Best 75 quotes in «disgrace quotes» category

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    In the arena of life, so many lessons are taught but few are taken and few are applied

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    It is better to wait until you get the right thing, at the right time and in the right place; than to race for the wrong thing, at the wrong time and in the wrong place, for it yields nothing but disgrace.

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    I remembered my mother’s insistence that I always wear clean underwear because I might get knocked down by a car on the way to or from school and I and the family would be disgraced even beyond the grave, presumably, if my underwear was dirty. And I began to worry, in fact, as the doctor sniffed and prodded, about the state of the shorts I was wearing. This made me want to laugh. But I could not breathe.

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    It's no disgrace to be poor, but its might as well be.

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    Moral obligations verses Legal obligations. Legally, you must abide by the laws of the land or face the consequences of being fined, imprisoned or both. Moral obligations tend to lean more towards a spiritual nature of a person. Some people perform immoral acts because legally there are no consequences. Morals birth in the heart of the individual. Moral characteristics are developed at an early age and continue into adulthood. It's a disgrace to neglect having good moral character.

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    I PAINT MY FACE. By Omrane Khuder. Mirror, distorted; I sit, paint my Face, Toxic white Make-up buries my Scars, My Eyes tell lies; Dumbfounded Confidence hides the Disgrace. Place the tragic Vehicle called My Life in to Drive, Sad pathetic Clown; Late for the suppression show, Despair another time; Let the chuckles and defeat derive. I paint my Heart; I hide my True. I paint my Soul; I keep it from You. I paint, I cannot accept; To ignore you the way you ignore Me? I paint my scarred and pitiful Face; No Will left to restore Me. I paint my Face; it’s all I know to do. My painted Face shatters the Mirror, yet still all I see is You.

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    Now since shame is a mental picture of disgrace, in which we shrink from the disgrace itself and not from its consequences, and we only care what opinion is held of us because of the people who form that opinion, it follows that the people before whom we feel shame are those whose opinion of us matters to us.

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    Only the Supreme Being_Allah is Perfect! For humans intention of being a perfectionist can cause sudden downfall and disgrace even below average.

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    Some disabled people spend a significant amount of their energy on trying to come across as abled or as not that disabled.

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    The disgrace of the church in the twentieth century is that more zeal is evident among Communists and cultists than among Christians.

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    There is no disgrace in being knocked down, there is only shame in not getting back up; never quit!

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    It was Hypatia’s fault, said the Christians, that the governor was being so stubborn. It was she, they murmured, who was standing between Orestes and Cyril, preventing them from reconciling. Fanned by the parabalani, the rumours started to catch, and flame. Hypatia was not merely a difficult woman, they said. Hadn’t everyone seen her use symbols in her work, and astrolabes? The illiterate parabalani (‘bestial men – truly abominable’ as one philosopher would later call them) knew what these instruments were. They were not the tools of mathematics and philosophy, no: they were the work of the Devil. Hypatia was not a philosopher: she was a creature of Hell. It was she who was turning the entire city against God with her trickery and her spells. She was ‘atheizing’ Alexandria. Naturally, she seemed appealing enough – but that was how the Evil One worked. Hypatia, they said, had ‘beguiled many people through satanic wiles’. Worst of all, she had even beguiled Orestes. Hadn’t he stopped going to church? It was clear: she had ‘beguiled him through her magic’. This could not be allowed to continue. One day in March AD 415, Hypatia set out from her home to go for her daily ride through the city. Suddenly, she found her way blocked by a ‘multitude of believers in God’. They ordered her to get down from her chariot. Knowing what had recently happened to her friend Orestes, she must have realized as she climbed down that her situation was a serious one. She cannot possibly have realized quite how serious. As soon as she stood on the street, the parabalani, under the guidance of a Church magistrate called Peter – ‘a perfect believer in all respects in Jesus Christ’ – surged round and seized ‘the pagan woman’. They then dragged Alexandria’s greatest living mathematician through the streets to a church. Once inside, they ripped the clothes from her body then, using broken pieces of pottery as blades, flayed her skin from her flesh. Some say that, while she still gasped for breath, they gouged out her eyes. Once she was dead, they tore her body into pieces and threw what was left of the ‘luminous child of reason’ onto a pyre and burned her.

