Best 48 quotes in «randomness quotes» category

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    This is the central illusion in life: that randomness is a risk, that it is a bad thing.

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    We understand tornadoes scientifically, but it still feels supernatural. The randomness makes it feel supernatural.

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    We talk often about being in a media-saturated society, and we are surrounded by image streams. But it's nihilistic. There's a real randomness to all of it.

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    While in theory randomness is an intrinsic property, in practice, randomness is incomplete information.

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    When some systems are stuck in a dangerous impasse, randomness and only randomness can unlock them and set them free.

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    Always lists to be made, as if writing items in neat vertical rows might stave off randomness and chaos.

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    By adapting and adjusting to randomness, you shape but do not control your endpoint.

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    An unlikely event is likely to happen because there are so many unlikely events that could happen.

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    Be unprepared, that's my motto. Be unprepared, and let life overwhelm you.

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    You get pseudo-order when you seek order; you only get a measure of order and control when you embrace randomness.

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    A random act of violence," his mother called it. "A totally senseless thing." Unnecessary qualifiers, he sometimes wants to tell her, as the universe is random and senseless place.

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    He said that the principal function of music was to organize the details into harmonies that were intended to make us forget that there was randomness all around us. The same, he said, could be said for great books.

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    de eindigheid van de dingen de willekeur-- het voortdurend breken en lijmen van het hart verlangend zoeken soms vinden altijd weer verliezen. waartoe, toch?

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    Every genuinely new technology has a genuinely new way of breaking – and every now and then, those malfunctions open a new door to the adjacent possible. Sometimes the way a new technology breaks is almost as interesting as the way it works.

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    Finally, spurred by the appetite to which he was indifferent, he took any one, read the printing on the parti-colored label of paper. He held the soup can like a skull; and at once he did not want it. The soup was made from celery. Mr. Lecky put it back. He stood in mild misery, harassed again by the plague of a will impotent in its restored freedom. If the mind cannot direct, it can be cunning to protect its ease. Mr. Lecky now proposed a fantastic pact to himself. He shut his eyes. He reached again and took a can. Eyes still shut, he ripped the label from it, crumpled and threw away the paper. Now he could not tell what he had until he opened it.

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    Every life is a unique random business

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    God. Hoe kan er ook maar een fractie van u zijn in deze blasfemische willekeur?

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    His Presbyterian minster father had believed in a divine design, and Mozasu believed that life was like this game where the player could adjust the dials yet also expect the uncertainty of factors he couldn't control. He understood why his customers wanted to play something that looked fixed but which also left room for randomness and hope.

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    Importance of the random: keep brushing up against people, books, experiences we don't yet know what to do with.

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    If my brain can ttell the difference between noise and signal, my heart cannot.

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    In the midst of the ubiquitous dealings with prostituted signs, the thing-poem was capable of opening up the prospect of returning to credible experiences of meaning. It did this by tying language to the gold standard of what things themselves communicate. Where randomness is disabled, authority should shine forth.

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    One of the most curious consequences of quantum physics is that a particle like an electron can seemingly be in more than one place at the same time until it is observed, at which point there seems to be a random choice made about where the particle is really located. Scientists currently believe that this randomness is genuine, not just caused by a lack of information. Repeat the experiment under the same conditions and you may get a different answer each time.

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    My work reflects a relationship to the built world that shifts between control and randomness, strangeness and beauty, comfort and fear.

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    Once history holds your hand, it never lets go. But it has an anxious grip and takes you places you couldn’t expect.

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    Nothing’s random. Even if it looks that way, it’s just because you don’t know the causes.

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    Only dead fishes go with the flow.. I guess that make me a dead fish!

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    #Randomness He loved the feel of her, her body felt smooth beneath his calloused hands. She came to life for him, and only him. As he chased her melody along her slender neck, it was just the two of them again; as it should be. They didn't need the audience.

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    Perhaps death represents the severing of the living organism's connection with the orderly quantum realm, leaving it powerless to resist the randomizing forces of thermodynamics.

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    Purpose is how God controls the randomness of life. Without it, you’re just silver ball in the arcade game of life.

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    She thought of the boy's features as an exquisite distillation out of random patterns-endless queues of happenstance meeting at this nexus.

