Best 187 quotes in «blogging quotes» category

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    A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is - it is what consumers tell each other it is.

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    All the things I love is what my business is all about.

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    Although the point of blogging is that it doesn't pay, I often steal from my blog for paid publication. I've based several magazine essays on blog posts, as well as an entire book.

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    Blogging is like work, but without coworkers thwarting you at every turn.

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    Any idea is only as valuable as its ability to solve a problem.

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    Blogging has helped create an expanded awareness of the creative nonfiction genre, generally. But I suspect many bloggers continue to be unaware that they are (or have the potential to be) "literary" or "artful.

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    You turn the lights on and off here and if you can’t sleep and want something to read there are books in the living room…” her voice broke off. “Wait. Can you read?” His chin took a slight tilt upward. “Aye,” Faolán replied, his voice cool, “in English, Gaelic, Latin, or French. My Welsh is a bit rusty, and I doona remember any of the Greek I was taught except for words not fit for a lady’s ears. I can also count all the way up to…” He looked down and wiggled his large bare toes, “…twenty.” – Faolán MacIntyre

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    Blogging and the Internet allow us to engage in a lot more real time conversations as opposed to a one-way dump of information or a message.

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    Blogging is best learned by blogging...and by reading other bloggers.

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    Don't fool yourself that you're blogging when you're really just putting stuff up online.

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    Don’t try to plan everything out to the very last detail. I’m a big believer in just getting it out there: create a minimal viable product or website, launch it, and get feedback.

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    Create a minimal viable product or website, launch it, and get feedback.

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    Guest blogging is probably the sort of thing that you should be thinking about doing in moderation.

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    I continued blogging, but between illness and deadlines, did not manage to blog nearly as much as last year. I'm hoping to do better in 2016.

    • blogging quotes
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    I began [blogging] because I have this handicap - I can't figure out my life or see God clearly unless I untangle my life again with words.

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    I can write anything and just put it in a zine, and then it's out there. It is like blogging but on paper. It is what I started to do before the computers were all popular.

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    If you love writing or making music or blogging or any sort of performing art, then do it. Do it with everything you've got. Just don't plan on using it as a shortcut to making a living.

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    If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on a consistent basis.

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    I mean suspense, twists are almost impossible these days.

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    I generally blog between 5:30 A.M. and 7 A.M. I will from time to time add something during the day, but for the most part blogging is an early morning activity for me.

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    I started blogging as a hobby, not really thinking anyone would read my site, just my friends.

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    I love blogging, even though apparently it's still dying, and hate it when I have too much going on to do so regularly.

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    I started blogging in 2004, light years ago on the Web. And I began because I have this handicap - I can't figure out my life or see God clearly unless I untangle my life again with words.

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    I started designing book jackets, which was great because I was good at it. And then from there I decided to become a freelance graphic designer and I needed to expand beyond book jackets, so I taught myself web design, and then in 1999 some friends of mine decided to start a company called, which was a very early kind of social network slash blogging community.

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    If you accept all the praise, you have to accept all the critics.

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    I started blogging in 2006 when I had sold my first novel but it had not yet been published, in those anxious months in between while I learned the whole process.

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    I started blogging in 2004, light years ago on the Web.

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    It's been so amazing. I've always struggled with this barrier that I felt like I'd had up until blogging came along. Just one comment from somebody really sparks something in me. It doesn't need to be this huge war between me and the listeners anymore. I really thrive on that.

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    I think of us as journalists; the medium we work in is blogging.

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    I think that blogging and the Internet has completely changed feminism for ever, I think.

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    I've been blogging since February of 2001. When I started blogging, it was a dinosaur blog. It was me and a handful of tyrannosaurs. We'd be writing blog entries like, 'The tyrannosaurus is getting grumpy.'

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    I've set aside a nice chunk of my advertising revenue each month for giveaways, like a KitchenAid mixer. I like buying them for the audience, because without the audience I wouldn't have the blog or the revenue in the first place.

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    Knowing what I'll write about and what I won't has never really been a problem. I won't write about things that bore me.

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    Make it about them, not about you.

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    Make a list of competitors who will be disrupted by you. You do have competitors, right? You are better, right? If not, why are you going to Disrupt? Post a blog post about them and what makes you different.

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    Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs.

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    Love your readers to death!

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    Put your blog out into the world and hope that your talent will speak for itself.

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    Now everybody's bloggin'. I heard somebody say, "Blogging is just graffiti with punctuation." Everyone's an authority so there's nobody in power, 'cause everyone thinks they're in power.

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    Social media is not a fad because it's human.

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    So my blog wasn't about "platform" but really, it was everything you are not "supposed" to do in blogging.

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    Of course the system can be changed. Why would I bother spending 14 years of my life blogging if I didn't believe that?

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    Some blogs have become the best check on monopoly mainstream journalism, and they provide a surprisingly frequent source of initiative reporting.

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    The dark side of blogging is, of course, people can be (and are) just savage and uncivilized, deeply cruel and fully unaccountable.

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    Stress from blogging keeps me up at night.

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    The first step in blogging is not writing them but reading them.

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    There's something really terrible about having your BlackBerry next to your bed or having your laptop in the living room when you're talking to someone. The biggest source of stress in my life is the screen, the blogging.

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    the harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.

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    The social aspect of blogging is just as important as the content, so to borrow a phrase from the 1960s: the medium is the message. And my personal experience shows me that the potential of this medium is extra large.

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    The heart of blogging is linking - linking and commenting. Connecting and communicating - the purpose of the Internet.