Best 24 quotes in «fear of change quotes» category

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    Change bothers me. I don’t cope too well with fashions, fads and urban traffic lights.

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    You don't really love me, or you never would have treated me like you did. You were just afraid of letting me go. There’s a difference, and no one knows that better than I do. We were both afraid of moving on, me of what I really wanted. It brought us together, it bound us, but no longer. I am done with making decisions based on fear. [Nicholas to Grace]

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    Any change in form produces a fear of change, and that has accelerated. Marketing is the death of invention, because marketing deals with the familiar.

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    At watershed moments of upheaval and transformation, we anticipate with terror the absence of the familiar parts of life and of ourselves that are being washed away by the current of change. But we fail to envision the unfamiliar gladness and gratifications the new tide would bring, the unfathomed presences, for our imaginations are bounded by our experience. The unknown awakens in us a reptilian dread that plays out with the same ferocity on scales personal, societal, and civilizational, whether triggered by a new life-chapter or a new political regime or a new world order.

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    Comfort and the fear of change are the greatest enemies of success.

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    fear of change is like standing under a hot shower and knowing the moment you'll turn it off you'll be freezing cold

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    For change to occur in us, we must be willing to enter the wilderness of the unknown and to wander in unfamiliar territory, directionless and often in the darkness....We do not need to keep every little thing under control. In fact, we find ourselves only by allowing some falling apart to happen.

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    Your growth is only intimidating to those who don't want to grow.

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    Fear of change perplexes monarchs.

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    I have a big fear of change, or negative change, anyway. I'm basically the same person I was when I won 'Idol,' or when I was 10.

    • fear of change quotes
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    There comes a time. The pain of existence transcends the fear of change. There comes a time.

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    Hide in the mirror. No one will look for you there.

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    Hm...yes, all is in a man's hands and he lets it all slip from cowardice, that's an axiom. It would be interesting to know what it is men are most afraid of. Taking a new step, uttering a new word is what they fear most...But I am talking too much.

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    In moments of great change we suffer, somehow hoping deep down that our emotions and our dramas can change the future or prevent it from happening. Future happens regardless.

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    It is fear that reinforces the walls we build, people are afraid to be swayed from their convictions, afraid to question their moral instincts and expose themselves to ideas that may challenge the fabric of their entire existence, but what are we if we are not seeking to better ourselves?

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    Okrem toho: poznám veľmi dobrý liek proti strachu z neurčitých udalostí a z budúcnosti. Je trocha príkry, ale stopercentný: kto sa bojí budúcnosti, nech sa stane zlodejom, vrahom, prostitútkou, skrátka kriminálnikom. Taký človek nikdy nemá strach, ako bude zajtra – ak už je teda v base – vie, že zajtre bude iba bližšie k slobode. A toto je súčasne príklad aj pre čistých, čo stále vidia len čerta na stene. Trocha zhrešte, a nebudete sa hnevať na štát. Čistota totiž – a myslím ozajstnú a úprimnú – má jeden háčik: človek očakáva za ňu odmenu. Ak ste pričistí, začnete mať strach, aby ten špinavší nevzal vašu odmenu. To je strach z budúcnosti.

    • fear of change quotes
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    Modesty is fear.

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    Sometimes we find we love things we never thought we wanted. And then we regret that we never wanted them at all. It's the fear of change, I think, and dread of the unknown.

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    Stress is nothing but the fear of change.

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    Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.

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    The air was icy, Mari came back in, grabbed a coat and went out again. Outside, far from the eyes of everyone, she lit a cigarette. She smoked slowly and guiltlessly, thinking about the young woman, the piano music she could hear and life outside the walls of Villete which was becoming unbearably difficult for everyone. In Mari's view this difficulty was due not to chaos or disorganization or anarchy but to an excess of order. Society had more and more rules and laws that contradicted the rules and new rules that contradicted the laws. People felt too frightened to take a step outside the invisible regulations that guided everyone's lives.

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    The air was icy, Mari came back in, grabbed a coat and went out again. Outside, far from the eyes of everyone, she lit a cigarrete. She smoked slowly and guiltlessly, thinking about the young woman, the piano music she could hear and life outside the walls of Villete which was becoming unbearably difficult for everyone. In Mari's view this difficulty was due not to chaos or disorganization or anarchy but to an excess of order. Society had more and more rules and laws that contradicted the rules and new rules that contradicted the laws. People felt too frightened to take a step outside the invisible regulations that guided everyone's lives.

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    There is no life without change. The real tragedy is that we are always fearful of change and resist it vehemently.

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    Progress isn’t always good. There’s a reason why ‘breakneck speed’ is described as such.