Best 97 quotes in «catastrophe quotes» category

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    The spherules [that could only have formed from the combustion of rock] also were found at 17 other sites across four continents, an estimated 10 million metric tons' worth, further supporting the idea that whatever changed Earth did so on a massive scale. It's unlikely that a wildfire or thunderstorm would leave a geological calling card that immense, covering about 50 million square kilometers. 'We know something came close enough to Earth and it was hot enough that it melted rock, that's what these carbon spherules are. In order to create this type of evidence that we see around the world, it was big,' Tankersley says, contrasting the effects of an event so massive with the 1883 volcanic explosion on Krakatoa in Indonesia. 'When Krakatoa blew its stack, Cincinnati had no summer. Imagine winter all year round. That's just one little volcano blowing its top.

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    The storm that is coming is indifferent to your prayers.

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    Thus the aristocracy took their revenge by singing lampoons on their new master, and whispering in his ears sinister prophecies of coming catastrophe. In this way arose feudal Socialism; half lamentation, half lampoon; half echo of the past, half menace of the future, at times by its bitter, witty and incisive criticism, striking the bourgeoisie to the very heart's core, but always ludicrous in its effects, through total incapacity to comprehend the march of modern history.

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    Thunder and blood and night must usurp our parts, to complete and make up the catastrophe of this great piece.

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    Tout grandit, m'a-t-il dit un jour, sauf les catastrophes. Elles sont énormes quand elles naissent; ensuite, elles rapetissent un peu plus chaque jour.

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    The water of such a nation (living godly) will not fail. Talking of harmony between the people of the land and nature. Natural catastrophes and disasters shall be far from such a people. There shall be rain in its time, sun in its time. Nature will respond adequately to the needs and desires of such a people.

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    To those who accuse catch phrases, like pseudoscience, conspiracy theorist, and now fake news that is not an argument but an excuse to continue on the wrong path without conscience bothering them, if you actually read Velikovsky's work he makes complete sense and they know they cannot beat him with facts he uses their own sources and connects the dots,so instead they use terms to slander, it's all they have

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    Whenever a nation or a group of people is devoid of light, catastrophe comes, calamity hits, there is danger everywhere.

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    Une catastrophe, en général et quelle que soit sa nature, s'annonce avec fracas, a son lot de signes avant-coureurs, de lanceurs d'alerte, d'incroyables hasards et, parfois, certains miraculés. Mais malgré tout cela, l'homme ne parvient jamais à regarder la vérité en face, il ne peut pas croire que le pire puisse arriver et, continuellement, détourne le regard...

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    When flash of hope scans through your dreams. When news of goodness skims the surface of your expectations and bravery abates, break not, keep pressing less the dreams of your fingers suffer extinction.

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    Up to a decade or two ago, the system production-nature (man's productive-exploitative relationship with nature and its resources) was perceived as a constant, whereas everybody was busy imagining different forms of the social organization of production and commerce (Fascism or Communism as alternatives to liberal capitalism); today, as Fredric Jameson perspicaciously remarked, nobody seriously considers possible alternatives to capitalism any longer, whereas popular imagination is persecuted by the visions of the forthcoming ‘breakdown of nature’, of the stoppage of all life on earth – it seems easier to imagine the ‘end of the world’ than a far more modest change in the mode of production, as if liberal capitalism is the ‘real’ that will somehow survive even under conditions of a global ecological catastrophe.

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    When a soul in sin, under the impetus of grace, turns to God, there is penance; but when a soul in sin refuses to change, God sends chastisement. This chastisement need not be external, and certainly it is never arbitrary; it comes as an inevitable result of breaking God’s moral law. But the entrenched forces of the modern world are irrational, men nowadays do not always interpret disasters as the moral events they are. When calamity strikes the flint of human hearts, sparks of sacred fire are kindled and men will normally begin to make an estimate of their true worth. In previous ages this was usual: a disordered individual could find his way back to peace because he lived in an objective world inspired by Christian order. But the frustrated man of today, having lost his faith in God, living as he does, in a disordered chaotic world, has no beacon to guide him. In times of trouble he sometimes turns in upon himself, like a serpent devouring its own tail. Given such a man, who worships the false trinity of (1) his own pride, which acknowledges no law; (2) his own sensuality, which makes earthly comfort it goal; (3) his license, which interprets liberty as the absences of all restraint and law—then a cancer is created which is impossible to cure except through an operation or calamity unmistakable as God’s action in history. It is always through sweat and blood and tears that the soul is purged of its animal egotism and laid open to the Spirit … Catastrophe can be to a world that has forgotten God what a sickness can be to a sinner; in the midst of it millions might be brought not to a voluntary, but to an enforced crisis. Such a calamity would put an end to Godlessness and make vast numbers of men, who might otherwise lose their souls, turn to God.

