Best 106 quotes in «peer pressure quotes» category

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    When a child sees herself through the prism of her peer group, the resulting self image can be distorted.

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    I believe more follies are committed out of complaisance to the world, than in following our own inclinations.

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    When we heed God's Word, we are rejecting how the world tries to disciple us.

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    Why aren't you in school? I see you every day wandering around." "Oh, they don't miss me," she said. "I'm antisocial, they say. I don't mix. It's so strange. I'm very social indeed. It all depends on what you mean by social, doesn't it? Social to me means talking to you about things like this." She rattled some chestnuts that had fallen off the tree in the front yard. "Or talking about how strange the world is. Being with people is nice. But I don't think it's social to get a bunch of people together and then not let them talk, do you? An hour of TV class, an hour of basketball or baseball or running, another hour of transcription history or painting pictures, and more sports, but do you know, we never ask questions, or at least most don't; they just run the answers at you, bing, bing, bing, and us sitting there for four more hours of film-teacher. That's not social to me at all. It's a lot of funnels and lot of water poured down the spout and out the bottom, and them telling us it's wine when it's not. They run us so ragged by the end of the day we can't do anything but go to bed or head for a Fun Park to bully people around, break windowpanes in the Window Smasher place or wreck cars in the Car Wrecker place with the big steel ball. Or go out in the cars and race on the streets, trying to see how close you can get to lampposts, playing 'chicken' and 'knock hubcaps.' I guess I'm everything they say I am, all right. I haven't any friends. That's supposed to prove I'm abnormal. But everyone I know is either shouting or dancing around like wild or beating up one another. Do you notice how people hurt each other nowadays?

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    ...[W]hy should we pay so much attention to what 'most people' think? The really reasonable people, who have more claim to be considered, will believe that the facts are exactly as they are.

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    You cannot really get married by mistake. You can only marry the wrong person.

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    You can't achieve the dream if you're pleasing the team

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    Be good and you will be lonely.

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    Blame it on Peer Pressure.

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    Certain peer pressures encourage little fingers to learn how to hold a football instead of a crayon. I confess to having yielded to these pressures.

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    Habit rules the unreflecting herd.

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    Hermits have no peer pressure.

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    I think that no matter what you're doing as a teenager, you're going to be presented with peer pressure.

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    If you associate yourself with peer pressure or complacency, you're destined for failure.

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    Of course, peer pressure has a strong positive component. It provides the social cohesion that allows the very development of communal affiliation. But peer power as an extrinsic force is a lot like radiation: a little goes a long way.

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    If you try to avoid every instance of peer pressure you will end up without any peers whatsoever, and the trick is to succumb to enough pressure that you do not drive your peers away, but not so much that you end up in a situation in which you are dead or otherwise uncomfortable. This is a difficult trick, and most people never master it, and end up dead or uncomfortable at least once during their lives.

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    Most conduct is guided by norms rather than by laws. Norms are voluntary and are effective because they are enforced by peer pressure.

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    Just don't let anything get in the way of what you want to achieve. A lot of people get knocked back by friends, or family, or peer pressure. If you have a talent and want to do something with it, it's down to you. If it's what you really want then go after it and be very selfish... You have to remain committed, you have to stay focused and you have to be selfish.

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    Kids ... can get to the point where they feel peer pressure that isn't even there simply because of how they see themselves.

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    Men will sooner surrender their rights than their customs.

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    The egg of a bird hatches only when the chick within is ready

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    Peer pressure and social norms are powerful influences on behavior, and they are classic excuses.

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    Peer pressure is just that: pressure.

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    There are some men who turn a deaf ear to reason and good advice, and willfully go wrong for fear of being controlled.

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    The people in the popular group say there is no peer pressure because they are at the top of the food chain. Really what they are doing is just eating away at everybody else.

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    The tyranny of public opinion (and what an opinion!) is as fatuous in the small towns of France as it is in the United States of America.

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    There's a powerful transformative effect when you surround yourself with like-minded people. Peer pressure is a great thing when it helps you accomplish your goals instead of distracting you from them.

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    There's one advantage to being 102. There's no peer pressure.

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    Anyone who takes a decided line in certain matters, is sure to lead all the rest.

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    Ultimately peer pressure can lead people to bully, but peer pressure can also say bullying is not acceptable.

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    And here was the bitter paradox of adolescense: alone, I was most myself, most true. But the self that really mattered was the self that was visible, the self that could be shown to other people.

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    Yield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield.

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    As long as we don't get turned into something that looks more like high school, more like everybody else and less like us, I'll be okay.

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    Basketball Rule #5 When you stop playing your game you've already lost.

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    At any given point you can release your greatest self. Don’t let anyone hold you back. Don’t let anyone dilute you. Don’t be peer pressured into being less than you are. People willing to dilute themselves for the sake of others is one of the great tragedies of our time. Stop letting others define and set the pace for your life. Get out there and be your best. Do your best. Live your best. Make every day count and you’ll see how exponentially more exciting, thrilling, successful, happy and full your life will be.

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    Don’t conform to those who have been overwhelmed by the tide of immorality sweeping our country!

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    Be the one that influences others by being true to yourself, set your own standards and never succumb to the standards of others.

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    Charity shook her head, struggling to get back into the flow of Lady Margaret's crisply worded presentation. Brandy brought sleep, and a temporary escape from the ache of a broken heart. But in the morning came gritty eyes, a furry tongue, and a pounding headache that made a foolish girl wince and rub her temples whenever her coolly perfect boss was looking the other way.

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    Desirability of all kinds is rigidly circumscribed by what is seen as 'normal'. Since they (teens) cannot impose any regularity on their bodies, they impose a rigid regularity on each other.

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    Be careful of those who work so hard to turn you into a victim of the societal pressure they have fallen victims of.

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    Conformity is not an admirable trait. Conformity is a copout. It threatens self-awareness. It can lead groups to enforce rigid and arbitrary rules.

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    Don't downgrade your dreams to upgrade your relationships.

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    Don’t worry,” I say. “There’s plenty more fish in the sea.” “But I don’t want a fish,” Davey says. He really did say that and he wasn’t even trying to be funny. “I mean there’ll be other girls,” I say. “And anyway I’ve been thinking about all this and I’m wondering if we’re a bit too young to be worried about girls. You know, Davey, there are actually loads of boys who haven’t got girlfriends at our school. And even the ones who have don’t really go out with them. They just hang around school and maybe outside Morrisons. What sort of relationship is that? I think we’ve been fooled into submitting to peer pressure and we should just stop and say no! No, I will not feel inferior. I refuse to feel like a loser just because some bimbo isn’t trying to lick my tonsils... And besides, a girl will come along in her own good time. Probably when we're least expecting it!

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    Fitting in" is one of those horrible diseases that turn reasonable minds into sheep-gelatin hive minds.

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    Every category has its snobs: music, books, movies. There are so many things a man is only pressured into liking or disliking.

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    Everybody else is doing it is an excuse, not a reason. It could be that everybody else isn't, but the Devil is introducing you to the few that are in the hopes that he can fool you.

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    I just want to live my own life instead of everyone else’s version of it.

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    Group pressure is also a fascinating process to watch. Given enough arguments, time, and stress, even the most resolute and determined man can be made fearful enough to completely reverse his ideals to conform with everyone else.

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    If schools celebrated student scientists the same way they celebrate student athletes, more students would be encouraged to pursue the subject. Instead, science is considered nerdy because schools help students to paint it that way.

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    If somebody in your life doesn't think you are a fanatic, you are probably backslidden.