Best 1007 quotes in «simplicity quotes» category

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    God wants the simplicity and accessibility of Jesus Christ to be your main quality

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    Good design is as little as possible. Less, but better, because it concentrates on the essential aspects, 
and the products are not burdened with non-essentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity.

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    Grow in a way without losing much of our inner childlike deep senses embracing truthful, pure, simple relief of appreciation and gratitude.

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    Gurloes was one of the most complex men I have known, because he was a complex man trying to be simple. Not a simple, but a complex man's idea of simplicity.

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    Happiness is gleaned from a source, which can be attributed to all experiences; it can be found wherever the individual does not mind forfeiting the option, for some sense of control.

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    Happiness is in simplicity. To be happy, always try to have happy thoughts.

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    Happiness lies in simplicity Complexity brings anxiety.

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    Happiness, to me, is something simple. I think of something I would like doing and I do it.

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    Have a heart which does not trample down simplicity and humility.

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    Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. -William Morris

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    health, social life, job, house, partners, finances; leisure use, leisure amount; working time, education, income, children; food, water, shelter, clothing, sex, health care; mobility; physical safety, social safety, job security, savings account, insurance, disability protection, family leave, vacation; place tenure, a commons; access to wilderness, mountains, ocean; peace, political stability, political input, political satisfaction; air, water, esteem; status, recognition; home, community, neighbors, civil society, sports, the arts; longevity treatments, gender choice; the opportunity to become more what you are that's all you need

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    He loved the sea for deep-seated reasons: the hardworking artist's need for repose, the desire to take shelter from the demanding diversity of phenomena in the bosom of boundless simplicity, a propensity—proscribed and diametrically opposed to his mission in life and for that very reason seductive—a propensity for the unarticulated, the immoderate, the eternal, for nothingness. To repose in perfection is the desire of all those who strive for excellence, and is not nothingness a form of perfection?

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    He didn't remember, he didn't worry, he just was. -Tove Jansson

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    Hello People After having trouble from suffer and hatred I'd like the world to know the charm of sadness I will never be far away, but always among you A deadly game and the rules are very simple You need only to follow the simplicity Die or Suffer Make your choice

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    Here's to the moments when you realize the simple things are wonderful and enough.

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    He wants everything to be so simple—as, alas, it never is in real life!

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    He's the happiest who's happy watching an ant climb down a wall.

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    He was too simple to wonder when he had attained humility. But he knew he had attained it and he knew it was not disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride.

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    He who despises simplicity will shout for a simple lifebuoy when drowning in the ocean of complexity!

    • simplicity quotes
  • By Anonym a familiar room slowly changes colour as morning arrives.

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    I am a complicated person with a simple life.

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    Hygge happens when we commit to the pleasure of the present moment in its simplicity. It's there in the things we do that give everyday life value and meaning, that comfort us, make us feel at home, rooted and generous.

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    I am not a genius, I am just curious. I ask many questions. and when the answer is simple, then God is answering.

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    I am a worried person with a stressed out soul, living a simple life with no capital.

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    I am not posing these questions only to the world at large. I query us who own Christ as our life. Can God be pleased by the vast and increasing inequities among us? Is he not grieved by our arrogant accumulation, while Christian brothers and sisters elsewhere languish and die? Is it not obligatory upon us to see beyond the nose of our own national interest, so that justice may roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream? Is there not an obligation upon us to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God is we want to live in his wonderful peace?

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    I am not a women that takes anything for granted, I'll lay endlessly With you and talk about meaningful and logical, I'll watch the stars at midnight and the way they twinkle back; to let me know they see me too, I'll wind the window down just to feel the breeze, I'll turn the music up when I love a song, I'll sit with the ocean when I feel lost, I'll cry when my heart hurts & I'll listen to you when yours is hurting too, I know the kind of women I am, and im not shy in showing her to the world.

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    [I am] someone who represents a very complex country which insists on being simple-minded. And simplicity, it occurs to me, it has occurred to me more than once, in my somewhat stormy life, simplicity is taken to be a great American virtue, along with sincerity. And the result of this is, if you are simple-minded enough, you can become—I didn’t want to go that far [laughs]. And as long as you’re sincere in what you say, you haven’t got to know what you’re talking about. These are the American virtues—two of them anyway. One of the results of this is that immaturity is taken to be a virtue too.

