Best 23 quotes in «sweetheart quotes» category

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    She opened the fridge and took out butter and eggs and left them on the worktop. She filled the cups of four muffin trays with pink paper liners decorated with red and white hearts. She refused to dwell on the fact that Sunday was Valentine's Day, and that whichever customers bought one or more of her special sweetheart cupcakes tomorrow (strawberry center, white chocolate icing, sugar-paste heart on top) would in all likelihood be spending Valentine's Day with someone they loved, and who loved them back.

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    In time, she eased into sleep, and her head rested against the plane of his shoulder. He held her and wondered that such a simple intimacy between a man and woman could mean so much.

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    Sweetheart, I hope you never waste even a moment of your life on someone who doesn’t deserve you.

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    Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them.

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    When two tears fall From each eye apart, Yet they join after all To form a sweetheart.

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    You don't need beautiful weather to enjoy the evening. You only need a beautiful heart, which already I know you have, my dear. Good evening, my sweetheart.

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    I definitely have a little attraction to bad guys, but they have to be sweethearts underneath. After all, I like to be treated well.

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    Will there ever come a day when you put yourself first?" "No, that day will never come." "You're crazy, my old man." "It will never come because I've finally realized that I want you by my side, now and forever. That I can no longer be just myself, standing alone. I need more." Angelica's eyes filled with tears. She looked like she was fighting to hold them back. "You really are crazy." -Conversation between Mathias Munster and Angelica Zanon

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    Holiness is not for wimps and the cross is not negotiable, sweetheart, it's a requirement.

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    I'd Rather Be an Old Man's Sweetheart (Than a Young Man's Fool).

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    If you bring a friend into your love affair, that's the end of your sweetheart that's the end of your friend, that's when your heartache begins.

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    Wisdom - Each day you wake up, know that your life is like a trillion dollars, use it wisely!

    • sweetheart quotes
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    Good night, sweetheart," he says. "Good bye, sweetheart," I say. And it's so casual, so innocent that he doesn't suspect a thing.

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    Not that I was worried about anyone stealing my car. I once had a car thief offer to get me something better for a sweetheart rate.

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    Myrnin: ‘Have we been introduced?’ Frank: ‘Probably not. Why, you asking me out, sweetheart?’ Myrnin: ‘You’re not my type, darling.

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    That's my sweetheart in there. Wherever she is, that's where my home is.

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    I love you." - Avery "I know." - Cam "Cocky." - Avery "Confident. I love you sweetheart." - Cam

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    It's a long life, sweetheart, and time heals all wounds.

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    That's my sweetheart in there. I'm not living her. This is my home now. Your mother is my home.

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    You know, something may be going down tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart!

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    What if - what if Life itself were the sweetheart?

    • sweetheart quotes
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    Everything I have become, everything I will ever accomplish cannot compare to my most impressive feat: I have loved you fiercely and assiduously with the very marrow inside my bones. So that when I die, they can crack them to find you there. So that when I die, they can open me up and see your name tattooed on the wall of my heart. So that when I die, my epitaph will neither commemorate who I was nor what I did, but will read: “She loved. And loved. And loved.” And so, I smile now, because that is no small thing.