Best 46 quotes in «crime and punishment quotes» category

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    The candle-end had long been burning out in the bent candlestick, casting a dim light in this destitute room upon the murderer and the harlot strangely come together over the reading of the eternal book.

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    Speculation is the prequel to all whom accept to have to be misled" "Vince L. DeSalvo

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    The Government cannot be concerned any longer with outmoded penelogical theories. Cram criminals together and see what happens, You get concentrated criminality, crime in the midst of punishment.

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    The story of my birth that my mother told me went like this: "When you were coming out I wasn't ready yet and neither was the nurse. The nurse tried to push you back in, but I shit on the table and when you came out, you landed in my shit." If there ever was a way to sum things up, the story of my birth was it.

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    Those who notice, always notify, what they are noticing but we have to check that notification.

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    Time becomes your enemy when you convince yourself it moves faster for you than anyone else.

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    Voiau sa vorbesca si nu puteau. Le erau ochii plini de lacrimi. Amandoi arau palizi si slabi; dat pe chipurile acestea bolnavicioase si palide straluceau zorile unor preschimbari depline, ale invierii si renasterii lor la o viata noua. Ii renegase dragostea, inima unuia cuprindea izvoare nesecate de viata pentru inima celuilalt.

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    The offender must be able to give something back. But criminals are most often poor people. They have nothing to give. The answers to this are many. It is correct that our prisons are by and large filled with poor people. We let the poor pay with the only commodity that is close to being equally distributed in society: time.

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    Their favourite phrase! From which it follows that, if society is normally organised, all crime will cease at once, since there will be nothing to protest against and all men will become righteous in one instant. Human nature is not taken into account, it is excluded, it's not supposed to exist! They don't recognise that humanity, developing by a historical living process, will become at last a normal society, but they believe that a social system that has come out of some mathematical brain is going to organise all humanity at once and make it just and sinless in an instant, quicker than any living process! That's why they instinctively dislike history, 'nothing but ugliness and stupidity in it,' and they explain it all as stupidity! That's why they so dislike the living process of life; they don't want a living soul! The living soul demands life, the soul won't obey the rules of mechanics, the soul is an object of suspicion, the soul is retrograde! But what they want though it smells of death and can be made of India-rubber, at least is not alive, has no will, is servile and won't revolt! And it comes in the end to their reducing everything to the building of walls and the planning of rooms and passages in a phalanstery! The phalanstery is ready, indeed, but your human nature is not ready for the phalanstery—it wants life, it hasn't completed its vital process, it's too soon for the graveyard! You can't skip over nature by logic. Logic presupposes three possibilities, but there are millions! Cut away a million, and reduce it all to the question of comfort! That's the easiest solution of the problem! It's seductively clear and you musn't think about it. That's the great thing, you mustn't think! The whole secret of life in two pages of print!

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    In its function, the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or educating.

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    Two times two is four is no longer life, gentlemen, but the beginning of death.

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    All is in a man's hands and he lets it all slip from cowardice, that's an axiom. It would be interesting to know what it is men are most afraid of. Taking a new step, uttering a new word is what they fear most… .

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    Lying is a delightful thing, for it leads to truth.

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    And then it happened. It was a detail, no more than that. A detail to which you pay no attention at first. That takes on meaning only later. In retrospect.

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    Any immigrants found guilty of serious crime – rape, murder, violent gang membership – should be sent straight back to their country of origin. That ought to act as a deterrent. If they choose to bite the hand that feeds them, then they can fuck off. We don’t need people like that in this country.

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    Any time you look into the face of a man you must realize you have a 100% chance of looking into the face of a rapist. You must realize you are looking into the face of a man who will kill. It does not matter if this man is your father, brother, cousin, uncle or grandfather, or whether the man is a neighbor, coworker, a uniform police officer or a fireman. We do not care if the man is White; the young and White kill as often and with as much frequency as the old and Black. Nothing precludes a man from being a rapist. Nothing! Any time you look into the face of a man you must realize you have a 100% chance of looking into the face of a rapist. This is a life saving assumption. To think counter to this assumption is to put your life in that man’s hands. Accepting this fact may save your life or you may avoid being raped.

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    Crime and punishment can be summed up in two classifications: there are bad people and there are people who get into bad situations. The lines for liberation and rehabilitation should first begin with the people who get into bad situations.

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    Crime? What crime? ... My killing a loathsome, harmful louse, a filthy old moneylender woman ... and you call that a crime?

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    Does the act of incarceration work as deterrent against crime?" "No act can be a deterrent as long as the need or desperation to offend is greater.

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    Every transgression and disobedience receives a just recompense of reward, except with those who truly love themselves.