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    I am thinking by what long discipline and at what cost a man learns to speak simply at last.

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    I find that often simple words say all that needs to be said in less time, using less energy, with all the details wanted- fully in tact. Love it.

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    I delight to come to my bearings,—not walk in procession with pomp and parade, in a conspicuous place, but to walk even with the Builder of the universe, if I may,—not to live in this restless, nervous, bustling, trivial Nineteenth Century, but stand or sit thoughtfully while it goes by. What are men celebrating? They are all on a committee of arrangements, and hourly expect a speech from somebody. God is only the president of the day, and Webster is his orator. I love to weigh, to settle, to gravitate toward that which most strongly and rightfully attracts me;—not hang by the beam of the scale and try to weigh less,—not suppose a case, but take the case that is

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    I don't believe in a lot of baggage. It's such a nuisance. Life's too short to fuss with it. And it isn't really necessary

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    I don't have great mysteries to tell,all I have is a simple path that I try to follow in a dignified manner.

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    I don't want to be rich and famous but I want to die knowing I stood infront of a broken man and gave him one reason to smile again.

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    If I talk about her like she’s a being It’s because talking about her I need to use the language of men Which gives personality to things, And imposes a name on things.

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    If Mere Christianity helps make Christianity comprehensible, Orthodoxy makes it weird again.

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    If one bite fills you, you don't need two.

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    I beseech you, little brothers, that you be as wise as brother Daisy and brother dandelion; for never do they lie awake thinking of tomorrow, yet they have gold crowns like kings and emperors or like Charlemagne in all his glory.

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    I don’t bother with rhyme. Rarely Are two trees the same, one beside the other. I think and write like flowers have color But with less perfection in my way of expressing myself Because I lack the divine simplicity Of wholly being only my exterior. I see and I’m moved, Moved the way water runs when the ground is sloping And what I write is as natural as the rising wind...

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    If you accept life in all its fullness and ambiguity, it's not complicated; it's only complicated, if you don't accept it.

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    If the forest were covered with ten times the number of blue markers I had seen on my hike, the probability of my getting lost would certainly be reduced. One could imagine the markers organized in a more symbolic shape—say a real arrow, instead of a cryptic linear marker. And if we wish to go that far, why not just paint the more explicit text, "This way," on the rocks in 100-point Helvetica so there's no ambiguity whatsoever? Yet at some point, with the successive addition of more sophisticated elements, the true value of the untainted forest suddenly vanishes.

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    If they want me to have mysticism, okay, I’ve got it. I’m a mystic, but only in my body, My soul is simple and doesn’t think.

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    If we think we will have joy only by praying and singing psalms, we will be disillusioned. But if we fill our lives with simple good things and constantly thank God for them, we will be joyful, that is, full of joy. And what about our problems? When we determine to dwell on the good and excellent things in life, we will be so full of those things that they will tend to swallow our problems.

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    If we would aim at perfection in any thing, simplicity must not be overlooked.

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    If there is anything like a unifying aesthetic principle in mathematics, it is this: simple is beautiful. Mathematicians enjoy thinking about the simplest possible things, and the simplest possible things are imaginary.

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    If we make one criterion for defining the artist the impulse to make something new, or to do something in a new way - a kind of divine discontent with all that has gone before, however good - then we can find such artists at every level of human culture, even when performing acts of great simplicity.

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    If you had been born in a civilization in which the rising sun was called 'my sun,' you would consider it your sun.

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    I have a few thoughts to share with all of you: Life is truly beautiful in simplicity. When we lead a simple life we achieve an unknown happiness - a happiness that surpasses any other form of happiness. And "Forest Gump" has always been one of my all time favorite movies in life. So I yearn to lead a life like that of Forrest Gump! For me my ideal is Forrest Gump. Hope I live up to my ideal.

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    If you have clutter in your real life, your tangible life, then it really adds to the emotional clutter in your mind.

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    If you're going to err, err on the side of simplicity...assume that you have a very brief time to make an impression, and that you'll be allocated a tiny amount of memory space in overloaded and preoccupied brains of your audience.

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    If your looking to write a book, your creativity, originality and simplicity is what will distinguish you.