Best 176 quotes in «assumptions quotes» category

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    Most of us make assumptions about how someone will relate to us, and they are often unfounded.

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    New ideas can be supremely bad ideas, and by the time people realize how bad they are, it is sometimes difficult to get rid of them.

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    One editor during the Civil War got a grievous message to meet his brothers corpse, only to find out that the telegraph operator had garbled the message to meet his living brother's CORPS.

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    Obviously, not everything can be proved, just as not everything can be defined. If every proposition had to be proved, there would be no beginning to any proof. Such things as axioms and assumptions or postulates are needed for the proof of other propositions. If these other propositons are proved, they can, of course, be used as premises in further proofs. (P. 131)

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    One mark of originality that can win canonical status for a literary work is strangeness that we either never altogether assimilate, or that becomes such a given that we are blinded to its idiosyncrasies.

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    Often she felt as though she had been picked up and turned about like a kaleidoscope, that all her complacent assumptions had been shaken up and reassembled in a different order

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    often finds a more interesting story behind the conventional one. Martin Luther's supposedly revolutionary resistance to indulgences took place in a German state where they were sold. Even more intriguing, they weren't sold because the ruling authorities there get a brisk business in holy relics – which Luther left alone.

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    One Sure Way To Know The REAL TRUTH, Is To Never Have Assumptions

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    One’s opinion should only be as strong as one’s knowledge on the matter.

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    One who leaves nothing to assume, can expect no assumptions

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    Over time, I discovered that learning new things doesn't always liberate you. Instead it makes you wonder if your pants are on backward or if the trees are holding the sky up - it makes you question all of your assumptions and conventions.

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    People aren’t all brought up the same way, and they have different perspectives on what is right and wrong. That being the case, you can’t assume anything about anyone without having some concrete basis to make a determination. - Raising A Strong Daughter: What Fathers Should Know by Finlay Gow JD and Kailin Gow MA

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    On either side of a potentially violent conflict, an opportunity exists to exercise compassion and diminish fear based on recognition of each other's humanity. Without such recognition, fear fueled by uninformed assumptions, cultural prejudice, desperation to meet basic human needs, or the panicked uncertainty of the moment explodes into violence.

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    Positive assumptions are needed only when you have negative assumptions that you’re trying to overcome. But when you drop your assumptions altogether, your soul stands naked in the open fields of possibility. And what you choose to create from that space is up to you.

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    Political correctness is as coersive as any right-wing dogma, but it lescapes the tyranny charge because it locates its demands precisely upon feelings

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    Presumptuous bastard,' Tak said. 'Sunset? He might at least wait and see if there's a tomorrow morning.

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    Pride is a fallacy. None of us are greater than the sum of our parts.

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    Reporters heard words but not poetry, saw old politicians but not new heroes.

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    Seriously bad ideas (are) bad ideas which appeal to the prejudices of serious people.

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    Sex education in the modern manner has been well-described as plumbing for hedonists.

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    Shakespeare and his few peers invented all of us.

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    She had grown accustomed to people's responses to her. Many of them assumed that there was a polar choice between marriage and work and that the more enthusiastically she had embraced her job, the more vigourously she must have rejected the idea of children or male partnership. Elizabeth had given up trying to explain. She had taken a job because she needed to live; she had found an interesting one in preference to a dull one; she had tried to do well rather than badly. She could not see how any of these three logical steps implied a violent rejection of men or children.

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    Sometimes a person’s first assumption was very telling. It revealed how they perceived the situation.

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    Stop assuming people can read your mind. Communicate yourself.

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    That's the way progress works: the more we build up these vast repertoires of scientific and technological understanding, the more we conceal them.

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    The author concedes that humanity had the fatal tendency to shape truth to our beliefs rather than beliefs to the Truth.

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    The author says that one of the difficulties of modern parenting is the uncertainty of what parents are preparing children for. In traditional societies this was clear, as parents prepared children for a society and for roles much like their own. She writes, "There is no folk wisdom.

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    The beaten path can be a busy and distracting place.

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    The best results in life are often held back by false constructs and untested assumptions.

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    ...the default assumption is that it's better to be nonautistic than it is to be autistic, always. And this assumption has done great damage to autistic and nonautistic people alike.

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    The author called us to re-examine assumptions bequeathed to us from Greece and Rome. Just as a bridge built by the Roman Empire might have held up tolerably for centuries under foot traffic but crumble under the weight of a modern truck, the author cautions that classical thinking had limits exposed by contemporary events and certainly exposed by the modern world.

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    The disability system makes false assumptions to deny your payments.

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    The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.

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    People generally deal with situations by means of assumptions.

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    People in one of two states in a relationship. The first is what I call positive sentiment override, where positive emotion overrides irritability. It's a buffer. Their spouse will do something bad, and they'll say,'Oh, he's just in a crummy mood.'Or they can be in negative sentiment override, said that even a relatively new tool thing that a partner says get perceived as negative. In negative sentiment override state, people draw lasting conclusions about each other. If their spouse does something positive, it's a selfish person doing a positive thing. It's really hard to change their states, and those states determine whether when one party tries to repair things, the other party sees that as repair or hostile manipulation.

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    The greatest difficulty in antiquity with that of altering the law; among the moderns, it is that of altering the manners.

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    The inability to move from one phase of life and change one's self-identity is, "the anxiety of always.

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    The habit of mobility had become ingrained.

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    Their lot in life, their station, became a part of their personalities and helped to for my worldview.

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    The modern mind is never popular in its own day. People hate being made to think.

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    There's only a casual relationship between human behavior and logic.

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    The professor argues against measuring effectiveness in the shallow short-term in the "fierce humanities," for teaching that seeks not merely learning, but unlearning, that seeks to unsettle knowledge and assumptions in ways more fundamental than any exam can or should test.

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    There is no hatred as corrupting as intellectual hatred.

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    The usefulness of a man or woman of God relies on the ability to remain distinct.

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    The road itself tells us far more than signs do.

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    The strength of one's opinion should not exceed their knowledge on the matter.

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    The values and assumptions of that household I took in without knowing when or how it happened, and I have them to this day: The pleasure in sharing pleasure. The belief that is is only proper to help lame dogs to get over stiles and young men to put one foot on the bottom rung of the ladder. An impatient disregard for small sums of money. The belief that it is a sin against Nature to put sugar in one's tea. The preference for being home over being anywhere else. The belief that generous impulses should be acted on, whether you can afford to do this or not. The trust in premonitions and the knowledge of what is in wrapped packages. The willingness to go to any amount of trouble to make yourself comfortable. The tendency to take refuge in absolutes. The belief that you don't have to apologize for tears; that consoling words should never be withheld; that what somebody wants very much they should, if possible, have.

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    Thou shalt make no image, no abstraction, including none of THE American, THE Swiss, THE German.

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    Troubles always ensue when assumptions clash, when expectations do not match.

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    The human impulse behind the isolation of class is as basic as impulses get: People like to be around other people who understand them and to whom they can talk.