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    Your life is just a series of catastrophes followed by a poorly executed sword swallowing side show

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    Why the two [gigantic obelisks left unfinished at the Aswan quarry] were never finished is unknown. It appears that the workers simply stopped and never came back. The same possibly was the case at the Serapeum at Saqqara, where most of the 100 ton boxes were never finished. If these are pre-dynastic works as expected, then the great cataclysm of 12,000 years ago could have been the culprit - massive earthquakes and possibly solar blasts devastating all life in these and other areas. There is a massive horizontal crack in the bottom of the right channel of the great obelisk that also may have been the reason [...]. On another note, the left and right channels of the great obelisk would have been too narrow for workers to be shaping them with dolerite stone pounders. A lot of force would be required to remove any material at all, and having a foot or two of clearance would result in very little if any stone removal.

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    As with almost every significant aspect of the Bush presidency, its handling of 9/11 was a catastrophe from start to finish.

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    Your name still rings a bell when you say something good, not by causing catastrophe in a bid to sound more interesting.

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    Being broke is not a disgrace, it is only a catastrophe.

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    Continued inflation inevitably leads to catastrophe.

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    Catastrophe is numerical. Loss is singular, one beloved at a time.

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    As soon as there's a crisis, there are people who take charge and want to control others. Climate-change catastrophe and human migration and immigration are great for corporate and governmental control over people, and we have to contend with that. I should say, I see corporate control behind everything that the government is working on right now.

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    Good stuff tends to happen gradually, whereas violence or catastrophes are deemed more newsworthy.

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    Do the math. Expect catastrophes. Whatever happens, stay the course.

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    I am not writing in metaphors. I am writing about catastrophes.

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    History: the category of human phenomena which tends to catastrophe.

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    I confess some part of me thought, If only I'd stuck around, this is the sort of catastrophe I might have created.

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    In our grandparents' generation news of an earthquake in Nepal would reach around the world some days later. In our parents' day the nightly news communicated the catastrophe. Now it's a matter of minutes. We've barely processed one crisis, and then we hear of another.

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    I'm planning a catastrophe.

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    If everything moves along and there are no major catastrophes we're basically headed towards holograms.

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    One man's death: that is a catastrophe. A hundred thousand dead: that is a statistic

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    I’ve never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it’s much more troublesome than I would have believed. But that’s probably just because it’s you. Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes.

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    Life improves slowly and goes wrong fast, and only catastrophe is clearly visible.

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    It's not natural for people in the opposition to leave. It's always a personal catastrophe.

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    Know the difference between a catastrophe and an inconvenience.

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    Prophesying catastrophe is incredibly banal. The more original move is to assume that it has already happened.

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    Other than sports, only war and catastrophe can create this sort of national unity.

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    Shakespeare very rarely makes the least attempt to surprise by his catastrophes. They are felt to be inevitable, though the precise way in which they will be brought about is not, of course, foreseen.

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    No connection between Iraq and the 9/11 catastrophe.

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    Saw Washington Monument. Phallic. Appalling. A national catastrophe.

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    So many awful things have happened in Karachi, it's true. It has its own crazy rhythm. Even as crazy as other news is in Pakistan, the city manages to beat that in the frequency of catastrophes.

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    So many catastrophes in love are only accidents of egotism.

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    Sometimes a catastrophe is simply a course correction.

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    The biggest catastrophes that we've witnessed rarely come from information that is secret or hidden. It comes from information that is freely available and out there, but that we are willfully blind to.

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    Specialisation paralyses, ultra-specialisation kills. Palaeontology is littered with such catastrophes.

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    The recent past always presents itself as if destroyed by catastrophes.

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    The catastrophe now threatening us is unprecedented - and we often confuse the unprecedented with the improbable.

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    The environmental crisis is a signal of this approaching catastrophe.

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    The universe remains dark. We are animals struck by catastrophe.

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    The only concern which I have today is that we have a policy, a foreign policy, which enables us to avoid a catastrophe; which, if one understands it properly, is indescribable.

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    We hope that as a species we're capable of dealing with environmental catastrophe before it actually does collectively kill most of us.

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    To lose a passport was the least of one’s worries. To lose a notebook was a catastrophe.