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    As aparições são, por assim dizer, pedaços ou fragmentos de outros mundos, o seu princípio. É claro que o homem são não tem motivo para vê-las, porque o homem são é o homem mais terreno, e deve viver uma vida terrestre, em harmonia e ordem. Mas quando adoece, ou quando a ordem terrena se altera no organismo, começa imediatamente a se mostrar a possibilidade de outro mundo, e, quanto mais doente, mais em contato com esse outro mundo ele se encontra, de maneira que, quando morre completamente, o homem vai direto para esse mundo

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    A society with a great number of prisons is a totally failed society because it has terribly failed to create a marvellous society where crime is not something widespread but an exception!

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    A strange idea was pecking at his brain like a chicken in the egg, and very, very much absorbed him.

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    Being a spokesperson for non-violence on the war-front will take you to the grave, that too headless.

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    Build the prisons and they will commit the crimes.

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    Crack had a social logic to it, a specific kind of reasoning that drew from a vast well of common experience for its symbolic resonance. Crack stood for pain and power, chaos and order, the truth behind the lie. Crack was a sociolegal logic grounded in blood.

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    He has suffered a great deal and is still suffering from the idea that he could make a theory, but was incapable of boldly overstepping the law, and so he is not a man of genius.

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    Holy wars, aerial raids and bombardments, military invasions and terrorism are but crimes seeking a reason to be. - On Wars

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    I don't consider myself above the law, I consider myself above the principles. ~ Aarush Kashyap

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    Hay que ser imbécil para creer que uno puede recibir algo sin nada a cambio.

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    If he believed in the full complement of evil in himself, he had to believe also in a natural compulsion to express it. He found himself wondering, therefore, from time to time, if he might have enjoyed his crime in some way, derived some primal satisfaction from it - how else could one really explain in mankind the continued toleration of wars, the perennial enthusiasm for wars when they came, if not for some primal pleasure in killing? - and because the capacity to wonder came so often, he accepted it as true that he had.

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    If life was fair ... one third of the people would comprise of judges and lawyers ... one third of police and prison officials ... and one third of legislators ... and one third more to make the other three thirds make any sense at all .... Thank goodness for no fair.

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    I get it. I haven't seen much of the real world yet. But let's say I do get out there... and it turns out that it's not even worth seeing? Or even worse.. what if it's so ugly and cruel that I can barely stand to look? What if I only meet idiots and the depraved? What's that going to teach me? What can I learn from that?

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    Intimidated, old traumas triggered, and fearing for my safety, I did what I felt I needed to do.

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    I'm here to tell niggas it ain't all swell. There's Heaven then there's Hell niggas One day your cruisin' in your seven, Next day your sweatin', forgettin' your lies, Alibis ain't matchin' up, bullshit catchin' up Hit with the RICO, they repoed your vehicle Everything was all good just a week ago 'Bout to start bitchin' ain't you? Ready to start snitchin' ain't you? I forgive you. Weak ass, hustlin' just ain't you Aside from the fast cars Honeys that shake they ass in bars You know you wouldn't be involved With the Underworld dealers, carriers of mac-millers East coast bodiers, West coast cap-peelers Little monkey niggas turned gorillas.

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    I read about a man condemned to death saying or thinking, an hour before his death, that if he had to live somewhere high up on a cliffside, on a ledge so narrow that there was room only for his two feet- and with the abyss, the ocean, eternal darkness, eternal solitude, eternal storm all around him- and had to stay like that, on a square foot of space, an entire lifetime, a thousand years, an eternity- it would be better to live so than to die right now! Only to live, to live, to live! To live, no matter how- only to live!

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    It is not a single crime when a child is photographed while sexually assaulted (raped.) It is a life time crime that should have life time punishments attached to it. If the surviving child is, more often than not, going to suffer for life for the crime(s) committed against them, shouldn't the pedophiles suffer just as long? If it often takes decades for survivors to come to terms with exactly how much damage was caused to them, why are there time limits for prosecution?

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    It's a free country." Inmates once bought this. That's why they're inmates.

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    John was still making comments regarding violent things that he shouldn't, but I hoped he was just being a big mouth. Nobody was going to listen to me anyway.

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    Justice isn’t about fixing the past; it’s about healing the past's future.

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    Man is a creature who gets used to everything, and that, I think, is the best definition of him.

