Best 107 quotes in «balance in life quotes» category

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    No one can beat the one who does not beat any other living being. If he does not harass anyone, no one will harass him. Such is the rule.

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    No one takes birth. Being born is an ‘effect’. Birth takes place automatically. If the causes are nurtured, rebirth is inevitable. The Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) can put a stop to the ‘causes’ and so only the effect will remain.

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    No personality (prakruti) is a waste, but you have to discover what it is useful for. You do not have to keep saying, ‘You do not know how to make this sweet. You do not know how to do this and how to do that.’ But, instead discover what he knows.

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    One time quarrel is tantamount to incurring a loss of five thousand rupees.

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    People exercise egoism that "I cannot maintain control" for that which is in the form of 'discharge'. It is also egoism to say that ‘I am able to control’. We have taken the troubles that do not belong to us on our head. Because of this, one wanders around in a troubled-state!

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    One view says ‘It (the world) was created’ and another says ‘it happened (automatically)’. ‘It was created’ is the worldly view and ‘it happened’ is the view of Absolute Knowledge (Gnan). If we ask those who believe in “someone created”, ‘do you have any independent control over your bowel movement?’ The answer is, ‘No!’ It is all due to scientific circumstantial evidences.

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    Prakruti (relative self) does not improve or come under control through fear or intimidation. Fear or intimidation is what has given rise to the world. It actually spoils the prakruti even more.

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    Real Religion’ means that there is resolution in every situation. In relative religion, one has to look for resolution for the (problems of the) mind.

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    Our talk must ‘adjust’ to others. If our talk does not adjust to others, then it is our mistake only. It is not mistake in entirely, but there is some mistake of ours. If the mistake is destroyed, one will adjust. Vitrags (The Enlightened Ones) talk is of ‘Everywhere Adjustment’.

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    Science’ (vignan) will always make you free from wrong actions as well as right actions. ‘Science’ will make you do innate (natural) actions (of the Self). When ‘Science’ arrives means one becomes God only.

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    That which harms in the spiritual path (& progress) and benefits the worldly life, it is called deluded intellect (viprit buddhi). And enlightened intellect (samyak buddhi) helps in both, the spiritual as well as worldly realm.

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    Scolding is the greatest form of egoism. It is foolish egoism. When is scolding useful? If it is done without any prejudice.

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    The entire world lives for someone else (other than his own true self). No one belongs to us. And it is only with others, does one create problems before he dies.

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    The innate problem of humankind is the inability to find equilibrium. Equanimity and equilibrium. These are what humans cannot seem to attain. Honour without soul will lead to destruction. Soul without honour will lead to destruction. But humans cannot seem to understand this. Or understand the state of equilibrium in anything at all! All honour and no passion is death. All passion and no honour is death. This is why people always die. Because everyone is always running to either extreme end of the pendulum. Everybody wants to be all black or all white. Who is a balanced man? Bring him to me! I will have found a unicorn!

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    People waste time to bring circumstances together. Nature itself brings circumstances together.

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    That what helps us stabilize our antahkaran (inner complex of mind, intellect, chit and ego) is Religion (dharma).

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    The central inner conflict is one between the constructive forces of the real self and the obstructive forces of the pride system, between healthy growth and the drive to prove in actuality the perfection of the idealized self.

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    The male ego had spent two millennia running unchecked by its female counterpart. The Priory of Sion believed that it was this obliteration of the sacred feminine in modern life that had caused what the Hopi Native Americans called koyanisquatsi - "life out of balance" - an unstable situation marked by testosterone-fueled wars, a plethora of misogynistic societies, and a growing disrespect for Mother Earth.

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    The marriage and all other worldly occasions have to be dealt with. You do it and so do ‘I’. You deal with them by getting engrossed in them and ‘I’ deal with them by remaining separate. Only the location (involvement) has to be changed.

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    The mind works like a radar. If you try to destroy the mind, you will become absent minded. The mind takes you to moksha. You are not to get rid of it. When the mind shows fear, you should get back into the ‘cave’ of Pure Soul (our True Self).

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    The Lord himself called it kusang (company of bad people)! He did not do it out of abhorrence. Nor has he called it ‘satsang’ (company of enlightened one) out of attachment. He spoke with non-attachment ‘this is satsang’ and ‘this is kusang’. The scars of kusang (company of bad people) do not go away for thousands of life times. That is why we tell you to ‘remain seated in satsang’.

