Best 43 quotes in «gracious quotes» category

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    Pandora opened the box with the new high-heels, put them on and went out to town.

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    Not only is forgiveness the most tender part of love, it is always a choice and always accompanied by unconditional love. May you always be forgiving,kind and gracious, especially when others are undeserving.

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    Rest in the knowledge that God is both abundantly gracious and ridiculously generous.

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    You can Lose a child Or a parent, The love of your life, A good job, A game, A deal, A bet, An idea, Your favorite thing, Money, Your best friend, A moment, An opportunity, A chance, Your keys, Your mind, Your health, Your identity, Your virginity, Your religion, Your shirt, Your license, ID or Passport, Phone or phone number, Hope, Faith, Luck, Your pride, Or your house, And feel like You've lost everything, And keep on losing. Stop Counting losses And start counting your blessings. Only then, Will you discover that losses Are easier to point out And count Than blessings, And that blessings Outnumber your losses For they are truly Immeasurable. It is only normal that People count losses with Their minds, And ignore To count blessings With the graciousness Of their hearts.

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    And upon this act [Emancipation Proclamation]...I invoke...the gracious favor of Almighty God.

    • gracious quotes
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    Be as just and gracious unto me, As I am confident and kind to thee.

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    A sweet lie is more gracious for us than a virulent but real truth.

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    God has foreordained the works to which He has called you. He has been ahead of you preparing the place to which you are coming and manipulating all the resources of the universe in order that the work you do may be a part of His whole great and gracious work.

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    Corporate worship is designed to remind you that in the center of all things is a glorious and gracious King, and this king is not you

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    Fear of losing is what makes competitors so great. Show me a gracious loser and I'll show you a permanent loser.

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    God whose gifts in gracious flood Unto all who seek are sent, Only asks you to be good And is content.

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    Gracious dying is a huge, macabre and expensive joke on the American public.

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    Gracious to all, to none subservient, Without offense he spoke the word he meant

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    He that condescended so far, and stooped so low, to invite and bring us to heaven, will not refuse us a gracious reception there.

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    God is gracious beyond the power of language to describe.

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    God is gracious to some very peculiar people.

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    I am very humble, and I am very gracious and very grateful for everything that happens to me and about me and around me.

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    If the depths of everyone's sin was made public, we would all be much more gracious to each other.

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    How gracious are the gods in bestowing high positions; and how reluctant are they to insure them when given.

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    He willeth to be perceived; and His appearing shall be swiftly sudden; and He willeth to be trusted. For He is full gracious and homely: Blessed may He be!

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    If you were not a sinful, polluted, helpless, and miserable creature, this Savior would not be suited to you, and you would not be comprehended in his gracious invitations to the children of men.

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    If there is one characteristic more than others that contemporary public worship needs to recapture it is this awe before the surpassingly great and gracious God.

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    I just think people have been very gracious and welcoming me on set, and even off set.

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    I'm sure that people must say about me, on the screen, 'Good gracious, is Jeanette MacDonald going to take off her clothes - again?

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    If you reject God's commanding word, you will not receive God's gracious word.

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    Mexico is a safe, as well as a beautiful and warmly gracious, place to visit.

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    Virtuous and fair, royal and gracious.

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    So much more profitable and gracious is doctrine by example than by rule.

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    The axle of the wheels of the chariot of Providence is Infinite Love, and Gracious Wisdom is the perpetual charioteer.

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    A difficult journey is spiritual rewarding. There is a more dependence on God, His supernatural power, grace and divine favour along the travel.

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    Aurora sagged. "Why is it," she asked, "that every time I'm with you two we end up stealing something big?" "We always return it," Donegan said, a little defensively. "Maybe not always in one piece or necessarily to the right person but return it we do, and so it is not stealing, it is merely borrowing." Gracious looked at him. "It's a little bit stealing." "Anyone who leaves a private jet just lying around deserves to have it stolen." "It wasn't lying around," said Gracious. "It was locked up tight. It took us an hour to dismantle the security system and get inside." Donegan looked at him. "You're not helping.

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    Beauty without grace is like a fish far displaced from the water and looking at this kind of beauty is like watching that fish die right there on the cement in front of you.

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    BLESSINGS ARE IMMEASURABLE You can Lose a child Or a parent, The love of your life, A good job, A game, A deal, A bet, An idea, Your favorite thing, Money, Your best friend, A moment, An opportunity, A chance, Your keys, Your mind, Your health, Your identity, Your virginity, Your religion, Your shirt, Your license, ID or Passport, Phone or phone number, Hope, Faith, Luck, Your pride, Or your house, And feel like You've lost everything, And keep on losing. Stop Counting losses And start counting your blessings. Only then, Will you discover that losses Are easier to point out And count Than blessings, And that blessings Outnumber your losses For they are truly Immeasurable. It is only normal that People count losses with Their minds, And ignore To count blessings With the graciousness Of their hearts.

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    Be noble like the sun; let even those who resent you for shinning benefit from your warmth.

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    God is love—He is gracious and forgives.

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    Eternal love is a gracious phenomenon, but often remains a temporary concern. ( “I seek you”)

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    Every little gracious act adds to the quotient of grace in the world - how gracious can you be today? All of you are connected - all of us are connected - we are all ONE being - breathing, living, light....

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    I was transformed the day My ego shattered, And all the superficial, material Things that mattered To me before, Suddenly ceased To matter.

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    Gracious words refresh, restore and revive the soul.

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    I bought you something" Willows blurts out. "You bought...What?" Willow closes her eyes for a second. She's a little surprised she's going to give it to him after all, but there's no going back now. She has to. "At the bookstore." She reaches into her bag again, and pushes the package across the table towards him. Guy takes the book out of the bag slowly, Willow waits for him to look disappointed, to look confused that she would buy him such a battered, old- "I love it when used books have notes in the margins, it's the best," Guy says as he flips through the pages. "I always imagine who read it before me." He pauses and looks at one of Prospero's speeches. "I have way too much homework to read this now, but you know what? Screw it. I want to know why it's your favorite Shakespeare. Thank you, that was really nice of you. I mean, you really didn't have to." "But I did anyway," Willow says so quietly she's not even sure hears her. Hey," Guy frowns for a second. "You didn't write anything in here." "Oh, I didn't even think...I, well, I wouldn't even know what to write," Willow says shyly. "Well, maybe you'll think of something later," he says. Willow watches Guy read the opening. There's no mistaking it. His smile is genuine, and she can't help thinking that if she can't make David look like this, at least she can do it for someone.

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    It was understood that I would always be kind and gracious and show up with a smile.

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    Lunch started off tense after our heated moment. Thank goodness for Blake. Kai was warm toward him, reserving his coolness for me. I watched, keeping quiet. They fought over the last piece of General Tso’s shrimp, and I had to laugh when the little thing went flying in the air and landed in a wet footprint next to the pool. “You can have it,” Kaidan graciously offered, and Blake shoved him one last time.

    • gracious quotes
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    A gracious heart, a gentle spirit.