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    Mathias remembered that once when he was a boy, he'd gone up to a pile of red apples that lay in the market cart, in the market near Stolberg where his father often took him. He'd always loved apples, and he couldn't resist the temptation of grabbing one out of the pile. He chose the closest, a splendid red piece of fruit that he would never forget because of his overwhelming desire to take it and hide it in the folds of his clothing. A moment after Mathias reached out and snatched it, the pile slid and applies tumbled down all around him. The farmer, who knew his father, would have been satisfied with an apology. But his father, a successful craftsman who was well-known and respected in the town, had insisted on purchasing an entire basketful of apples, because of the trouble Mathias had caused. Mathias got the worst scolding his father had ever given him. Not because of the money, but for the small act of petty thievery, which an upright man like his father would never tolerate. He shouldered his punishment, and in the end was only allowed to eat as single apple from the basket. He spent the night thinking about the pile. He had to remove only one and the whole thing had come down. He wondered if the same thing might happen with any tower, no matter how majestic and imposing it might seem, were someone to remove the right stone from the base. The thought stayed with him throughout his life. Venice now seemed a lot like that pile of apples. If three murders truly represented an irresistible opportunity, then which nobleman would have seized it, knowing that such a thing would cause La Serenissima and everything it represented to come crashing down?

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    Moreover, in the system of criminal punishment in the libertarian world, the emphasis would never be, as it is now, on "society's" jailing the criminal; the emphasis would necessarily be on compelling the criminal to make restitution to the victim of his crime. The present system, in which the victim is not recompensed but instead has to pay taxes to support the incarceration of his own attacker — would be evident nonsense in a world that focuses on the defense of property rights and therefore on the victim of crime.

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    Một sinh viên nghèo khổ, rạc rài đi vì cảnh túng bấn và chứng ưu uất, chỉ còn một ngày nữa là lăn ra ốm mê man, và có thể là đã chớm bệnh sẵn (cậu chú ý điểm nầy); một người giàu tưởng tượng, đầy tự ái, có ý thức về giá trị của mình, một con người đã từng sống trong xó sáu tháng ròng không nhìn thấy ai; áo quần thì rách bươm, giầy thì không đế, phải đứng trước những tên cảnh sát bẩn thỉu, nghe những lời lẽ xấc xược của chúng; rồi chúng lại bất thần tống cho anh ta một tờ hối phiếu đòi anh ta phải trả tiền cho một viên hội thẩm Sebarov nào đó, lại thêm mùi sơn ướt ngập ngụa trong căn phòng kín mít, với nhiệt độ ba mươi độ Reaumer, ngột ngạt lên vì một đống người; lại phải nghe nói đến vụ ám sát một người mà anh vừa mới đến gặp hôm trước, và tất cả những thứ đó trong khi dạ dày đang rỗng tuếch. Làm sao mà lại không ngất đi được? Ấy thế mà chúng dựa vào đấy, dựa vào tất cả những thứ ấy để nghi ngờ Mẹ kiếp? Tớ hiểu rằng chuyện đó thật đáng bực mình, song Rodia ạ, ở địa vị cậu, tớ sẽ cười vào mặt mũi bọn chúng, hay hơn nữa: tớ sẽ nhổ toẹt vào mặt chúng tất, nhổ mạnh vào, nhổ vung ra vài chục bãi ấy với chúng thì phải đối xử như thế mới được, và chấm dứt đi như vậy với chúng. Nhổ lên mặt chúng đi! Can đảm lên! Thật nhục!

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    Franny understood then that grace was not like a present. It could not be given, and it could not be taken away.

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    Razumikhin ạ, - Raxkonikov nói khẽ và hình như hoàn toàn điềm tĩnh, - chả nhẽ cậu không thấy rằng tôi không cần đến những ân huệ của cậu hay sao? Việc gì lại đi làm ơn làm phúc cho những kẻ… không thèm những thứ ấy? Mà lại là những kẻ rất khổ tâm khi phải chịu đựng những thứ ấy? Khi tôi mới ốm, cậu đi tìm tôi để làm gì? Nhỡ tôi chỉ mong được chết thì sao? Chẳng lẽ thái độ của tôi hôm nay chưa đủ cho cậu thấy rằng cậu làm khổ tôi, rằng tôi đã… phát ngấy lên vì cậu hay sao? Sao lại cứ muốn đến làm khổ người ta như thế. Tôi quả quyết với cậu là những thứ đó làm cho bệnh tình của tôi rất khó thuyên giảm, vì nó cứ làm tôi khích động không ngớt. Hồi nãy Zamiotov chả bỏ đi để tôi khỏi khích động là gì? Cậu nữa, tôi van cậu, cậu cũng đi đi! Và sau nữa, cậu có quyền gì mà dám dùng sức mạnh để giữ tôi lại? Chẳng lẽ cậu lại không thấy rằng tôi đang nói chuyện với cậu một cách hoàn toàn tỉnh táo hay sao? Tôi phải làm gì đấy, tôi biết lấy gì đây, tôi van cậu, cậu hãy nói cho tôi biết tôi phải làm gì để cậu khỏi ám tôi, cho cậu khỏi làm ơn làm phúc cho tôi? Cứ cho tôi là bạc bẽo, tôi hèn hạ cũng được miễn là buông tôi ra, vì Chúa, hãy để cho tôi yên! Đi đi, đi đi!

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