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    The one who begins to have doubts, for him complete destruction occurs. Having doubts is a sign of timidity. The entire world is ‘scientific circumstantial evidence’. Where is the basis for doubts then? You are the owner of the entire universe; ‘I’ am ready to give you proof.

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    The Prakruti (Relative Self) is dependent on external power, not dependant on the Real Self (Soul). He who understands the ‘prakruti’ becomes the Absolute Self (parmatma). Prakruti can be understood if one knows the Purush – the real Self.

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    The mind, speech, and body are effective, so the effect that one experiences, he believes as ‘this effect is mine’. This creates attachment-abhorrence and thus creates a karmic cause. But if one knows that the effect is ‘not mine’, then he will not have any attachment or abhorrence and consequently will not create karmic causes.

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    The one who is afraid of doing wrong (paap) that is considered to be a Great Knowledge.

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    There are three kinds of ‘alcohols’ [intoxications]. 1. (Intoxication due to) sexual desires. 2. Drinking alcohol, 3. The alcohol of egoistical intoxication; the one that claims ‘I am…I am…

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    The one, who worries, does not believe in God and the one who believes in God, he will not worry.

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    There is a great difference between actions that ‘happen’ and actions that ‘should be done’. You may carry out actions that come as a karmic effect. But do not plan for actions that do not come as karmic effect, saying ‘this action must be done; we have to do this way only’, otherwise that same action will come as a karmic effect (in the next life; karma will be charged).

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    There is no individual in the world who is a single doer. It is “federal causes” i.e. it is collective causes called scientific circumstantial evidence.

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    There should be normality in the worldly life. It should not be such that a relative of yours comes to be a friend with you once and fight with you next time.

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    The whole worldly life is in the form of net (which catches us). One frees himself from nylon net and becomes entangled in a silk one. Only a free man can free us from these nets.

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    The worldly life can never be crossed with the worldly vision (lok-drashti). The worldly life can be crossed with the enlightened one’s vision (Gnani’s vision).

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    This happened to me, I am doing this’ not like that, but when ‘I know this’ prevails, if one remains the ‘knower-seer ‘, then no causes will be formed.

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    There are as many things as there are vikalps (I-ness & My-ness), there is no vikalp (no I-ness & My-ness) for a thing that does not exist.

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    These are all faults of the relative self, but one believes them to be of the Self (Chetan). That is why this worldly life has remained in existence.

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    The worldly life is an ‘ocean’. People have drowned in it without any water in it. One can be saved if he drowns in the ocean water, but how can he be saved if he has drowned in this ocean of worldly life?

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    This world is worth having compassion, not worth punishing anyone.

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    This world exists because of greed. If you like to eat ‘jalebi’ (Indian sweet), and you are given three pieces while another person is given four pieces; you will get agitated in your mind! This is greed indeed. If you have three saris and you go out and buy a fourth one, it is greed!

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    This worldly life will stick only if one likes it; it is not likely to stick otherwise.

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    Those who became God’s boss, achieved success and those who became wife’s boss, suffered torture and died!

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    To break chanchadta (unsteadiness, unstillness) with chanchadta (unsteadiness, unstill) is called relative religion.

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    To give an opinion in this world that is changing from moment to moment, is one’s own mistake!

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    We believe that this is ‘our’ home and ‘our’ family. No, it is a ‘shop’ for us to settle our karmas. It is like a customer-businessman relationship.

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    We don't need to strive towards balance, we rather need to work on the obstacles that are preventing the natural flow of balance.

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    What does greed mean? It means to take away things that belong to others.

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    What is parigraha (acquisitiveness)? It is not really a graha (stars). If your vision is worldly, then parigraha (owning things other than the self) will latch on to you. If your vision is of the Self (Soul), then it will not latch on.

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    To remain continuously indulged in something that you have liking for is called greed. You will not be satisfied even after you obtain it.

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    What is the speed breaker (speed bump) on the road for? It is for your safety. Therefore, these difficulties that come on your path are for your benefit. If these obstructions are not there, people will speed through without stopping and cause accident. These obstructions are there to keep one within normality.

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    To remain in ‘view point’, to adjust to the ‘view point’ (of others) and to remain in the center; it is a great thing.

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    What there is in this world, I think, is a tendency for human errors to level themselves like water throughout their sphere of influence. That's pretty much the whole of what I can say, looking back. There's the possibility of balance. Unbearable burdens that the world somehow does bear with a certain grace.