Best 33 quotes in «obedience to god quotes» category

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    Obedience is the thing, living in active response to the living God. The most important question we ask of this text is not, 'What does this mean?' but 'What can I obey?' A simple act of obedience will open up our lives to this text far more quickly than any number of Bible studies and dictionaries and concordances.

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    O LORD God give us a heart to heed to thy holy word.

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    The gift of the Sabbath must be treasured. Blessed are you who honour this day.

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    Please, Lord gives power to obey your commandment

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    Our ability to remain faithful to God,is by itself a miracle. For nothing happens without His Grace that works in us, and His Spirit that perfects us, which urges us to be like Him. For truly ,everything begins with His mercy and ends with His mercy.

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    Utii kwa Mungu unapokosekana injili ambayo Mungu anataka ihubiriwe haitahubiriwa. Itahubiriwa na manabii wa uongo.

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    The Guru does not need outer acts of reverence from you. What matters to Him most is your inner attitude of reverence and devotion in acts of obedience.

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    The longing of my soul is to know and obey the Supreme-being,God.

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    The one principle of hell is – “I am my own

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    There is just one true God (I AM), and He is the giver of life! We have just one lifetime chance to live life! Let us therefore devote our one lifetime to His service, in truth and in spirit, loving Him fully with our lips, mind and heart, no matter what, knowing that regardless of who we are, when death ends our journey of life, we remain accountable to the giver of life!

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    There is something magical and transformational about saying “yes” to God. When you take His hand, step out of that boat (your ordinary, comfortable life), and be brave. Instead of spending your lifetime living in fear and playing it safe, you boldly walk in obedience. God makes you brave.

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    The task of liturgy is to order the life of the holy community following the text of Holy Scripture. It consists of two movements. First it gets us into the sanctuary, the place of adoration and attention, listening and receiving and believing before God. There is a lot involved, all the parts of our lives ordered to all aspects of the revelation of God in Jesus. Then it gets us out of the sanctuary into the world into places of obeying and loving ordering our lives as living sacrifices in the world to the glory of God. There is a lot involved, all the parts of our lives out on the street participating in the work of salvation.

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    The most beloved manifestation of obedience to God is trust in Him

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    Whoever gains good understanding, keeps God's commandment.

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    A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God.

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    Don't ever think of playing the game of draft with God

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    Virtue, for us, is obedience to God in Christ.

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    But sooner or later we find that not everything is to our liking in this book. It starts out sweet to our taste; and then we find it doesn't sit well with us at all, it becomes bitter in our stomachs. Finding ourselves in this book is most pleasant, flattering even, and then we find that the book is not written to flatter us, but to involve us in a reality, God's reality, that doesn't cater to our fantasies of ourselves.

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    God equates spiritual depth with obedience.

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    For pre-eminently a divine image, resembling God, is the soul of a righteous man; in which, through obedience to the commands, as in a consecrated spot, is enclosed and enshrined the Leader of mortals and of immortals, King and Parent of what is good, who is truly law, and right, and eternal Word, being the one Saviour individually to each, and in common to all.

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    God gives prosperity only to those who personally know him and are obedient to His will

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    Many people inside the church think God cares only that we obey. In fact, many believe that it is even more honorable--and therefore more righteous--when we obey God against all desire to obey Him. Where did we get the idea that if we do what God tells us to do, even though 'our hearts are far from Him,' it's something to be proud of, something admirable, something praiseworthy, something righteous? Don't get me wrong, we should obey when we don't feel like it. But lets not make the common mistake of proudly equating that with the righteousness that God requires.

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    Heavenly father make me willing to obey you.

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    Good works are not the cause of our salvation; good works are the evidence of our salvation. Faith in Christ always results in good works. Obedience to God is the mark of true saving faith.

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    I am willing to walk with God

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    In our abandonment we give ourselves over to God just as God gave Himself for us, without any calculations. The consequences of abandonment never enter into our outlook because our life is taken up in Him.

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    In the religious life it is possible to commit an analogous error, and to prize so unwisely peaceful hours of communion, as to waive imperative duty for the sake of them; like Peter with his "Let us make here three tabernacles," while there were devil-ridden sufferers waiting to be healed down on the plain. Moments of devotion, which do not prepare for hours of practical righteousness, are very untrustworthy. But, on the other hand, the paths of righteousness will not be trodden by those who have known nothing of the green pastures and waters where the wearied can rest.

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    In the Upper Room and on Calvary's hill, Jesus teaches us that the most important aspects of a well-lived life are love, humility and obedience.

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    Nasuprot tome poslušnost je tako ljupka! Sveti Augustin piše: "Gospodine, najbolji su tvoji sluge koji žele svoj život prilagoditi tvojim odgovorima, radije nego da prilagode tvoje odgovore svojim željama." Trebamo svoje živote uskladiti s Božjim naukom, a ne prilagođavati Božji nauk načinu na koji želimo živjeti.

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    Mediate on the word of God day and night, then be careful to write the sacred words on your heart. And find grace to obey it.

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    Not that the study is not important. A Jewish rabbi I once studies with would often say, 'For us Jews studying the bible is more important than obeying it because if you don't understand it rightly you will obey it wrongly and your obedience will be disobedience. This is also true.

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    No one can say yes to God's ways who has said no to his promises and commandments. Acceptance of the will of God comes in the daily submission under his Word.

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    No matter how many rules we make for ourselves, rules don't create godly relationships. Only leaning on our faithful Father and longing to please Him with everything we do will set the stage for a beautiful romance!