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    The most frightening proposition was that he had no connection to this place, that this fourth-floor office was simply where be broke down. If his presence here was random, then why not an entire world governed by randomness, with all that implied? Solve the Straggler, and you took a nibble out of the pure chaos the world had become.

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    Strategy is methodical, but the one who steers chaos and randomness can steer God.

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    The freaking randomness is what wears on you, the difference between life, death, and horrible injury sometimes as slight as stooping to tie your bootlace on the way to chow, choosing the third shitter in line instead of the fourth, turning your head to the left instead of the right. Random. How that shit does twist your mind. Billy sense the true mindfucking potential of it on their first trip outside the wire, when Shroom advised him to place his feet one in front of the other instead of side by side, that way if an IED blew low through the Humvee Billy might lose only one foot instead of two. After a couple of weeks of aligning his feet just so, tucking his hands inside his body armor, always wearing eye pro and all the rest, he went to Shroom and asked how do you keep from going crazy! Shroom nodded like this was an eminently reasonable question to ask, then told him of an Inuit shaman he’d read about somewhere, how this man could supposedly look at you and know to the day when you were going to die. He wouldn’t tell you, though; he considered that impolite, an intrusion into matters that were none of his business.

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    The genome is as complicated and indeterminate as ordinary life, because it is ordinary life. This should come as a relief. Simple determinism, whether of the genetics or environmental kind, is a depressing prospect for those with a fondness for free will.

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    The point is, there is no point." Philip spoke up surprisingly. "No one here gets out alive. And over a sufficient period of time, all choices tend to normalize on a curve of random distribution." "You mean if you wait long enough, nothing happens?

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    There is more chance than choice in our decisions.

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    This is the satisfaction of a successful work of fiction--the internal coherence that reality does not have. Life as lived is disordered, undirected, and at the mercy of contingent events.

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    To read at random is to read as if you were thinking. It is the closest thing to calling up a line of poetry that you’ve memorized. And I still find that it’s a good way to work through a novel or a book of poetry or even an informative book. One repeats some parts, but if a book is worth reading it is worth repetition, and it helps you to clear the false cartilage of structure. I am always over-tempted to stretch the skin of a story over that cartilage, however deformed the result may be. Structure is the great southern vice.

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    Vimes took the view that life was so full of things happening erratically in all directions that the chances of any of them making some kind of relevant sense were remote in the extreme. Colon, being by nature more optimistic and by intellect a good deal slower, was still at the Clues are Important stage.

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    We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over!

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    When you roll the dice, let someone else act as a catalyst. God does not place with dice.

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    Then there is the cosmologist, who views himself as nothing but a manipulation of atoms; his mind configured out of randomness into the tool a vast, blind universe might use to perceive itself. If this is so then truly "all is vanity". What could be more pleasing to the cosmic narcissist than to gaze eternally with a billion eyes into the mirror that is himself? What fault, however, if certain eyes ultimately don’t like what they see?

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    [The sound of the wind] was just more proof that the workings of the world were random, that beauty, like suffering, was meaningless, that human life was as pointless as waves on sand.

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    The world is big in some ways, and so small in others.

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    We all start from “naive realism,” i.e., the doctrine that things are what they seem. We think that grass is green, that stones are hard, and that snow is cold. But physics assures us that the greenness of grass, the hardness of stones, and the coldness of snow are not the greenness of grass, the hardness of stones, and the coldness of snow that we know in our own experience, but something very different

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    We navigate the unknown frontiers of the social universe through a sextant of existing relationships—nearly every new person we meet is within only a few degrees of separation from someone we already know. But every once in a while, pure chance intercedes to remind us that whatever structures of control we may put into place, however much we may mistake the illusion of choice for the fact of choice, randomness is the reigning monarch of the universe.

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    Yes, life always takes the side of life, and somehow the victims are blamed. But it wasn’t the best people who survived, nor did the best ones die. It was random!

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    I feel like there's a randomness in real life that too many Hollywood movies just shave off. It feels too intentional, and life just isn't that intentional. I like popcorn movies. I like entertaining movies. But, I feel like I could do something more in the real world.