Best 30 quotes in «monument quotes» category

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    It's very hard to go to Monument Valley and not think of John Ford's films.

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    Lets build a monument for the veto. Lets build a monument for impotence and incapacity.

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    Monuments, like men, submit to fate.

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    Mama, don't forget to put a little monument on my tomb when I'm dead.

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    Our public monuments are memorials to the Enlightenment.

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    Of our hurts we make monuments of survival. If we survive.

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    I have never seen a monument erected to a pessimist.

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    The monuments of the nations are all protests against nothingness after death; so are statues and inscriptions; so is history.

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    My patience has dreadful chilblains from standing so long on a monument.

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    The erection of a monument is superfluous, our memory will endure if our lives have deserved it.

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    The monuments of wit survive the monuments of power.

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    Saw Washington Monument. Phallic. Appalling. A national catastrophe.

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    Yeah! I went to the set of Monuments Men.

    • monument quotes
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    The sight of such a monument is like continual and stationary music, which one hears for one's good as one approaches it.

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    Ultimately, the roast turkey must be regarded as a monument to Boomer's love.

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    We stone our prophets, then build monuments to them after they're gone.

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    With all the stones being thrown against me you could build a monument!

    • monument quotes
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    He that looks for urns and old sepulchral relicks, must not seek them in the ruins of temples, where no religion anciently placed them. These were found in a field, according to ancient custom, in noble or private burial; the old practice of the Canaanites, the family of Abraham, and the burying-place of Joshua, in the borders of his possessions; and also agreeable unto Roman practice to bury by highways, whereby their monuments were under eye:--memorials of themselves, and mementoes of mortality unto living passengers; whom the epitaphs of great ones were fain to beg to stay and look upon them,--a language though sometimes used, not so proper in church inscriptions.

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    His true monument lies not on the shelves of libraries, but in the thoughts of men, and in the history of more than one science. {Gibbs's obituary for scientist Rudolf Clausius}

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    ...if he fell, well, he fell—but if he survived he would become a monument, not carved in stone or encased in brass, but one of those New York monuments that made you say: Can you believe it? With an expletive. There would always be an expletive in a New York sentence. Even from a judge. Soderberg was not fond of bad language, but he knew its value at the right time. A man on a tightrope, a hundred and ten stories in the air, can you possibly fucking believe it?

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    It is good to recall that three centuries ago, around the year 1660, two of the greatest monuments of modern history were erected, one in the West and one in the East; St. Paul's Cathedral in London and the Taj Mahal in Agra. Between them, the two symbolize, perhaps better than words can describe, the comparative level of architectural technology, the comparative level of craftsmanship and the comparative level of affluence and sophistication the two cultures had attained at that epoch of history. But about the same time there was also created—and this time only in the West—a third monument, a monument still greater in its eventual import for humanity. This was Newton's Principia, published in 1687. Newton's work had no counterpart in the India of the Mughals.

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    My religious convictions and scientific views cannot at present be more specifically defined than as those of a believer in creative evolution. I desire that no public monument or work of art or inscription or sermon or ritual service commemorating me shall suggest that I accepted the tenets peculiar to any established church or denomination nor take the form of a cross or any other instrument of torture or symbol of blood sacrifice. [From the will of GBS]

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    Si monumentum requiris circumspice (If you seek his monument, look around.) [Epitaph on Wren's tomb in St. Paul's Cathedral]

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    It was a small church. No large cathedral towers overshadowed the purpose of the house of worship. It was a monument to faith rather than a monument to man’s triumph over nature.

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    Some people approached me saying they would like to raise a monument to me like they do in Turkmenistan for Turkmenbashy, I asked, what for? Astana is my memorial.

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    The Great Stone at the center of the Somme memorial has this inscription: “Their name liveth for evermore.” The memorial contains 73,077 names, the names of young men who were robbed of life. Note that we often say that they gave their lives, but of course, this is not true; their lives were taken from them. It is not outrageous to consider the carving of their names and the false promise of “evermore” another act of violence.

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    Green sods are all their monument; and yet it tells A nobler history than pillared piles, Or the eternal pyramids.

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    If I have done any honorable exploit, that is my monument; but if I have done none, all your statues will signify nothing.

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    Genius only leaves behind it the monuments of its strength.

    • monument quotes
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    If you go to Gettysburg and take the time, maybe take a tour, maybe just drive around, read some of the monuments, read some of the plaques, you will come away changed.