Best 41 quotes in «telepathy quotes» category

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    Shared emotions experienced by two souls,empathy on unequivocal level which Davey believed would change entire species of mankind if only secret of empathy could be telepathically shared with humanity,one soul after another, until every soul understood true meaning of love.

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    She rolled onto her side, crumpling more MRI print outs, and stared at the picture on her bedside table. It was a photo of Jady at five years old. She was sleeping peacefully, hair matted on her forehead and clutching her pink blanket, the tag up to her nose. Ella remembered those precious minutes, before she’d sneak out for the early train, when she’d spoon her warm little girl, smell her hair and, if she closed her eyes, feel as if they were one, safe from the world. It had been on a morning like that when she’d been convinced that she stopped Jady’s hiccups by sending comforting thoughts.

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    Susan glared up at the man. "Let go of me." "Tell me where you found it!" he shouted, giving her a little shake. "Did you even find it? Or did you steal it from the person it belongs to?" Fury suffused Stanislav as he took a step forward. Before he could leap to her aid, Susan drew her free arm back and punched the man in the face. Ow! Sh**, that hurt! she exclaimed mentally. But it didn't stop her from delivering a wicked uppercut when the man released her arm and stumbled backward. Stanislav's jaw dropped. She really could handle herself.

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    She should have known better than to entertain such thoughts, she told herself later. She knew how powerful telepathy could be, conjuring or connecting with someone else’s thought waves. It might not be scientific, but she, like most people, knew how real it was, from direct experience. When her landline rang, at ten minutes to nine, some part of her know instantly who it wa.

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    Sometimes, when we cannot attain the freedom we are fighting for, we free ourselves b carving a new path to freedom.

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    Telepathy is yummy, much in the way that a good horror story was.

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    She’s a telepath?” demanded Dominic. “And he catches up with the conversation.” I patted his knee. “Yes, she’s a telepath. Sarah reads minds. Don’t worry, she’s not reading yours.” “It would be rude,” said Sarah. Putting her phone down, she began arranging herself carefully in the chair. “Telepathic ethics say you should never read a sentient creature’s mind without permission, provocation, or legitimate reason to fear for your life.” “Telepaths have ethics?” Dominic’s eyes narrowed, tone and posture united to convey his disbelief. “My mother and I do,” said Sarah, letting her head settle against the back of the chair. “We mostly got them from Babylon 5, but they still work.

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    They must talk to each other directly, Ender, mind to mind. What one thinks, another can also think; what one remembers, another can also re-member. Why would they ever develop language? Why would they ever learn to read and write? How would they know what reading and writing were if they saw them? Or signals? Or numbers? Or anything that we use to communicate? This isn’t just a matter of translating from one language to another. They don’t have a language at all. We used every means we could think of to communicate with them, but they don’t even have the machinery to know we’re signaling. And maybe they’ve been trying to think to us, and they can’t understand why we don’t respond.

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    They were two people staring at each other knowingly, communicating psychically amidst an ocean of deaf, dumb and blind meatsacks.

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    :We aren’t leaving here,: Cricket answered sleepily :Oh, but we are,: insisted the wolf with confidence. :You have bigger business about you than lingering here in bird paradise.: After everything that had happened with Neferre, Cricket knew the wolf’s words were true but decided to ignore them. :They don’t like being called birds,: she scolded. :And do you have gas? Ugh.: :Just the same,: said the wolf evenly, :time will take us from here. Be prepared when that happens.:

    • telepathy quotes
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    They're auras, Davey. I see them, too. The longer you stare at them, the wider the energy field expands until more colors begin to show themselves.

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    Thomas was baffled by this girl—first the connection he’d felt to her from the very beginning, then the mind-speaking, now this. “Everything about you is weird. You know that, right?” “Judging by your little hiding spot, I’d say you’re not so normal yourself. Like living in the woods, do ya?

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    Within the Unity of the gathered and the awakened visualizing and connecting as a sacred circle there can become manifest a quantum Divine 'Buddha field' as a geometry of light transference telepathy and amplification. It is a clear method for Universal Mind awakening.

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    Welcome to Telepathics Anonymous. Don’t bother introducing yourself.

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    We live in a world that values words over thoughts. This is precisely why people talk all the time and don’t think! Which is more valuable? Thoughts or words? People may talk about doing something, every day, and end up never doing it because it is not in their thoughts! On the other hand, a person may think about doing something, every day, without speaking of it, and at the end of the day the job is done. The energy is saved as is executed in the final outcome. So which is more valuable? The thoughts of a man or the words of a man? The thoughts of a man are more valuable than his words, because the thoughts of a man are the contents of his mind! And it is the mind of man that makes a man and dictates a man! And so, why do we value words over mental telepathy? Why do we shy away from the notion of mind communication? Why do we value the communication of words over the communication of minds? Is it because most of you do not understand it? Well, you do not understand it because you are too busy talking and not thinking. Not thinking about anything. Here is the big question: Should a thought reader value the words of the man over his thoughts? Are the words spoken the truth or are the thoughts in the mind, the truth? You think about it. You decide.

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    Where there is great love there is great harmony of thought.

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    Your thoughts are transparent.

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    You call it telepathy. The strategy of Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) made him a good student.

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    Death whispers your name to me.