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    Poetry speaks to you either at first sight or not at all. A flash of revelation and a flash of response.

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    The career of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist who headed the Manhattan Project, draws such questions to a focus that resembles the bead of a laser-gunsight on a victim’s breastbone. It was Oppenheimer whom the public lionized as the brains behind the bomb; who agonized about the devastation his brilliance had helped to unleash; who hoped that the very destructiveness of the new “gadget,” as the bombmakers called their invention, might make war obsolete; and whose sometime Communist fellow-traveling and opposition to the development of the hydrogen bomb — a weapon a thousand times more powerful than the bombs that incinerated Hiroshima and Nagasaki — brought about his political disgrace and downfall, which of course have marked him in the eyes of some as all the more heroic, a visionary persecuted by warmongering McCarthyite troglodytes. His legacy, of course, is far more complicated.

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    [T]he principal suffering of the poor is shame and disgrace.

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    The telling of a lie is not only a sin or disgrace; it is the beginning of a disorder in the soul set in by the puncturing from a spear coated by guilt

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    Vain mistaken mortals, who, valuing themselves on names and titles, suppose that the virtues of the mind must be attached to an empty sound, when every day's experience proves that birth is disgraced, titles rendered contemptible, and riches a curse, by the vices, meanness, and dissipation of its possessors!

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    The wise are greatly revered, the righteous are exceedingly honored, and the foolish are repeatedly disgraced.

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    Your disgrace has become my grace.

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    Could he with reason murmur at his case, Himself sole author of his own disgrace?

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    A man whose life has been dishonourable is not entitled to escape disgrace in death.

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    Disgraces are like cherries, one drawes another. [Disgraces are like cherries, one draws another.]

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    Disgrace is immortal, and living even when one thinks it dead.

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    A lot of people are upset that I'm not working. They say it's a disgrace.

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    Disgrace is the synonym of discovery.

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    Haste to disgrace the traitor. Do not wait 'til later.

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    I am not so much afraid of death, as ashamed thereof, 'tis the very disgrace and ignominy of our natures.

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    Failure is not a disgrace if you have sincerely done your best.

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    If it is a distinction to have written a good book, it is also a disgrace to have written a bad one.

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    If you do the best you can, you have nothing to be ashamed of. A defeat is not a disgrace.

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    I have deserved neither so much honor or so much disgrace.

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    It is no small misfortune and disgrace that, through our own fault, we neither understand our nature nor our origin.

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    It is however a disgrace to pray! Not for all, but for you, and me, and whoever has his a conscience.

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    It is no disgrace not to be able to do everything; but to undertake, or pretend to do, what you are not made for, is not only shameful, but extremely troublesome and vexatious.

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    It is the crime not the scaffold which is the disgrace.

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    It's no disgrace to be a private, you know. Socrates was a plain foot soldier, a hoplite.

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    It’s no disgrace to be black, but it’s often very inconvenient.

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    Poverty is no disgrace to a man, but it is confoundedly inconvenient.

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    My character and good name are in my own keeping. Life with disgrace is dreadful. A glorious death is to be envied.

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    Poverty is not a disgrace, but it's terribly inconvenient.

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    No one can disgrace us but ourselves.

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    Praise and disgrace cause fear.

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    Sentiment is a disgrace, instead of an ornament, unless it lead us to good actions.

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    Revenue and wealth do not bring disgrace.

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    Same sex marriage is a disgrace to the nation and to God. When I was growing up, ‘ungqingili’ [homosexuals in isiZulu] could not stand in front of me, I would knock him out.

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    Success in war was the only success that counted; failure was a disgrace to be wiped out only by starting another war and winning it.

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    There is no disgrace in peace. There can never be dishonor in peace.

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    The Canadians have managed to live peacefully with their Indians. It is disgrace that the United States has not done the same.

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    The coming of honor or disgrace must be a reflection of one's inner power.

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    There's no disgrace in failing, lad, Though friends and foes deride; In fact, a failure's not so bad As never having tried.