Best 546 quotes in «journalism quotes» category

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    A historian is not always a prophet facing backwards, but a journalist is always someone who afterwards knew everything beforehand.

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    A journalist is a person who has mistaken their calling.

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    A journal should be neither an echo nor a pander.

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    Al journalism should be investigative, from football to cookery

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    Almost everything I've learned about journalism has been from other friends who are journalists, taking advantage of the money I hope they don't think they threw away at j-school. I studied comparative literature, but the professional vagaries of journalism I've learned through other people's trial and error, and my own.

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    American journalism is a class institution, serving the rich and spurning the poor.

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    Always verify your references.

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    American journalism's crazy old aunt in the attic.

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    And I started as a journalism major at Ohio State, ended up in theater and I love to read.

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    Among the reasons that you go into journalism, I suppose, are some rather idealistic, even foolish reasons. In my case one of the reasons was I wanted to explain how things really work, how political power really works.

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    An erudite is someone who displays less than he knows; a journalist or consultant the opposite.

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    And then I settled into the most natural thing for a man with no real talents. Journalism.

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    Any work of art that can be understood is the product of journalism.

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    Angry and frustrated, the journalists set about making bricks without straw.

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    Anonymous sources are a practice of American journalism in the 20th and 21st century, a relatively recent practice. The literary tradition of anonymity goes back to the Bible.

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    As the saying goes: "If you're not part of the solution, you're a newspaper columnist.

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    As a professional journalist, I have always been fascinated by people who appear to have even more spare time than I do.

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    As the newspaper industry continues to contract, one of the most commonly voiced fears is that serious investigative journalism will be among the victims of the scaleback. And, indeed, many newspapers are drastically reducing their investigative teams.

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    Basically, financial reporting is this sinking hole at the centre of journalism. You start by swimming around it until finally, reluctantly, you can't fight the pull anymore and you get sucked down the drain into the biz pages.

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    At the core of investigative journalism is exactly the same thing that drives a page-turning thriller: telling a great story.

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    Being a journalist, Hacker had no particular talent for reporting facts.

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    Choosing my favorite moment in journalism would be like picking a favorite among my children. I can't pick one favorite.

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    Chris Matthews can't start any sentence without 'Let me ask you this... ' And I love Chris Matthews! But almost everybody in journalism does it. Who's stopping you? Just say it!

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    Did Charity prevail, the press would prove A vehicle of virtue, truth, and love.

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    David [Halberstam] kept on doing what he did because he loved it. One of the obituaries I read quoted him as saying that he did journalism for the same reason the great Julius Irving did basketball: He loved doing it even when he was having a bad day.

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    Democracies succeed or fail based on their journalism.

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    ... Don [Hewitt, 60 Minutes exec producer] told me, "You have set broadcast journalism back 20 years." Naturally, I was both proud and elated although too modest to say so, but broadcast journalism recovered with alacrity, my contract wasn't renewed, and the incident was forgotten.

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    Documentaries are a form of journalism.

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    Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible.

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    For David Halberstam journalism was a calling, not a job. You couldn't fire him and he wouldn't quit.

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    For me, fishing and journalism touched the same places in my head. In comparison with that of poets, the fly fishers' and the journalists' experiences are probably pale flavors, but they carry nonetheless a hint of ambrosia.

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    For most folks, no news is good news; for the press, good news is not news.

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    For some decades now, it seems, there has been a ukase in place in American journalism to the effect that Canada is entitled to one story per season.

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    Freedom of the press is not questioned when investigative journalism unearths scandals, But that does not mean that every classified state document should be made available to journalists.

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    Generally speaking, the best people nowadays go into journalism, the second best into business, the rubbish into politics and the shits into law

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    God, newspapers have been making up stories forever. This kind of trifling and fooling around is not a function of the New Journalism.

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    Good journalism should challenge people, not just mindlessly amuse them.

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    Good journalism is good business practice; good business supports great journalism.

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    I am sure that I never read any memorable news in a newspaper.

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    I believe journalism is coming to be regarded as quite a respectable occupation for gentlemen nowadays.

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    Anyone that is able to put a high school film and gonzo journalism together, it's like, "Yes, please!

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    Every journalist owes tribute to the evil one.

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    Every newspaper editor owes tribute to the devil. [Fr., Tout faiseur de journaux doit tribut au Malin.]

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    Everything in journalism is about the detail that makes the whole, the attempts to reproduce speech patterns while not actually quoting the whole thing the person said.

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    [I am enthusiastic about journalism because] it's a craft that can ... galvanize an often complacent citizenry, and make a difference.

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    I believe that 'advocacy journalism' is not an oxymoron. If that means that I'm going to disrupt the cable, partisan fracas of obsession over what this means from left and right, then so be it. I will be disruptive of it.

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    I can only speak as an American, but most journalism here isn't doing its job any more. It's about selling stuff.

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    I expected to go into journalism or law.

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    I don't really like the way that journalism works in the UK anyway; it's all about getting the most shocking thing out of somebody and kind of twisting people's words, which isn't really journalism, as far as I'm concerned.

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    I don't believe in gutter politics. I don't believe in gutter journalism.