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    Energy manipulation took place completely in mind,same way believing in telepathy caused telepathic abilities to grow STRONGER.

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    Defining moment in new telepathist's life, moment when intuitive individual learns most of society isn't telepathic, doesn't see auras,doesn't know what life on ethereal astral plane is like.

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    God, or the 99 Gods, can’t give out miracles to everyone without contradictions.  Give to one, take from another.  Prayer is pathetic, if you give it any thought.  Prayer is nothing but ‘I’m special, gimme what I want’ egotism run amok, exactly the sort of muddy thinking I expect from non-Telepaths.Nessa Binglehause

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    Hello, my name is Albany, and I have a telepathic connection with my twin sister, along with the ability to read minds.

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    In science fiction, telepaths often communicate across language barriers, since thoughts are considered to be universal. However, this might not be true. Emotions and feelings may well be nonverbal and universal, so that one could telepathically send them to anyone, but rational thinking is so closely tied to language that it is very unlikely that complex thoughts could be sent across language barriers. Words will still be sent telepathically in their original language.

  • By Anonym power to negative thoughts or fears was bringing ideas to life in physical world,idea in mind became emotion in heart,emotion turned into words spoken,written,painted,strummed across guitar strings,or vibrantly held note by Tibetan singing bowl, thoughts affected physical world.

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    How do you know she had sex?” Dallas asks. “Every time a penis touches Britain, I receive a telepathic notification.” “Oh,” Dallas says with a straight face. “Well that explains a lot.

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    It is your telepathic ability when a person crosses your mind at any point of the day. They came to mind for a reason. They may be attempting to reach out to you. We are all connected by a universal web of consciousness. Through a thread a message makes its way to the mind. One pluck of a string on the web and it sends a telegram through a single sensitive nerve that receives the message and transports it through the brain or heart depending upon the nature of the message and in which it resonates. We're all part of the same web.

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    Asleep you can experience many hours whilst only a few waking moments have passed. This is why dreams are an ideal platform for training.

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    I can read minds but I still don't understand women. Or men. Humans. I don't understand humans.

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    I feel part of the environment, not separate from it, as though I’m at home rather than visiting—as though I’m tapped into some eternal omnipresence beyond the transient physical forms.

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    If I let him touch me, it'd be like opening a one-way telepathic tunnel.

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    In spiritual communication, Mental telepathy Is the beginners' course.

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    I think it would be better to leave out the telepathic part.

    • telepathy quotes
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    It is raining.  The clock ticks.  I am leaning on my elbow.  The wind blows through the cracks.  The door rattles in its frame.  My arm is tired of staying in one position.  There is a pressure on the wrist.  My temple burns on one side.  I wonder what will happen next.  Someone laughs.  If he had heard the rain, the clock, and the door, he would have kept silent.  Had I been laughing, I would not have heard these things. Gaze into a cat's eye or a gorilla's.  You will notice a peculiar thing that will make you shudder.  sometimes cats claw at human eyes.  Some- times gorillas enrage. Telepathy and death are wound inextricably together.  To see why this is so, you must understand consciousness.  When, late at night in your bed, you hear a distant automobile, you and the driver are parts of yourself.  When you speak, you are alone and the listener is both you and himself.  Two men, one on the mountain and the other in the village, cannot communicate.  Each is looking into a mirror.  Wave, and *he* waves - shout, and *he* replies.  All of us see the same moon and feel the same heartbeat, but we can never admit it.  One says the moon is a pale disc, another that it is a satellite of the Earth, a third that it is a silver world.  My heart thumps, yours clatters, and his booms.  Consciousness is distortion. But much telepathy passes unnoticed.  Dogs in the night, a dream of Mabel, Dr. Rhines' dice games - these are self-conscious tricks that mean nothing.  What of the more obvious examples?  You know when another is lying.  You know who is going down the stair.  You know emotion without seeing it.  You know the intelligence of others.  Some sign gives them away.  It is coincidence?  Guessing games again?   Then think of what you could not possibly know, what no one could tell you.  Is there any doubt you do not know that fellow on the gibbet or the thought of that girl on the stake?  Watch someone die and you may read his mind at ease. You need not got so far.  We human beings understand one another better than we think.  Argue, deny, shout, denounce, destroy.  Nothing alters truth.  You, reader, see my flaws and concentrate on them.  You wonder why I choose this word and not that. My arguments are weak and you can drum up stronger ones against them.  But we are eye to eye for all of that.

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    My vision is to help each man, woman and child connect with their inherent psychic ability. I believe that each person has the potential to tap into their abilities and access them to empower their life and reach their full potential.

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    Man is better off without the confusion and fear of psychic experience and his progress will be faster.' If telepathy ever becomes a possibility he was not sure it would be a good thing, '...for it may put us back in contact with the spirits of the dead and progress does not lie in that direction.

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    ... one doesn't need telepathy to read your intentions.

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    People ask me where I got my x-ray powers. I inherited them from my parents in parental supervision. Erase the dots and your doubts if you think that I was 'raysed' alone.

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    [Psi waves travel far and wide Faster than the speed of light Limitless is their domain Time does not their rate detain.]

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    I wish my whispers are heard and requited as a storm... Because, the storm is that keeps me alive!

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    One's truest nature is often the hardest to fight.

    • telepathy quotes