Best 26 quotes in «effortless quotes» category

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    The thing about throwing a fastball is, you want it to be easy, you want it to be effortless.

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    The strips are nearly effortless unless I am really emotionally upset, a wreck.

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    Work requires effort. Things we love to do feel effortless. Only do the things you love and you'll never have to work again.

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    What is the worth of a happiness for which you must strive and work? Real happiness is spontaneous and effortless.

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    And there's you. You're just beautiful. Effortlessly beautiful, like nature. You have the trinity of beauty: a beautiful heart, a beautiful mind, and a beautiful soul.

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    Be as light as a feather and when they reach for you — you will blow right by their grip; you will effortlessly flow to safety.

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    Dialogues must appear as natural as if coming from effortless writing. It must not sweat. Your beloved readers must not sweat. But here am I, literally sweating, because my characters are literally talking dirty in a steamy sweaty and bloody scene.

  • By Anonym those days (the 19th century) the children sometimes had to walk miles to school. And I mean miles. Have any of you walked even so much as one mile? I doubt it. Not that I blame you . Why walk when you can go wherever you want in a streetcar or a bus? Only stupid people walk when they can ride. Isn't that right? Isn't that what people are always telling you? Feet were invented before wheels, but so what? Getting somewhere on wheels is more comfortable, and that's what progress is all about, isn't that so? But is comfort all that good? Doesn't comfort maybe make us lazy? That's something to think about isn't it? What I mean is--we all want to accomplish something. That's the secret of what everything's all about--this business of wanting to accomplish something. But if everything is made too easy for us, how can we accomplish? I mean really accomplish. The more things we have helping us, the harder the accomplishing. We get too spoiled. We give up too easily...

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    He beams, ‘Legos, I just love it. I wanted so badly, and Mummy said I would get on my birthday. Thanks.’ He rushes to kiss my cheeks. I wonder how effortlessly kids express their emotions.

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    Most of the beautiful things in the world are done effortlessly.

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    It's always seemed like a big mystery how nature, seemingly so effortlessly, manages to produce so much that seems to us so complex. Well, I think we found its secret. It's just sampling what's out there in the computational universe.

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    It takes a lot of effort to make something look effortless

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    It is as difficult for most poor people to truly believe that they could someday escape poverty as it is for most wealthy people to truly believe that their wealth could someday escape them.

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    I was never attracted to big things―convertible Porsche's, mansions, fame, and money. I always found those things to be repulsive and energy-draining. Give me the gutters, the junkyards, the bars, the liquor stores, the grimy graffiti-ridden back alleys, the insane asylums, the pimps, the hookers, the preachers, the old, the drunkards, the junkies, the homeless, the madmen, and the madwomen. Wherever the ghetto is, that's where life is. It doesn't matter where you live, United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, you won't find a liveliness like in the ghetto anywhere else. They're the things that refill my energy tank and keep me going. Anything out of that realm is just plain, dull, and boring. Give me the cheap and effortless lifestyle. The factory job, the small one-bedroom apartments, the whores, the Budweiser six-packs, the hand-rolled cigarettes, the Tom Waits vinyls, and the old vintage typewriters. I'll be alright.

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    Love takes something that's difficult and makes it feel so effortless.

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    The ultimate way to become the best version of yourself is to get so in touch with your own sensuality that you make life seem effortless and utterly beautiful all at the same time.

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    ...naar jeg er hiemme, er jeg idelig udi et Slags Arbeyd, som foraarsager Hovedbryden, saa at jeg gaaer ud alleene for at lade Hiernen have fornøden Hvile. Saadan Hvile faaes fornemmeligen udi Fruer-Stuer, hvor der forefalder gemeenligen ikke uden jævn Snak, som ingen Meditation behøver. Og er det derfore, at, naar jeg haver studeret mig en Hovedpine til, jeg ingen heller besøger, end Madame N. N., hvilken fortæller mig intet uden hvad Mad hun haver spiset den Dag, eller hvor mange Ægg hendes Høns have udlagt den Uge, eller andre saadanne Materier, hvorved Hiernen ikke brydes eller Hovedets Seener strekkes.

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    to have to combat one’s instincts—that is the formula for decadence: as long as life is ascending, happiness and instinct are one.

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    Ultimately, musicians of the world must come realise the potential of their calling. Like the shamans, we may serve as healers, metaphysicians, inciters, exciters, spiritual guides and sources of inspiration. If the musician is illuminated from within, he becomes a lamp that lights other lamps. Then he is serving planet and its people, healing what ails us. Such music is truly important. It is said that “only one who obeys can truly command.” When the artist is immersed in a services, giving himself up over and over again, another paradox occurs: He is being seen by all others as a master.

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    Because vision appears so effortless, we are like fish challenged to understand water.

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    You will be effortlessly filled with as much as you can open yourself to receive.

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    [Dean Martin] my favourite out of everyone because there is a grace that he brings. What he did seemed so effortless.

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    If only it was effortless to understand you because if it wasn't so. . .there wouldn't be any point to be by your side... —kakeru manabe

    • effortless quotes
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    Mozart's music always sounds unburdened, effortless, and light. This is why it unburdens, releases, and liberates us.

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    Loving you is just like breathing, as effortless, and as lovely.

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    Nothing sedates rationality like large doses of effortless money.