whole point of 'Glee' anyways - to just be who you are and that's enough. I really feel that way on set.

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    Do what you do and be who you are.

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    For crying out loud, stop comparing and start living! And you'll be happier with your life, I guarantee. This is crucial: the most difficult thing in the world is to be who you are not. Pretending and trying to be someone else is the official pastime of the human race. And the easiest thing in the world is to be yourself. Be happy. Live! There must be a reason why God made you tall or short or fat or thin or bumpy all over. Love who you are!

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    I like looking feminine and I enjoy being a role model. I enjoy being a woman. It all comes down to having the confidence to be who you are.

    • be who you are quotes
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    Got to be who you are in this world, no matter what.

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    I keep saying, 'Don't change. Be who you are,' but society is really strong in their opinions.

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    I paid attention to not being a comedian, and just concentrated on being who I was. That is what you have to do. If you say you are a comedian that has been done before. If you just be who you are then you are unique. Everyone is unique.

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    It is never too late to be who you want to be.

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    In this world, one thing you should definitely strive for is originality. Just be who you are, and be your own person. That's what will make you stand out.

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    Lying about anything is the cruelest thing in the world you could ever do. Be who you are. Don't try to be someone you're not. It never works.

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    I would never tell anyone who to vote for. I'm a different kind of 'liberal' and I think people should be true to themselves. If you're Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, you should be true to yourself and be who you are.

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    Nobody can tell you what to do. No matter what they pay you. No matter what obligations you feel you owe them. Every second defines you. Be who you are, not who anyone else is, or who anyone else wants you to be.

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    I never analyze stuff with comedy because it's boring. It makes you stop being funny. Just be who you are and do what you do, and you're either funny or you're not.

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    Old man's gotta be the old man. Fish has got to be the fish. Gotta be who you are in this world, no matter what.

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    Never bury something deep, baby. Takes twice as much courage to be who you are, say what you think, feel what you feel and let it show then it does to bury it.

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    No matter what you set out to do and how you set out to do it, you ultimately have to be who you are, and who you are as that character. So, I paid as much homage as I could to what Michael Clarke did, and had to rely on my own gifts to guide me through it.

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    Remember who you are. It's really okay to be who you are.

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    Pop music allows you to be who you are without having to wear a social uniform or to conform, which some people find impossible to do.

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    Say what you mean, be who you are, and hope for the best.

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    Simply be who you are, do what you do best, be where you are called by joy, and let life work its magic on your behalf.

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    Our Father in Heaven needs you to be who you are. ... You are very important.